250 research outputs found

    Phase Structure of the 5D Abelian Higgs Model with Anisotropic Couplings

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    We establish the phase diagram of the five-dimensional anisotropic Abelian Higgs model by mean field techniques and Monte Carlo simulations. The anisotropy is encoded in the gauge couplings as well as in the Higgs couplings. In addition to the usual bulk phases (confining, Coulomb and Higgs) we find four-dimensional ``layered'' phases (3-branes) at weak gauge coupling, where the layers may be in either the Coulomb or the Higgs phase, while the transverse directions are confining.Comment: LaTeX (amssymb.sty and psfig) 21 pages, 17 figure

    Domain Walls and Metastable Vacua in Hot Orientifold Field Theories

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    We consider "Orientifold field theories", namely SU(N) gauge theories with Dirac fermions in the two-index representation at high temperature. When N is even these theories exhibit a spontaneously broken Z2 centre symmetry. We study aspects of the domain wall that interpolates between the two vacua of the theory. In particular we calculate its tension to two-loop order. We compare its tension to the corresponding domain wall in a SU(N) gauge theory with adjoint fermions and find an agreement at large-N, as expected from planar equivalence between the two theories. Moreover, we provide a non-perturbative proof for the coincidence of the tensions at large-N. We also discuss the vacuum structure of the theory when the fermion is given a large mass and argue that there exist N-2 metastable vacua. We calculate the lifetime of those vacua in the thin wall approximation.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures. v2: minor changes in the introduction section. to appear in JHE

    Properties of the deconfining phase transition in SU(N) gauge theories

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    We extend our earlier investigation of the finite temperature deconfinement transition in SU(N) gauge theories, with the emphasis on what happens as N->oo. We calculate the latent heat in the continuum limit, and find the expected quadratic in N behaviour at large N. We confirm that the phase transition, which is second order for SU(2) and weakly first order for SU(3), becomes robustly first order for N>3 and strengthens as N increases. As an aside, we explain why the SU(2) specific heat shows no sign of any peak as T is varied across what is supposedly a second order phase transition. We calculate the effective string tension and electric gluon masses at T=Tc confirming the discontinuous nature of the transition for N>2. We explicitly show that the large-N `spatial' string tension does not vary with T for T<Tc and that it is discontinuous at T=Tc. For T>Tc it increases as T-squared to a good approximation, and the k-string tension ratios closely satisfy Casimir Scaling. Within very small errors, we find a single Tc at which all the k-strings deconfine, i.e. a step-by-step breaking of the relevant centre symmetry does not occur. We calculate the interface tension but are unable to distinguish between linear or quadratic in N variations, each of which can lead to a striking but different N=oo deconfinement scenario. We remark on the location of the bulk phase transition, which bounds the range of our large-N calculations on the strong coupling side, and within whose hysteresis some of our larger-N calculations are performed.Comment: 50 pages, 14 figure

    Domain walls and perturbation theory in high temperature gauge theory: SU(2) in 2+1 dimensions

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    We study the detailed properties of Z_2 domain walls in the deconfined high temperature phase of the d=2+1 SU(2) gauge theory. These walls are studied both by computer simulations of the lattice theory and by one-loop perturbative calculations. The latter are carried out both in the continuum and on the lattice. We find that leading order perturbation theory reproduces the detailed properties of these domain walls remarkably accurately even at temperatures where the effective dimensionless expansion parameter, g^2/T, is close to unity. The quantities studied include the surface tension, the action density profiles, roughening and the electric screening mass. It is only for the last quantity that we find an exception to the precocious success of perturbation theory. All this shows that, despite the presence of infrared divergences at higher orders, high-T perturbation theory can be an accurate calculational tool.Comment: 75 pages, LaTeX, 14 figure

    Magnetic Z(N) symmetry in 2+1 dimensions

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    This review describes the role of magnetic symmetry in 2+1 dimensional gauge theories. In confining theories without matter fields in fundamental representation the magnetic symmetry is spontaneously broken. Under some mild assumptions, the low-energy dynamics is determined universally by this spontaneous breaking phenomenon. The degrees of freedom in the effective theory are magnetic vortices. Their role in confining dynamics is similar to that played by pions and sigma in the chiral symmetry breaking dynamics. I give an explicit derivation of the effective theory in (2+1)-dimensional weakly coupled confining models and argue that it remains qualitatively the same in strongly coupled (2+1)-dimensional gluodynamics. Confinement in this effective theory is a very simple classical statement about the long range interaction between topological solitons, which follows (as a result of a simple direct classical calculation) from the structure of the effective Lagrangian. I show that if fundamentally charged dynamical fields are present the magnetic symmetry becomes local rather than global. The modifications to the effective low energy description in the case of heavy dynamical fundamental matter are discussed. This effective lagrangian naturally yields a bag like description of baryonic excitations. I also discuss the fate of the magnetic symmetry in gauge theories with the Chern-Simons term

    A study of the 't Hooft loop in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory

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    We study the behaviour of the spatial and temporal 't Hooft loop at zero and finite temperature in the 4D SU(2) Yang-Mills theory, using a new numerical method. In the deconfined phase T>TcT>T_c, the spatial 't Hooft loop exhibits a dual string tension, which vanishes at TcT_c with 3D Ising-like critical exponent.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    The chicken or the egg; or Who ordered the chiral phase transition?

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    We draw an analogy between the deconfining transition in the 2+1 dimensional Georgi-Glashow model and the chiral phase transition in 3+1 dimensional QCD. Based on the detailed analysis of the former (hep-th/0010201) we suggest that the chiral symmetry restoration in QCD at high temperature is driven by the thermal ensemble of baryons and anti-baryons. The chiral symmetry is restored when roughly half of the volume is occupied by the baryons. Surprisingly enough, even though baryons are rather heavy, a crude estimate for the critical temperature gives Tc=180T_c=180 Mev. In this scenario the binding of the instantons is not the cause but rather a consequence of the chiral symmetry restoration.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, comments about chiral symmetry at finite nuclear density are adde

    Casimir scaling of domain wall tensions in the deconfined phase of D=3+1 SU(N) gauge theories

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    We perform lattice calculations of the spatial 't Hooft k-string tensions in the deconfined phase of SU(N) gauge theories for N=2,3,4,6. These equal (up to a factor of T) the surface tensions of the domain walls between the corresponding (Euclidean) deconfined phases. For T much larger than Tc our results match on to the known perturbative result, which exhibits Casimir Scaling, being proportional to k(N-k). At lower T the coupling becomes stronger and, not surprisingly, our calculations show large deviations from the perturbative T-dependence. Despite this we find that the behaviour proportional to k(N-k) persists very accurately down to temperatures very close to Tc. Thus the Casimir Scaling of the 't Hooft tension appears to be a `universal' feature that is more general than its appearance in the low order high-T perturbative calculation. We observe the `wetting' of these k-walls at T around Tc and the (almost inevitable) `perfect wetting' of the k=N/2 domain wall. Our calculations show that as T tends to Tc the magnitude of the spatial `t Hooft string tension decreases rapidly. This suggests the existence of a (would-be) 't Hooft string condensation transition at some temperature which is close to but below Tc. We speculate on the `dual' relationship between this and the (would-be) confining string condensation at the Hagedorn temperature that is close to but above Tc.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figure

    't Hooft Loops, Electric Flux Sectors and Confinement in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory

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    We use 't Hooft loops of maximal size on finite lattices to calculate the free energy in the sectors of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with fixed electric flux as a function of temperature and (spatial) volume. Our results provide evidence for the mass gap. The confinement of electric fluxes in the low temperature phase and their condensation in the high temperature phase are demonstrated. In a surprisingly large scaling window around criticality, the transition is quantitatively well described by universal exponents and amplitude ratios relating the properties of the two phases.Comment: 5 Pages, LaTeX 2.09 (uses revtex v3.1), 5 Figures (epsfig), revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Decoupling of Layers in the Three-dimensional Abelian Higgs Model

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    The Abelian Higgs model with anisotropic couplings in 2+1 dimensions is studied in both the compact and non-compact formulations. Decoupling of the space-like planes takes place in the extreme anisotropic limit, so charged particles and gauge fields are presumably localized within these planes. The behaviour of the model under the influence of an external magnetic field is examined in the compact case and yields further characterization of the phases.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, plain late