3,118 research outputs found

    Personal Identity and Practical Reason: The Failure of Kantian Replies to Parfit

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    ABSTRACT: This essay examines and criticizes a set of Kantian objections to Parfit's attempt in Reasons and Persons to connect his theory of personal identity to practical rationality and moral philosophy. Several of Parfit's critics have tried to sever the link he forges between his metaphysical and practical conclusions by invoking the Kantian thought that even if we accept his metaphysical theory of personal identity, we still have good practical grounds for rejecting that theory when deliberating about what to do. The argument between Parfit and his opponents illuminates broader questions about the relationship between our metaphysical beliefs and ourpractical reasons.RÉSUMÉ: Cet article examine et critique un ensemble d'objections kantiennes Ă  la tentative de Parfit, dans Reasons and Persons, d'ajuster sa thĂ©orie de l'identitĂ© personnelle Ă  la rationalitĂ© pratique et Ă  la philosophie morale. Plusieurs des critiques de Parfit ont essayĂ© de rompre le lien qu'il tisse entre ses conclusions mĂ©taphysiques et pratiques en Ă©voquant l'idĂ©e kantienne selon -laquelle, mĂȘme si nous acceptons sa thĂ©orie mĂ©taphysique de l'identitĂ© personnelle, il existe cependant de bonnes raisons pratiques de rejeter cette thĂ©orie lorsque nous dĂ©libĂ©rons Ă  propos de ce que nous devons faire. Le dĂ©bat entre Parfit et ses adversaires nous Ă©claire sur un questionnement plus large Ă  propos du rapport entre croyance mĂ©taphysique et raison pratique

    The Claims of Animals and the Needs of Strangers: Two Cases of Imperfect Right

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    This paper argues for a conception of the natural rights of non-human animals grounded in Kant’s explanation of the foundation of human rights. The rights in question are rights that are in the first instance held against humanity collectively speaking—against our species conceived as an organized body capable of collective action. The argument proceeds by first developing a similar case for the right of every human individual who is in need of aid to get it, and then showing why the situation of animals is similar. I first review some of the reasons why people are resistant to the idea that animals might have rights. I then explain Kant’s conception of natural rights. I challenge the idea that duties of aid and duties of kindness to animals fit the traditional category of “imperfect duties” and argue that they are instead cases of “imperfect right.” I explain how you can hold a right against a group, and why it is legitimate to conceive of humanity as such a group. I then argue that Kant’s account of the foundation of property rights is grounded in a conception of the common possession of the Earth that grounds a right to aid and the rights of animals to be treated in ways that are consistent with their good. Finally, I return to the objections to the idea that animals have rights and offer some responses to them

    Organic fruit production in Denmark

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    Organic agriculture covers app. 6% of the Danish agricultural land. There are app. 200 fruit- and berry growers, totally they grow app. 350 ha, which are 5 percent of the total Danish area grown with fruit and berries. Converting to organic agriculture are national subsidised. At the moment the yearly subsidy is 291 GBP to 49 GBP pr. ha depending on the type of farm. Pear and especially apple production are huge challenges to the Danish growers, as the humid climate favours apple scab and other diseases. It has not been a profitable production up till now. To control scab infections some growers use sulphur. In Denmark it has been forbidden to use copper since 1995. Organic strawberry production is profitable in Denmark. The main variety is ‘Honeoye’, which is quite resistant to diseases. If total conversion of the Danish fruit and berry productions happened in 1998 the apple yield would have decreased with 86 percent. Black currant and pear yield would be reduced with more than 50 percent. Strawberries would keep the highest yield compared to conventional production. There are many ongoing organic trails in apples, some in black currants and a few in prunus and strawberries

    Bierne, har de det godt hos dig?

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    InsektbestĂžvning giver en god kvalitet og godt udbytte i de fleste afgrĂžder

    Den usĂŠdvanlige vĂŠkstsĂŠson 2017/2018

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    Resume af vĂŠkstsĂŠson 2017/201

    Vejret i vĂŠkstsĂŠsonen 2016-2017

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    Resumé af vejret i vÊkstsÊsonen 2016-201

    Strategic irrigation can reduce apple scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cke.)Wint.)

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    Several Danish organic orchards seek methods to prevent scab without spraying. In the years 2011-2013 a new strategy was tested: Irrigation with water at strategic moments to prevent scab infection
