16 research outputs found

    Tularemia under Histological and Immunohistochemistry Examinations

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    Francisella tularensis is the aetiological agent of tularemia. Hares, rabbits, and small rodents are the main hosts. Humans can be infected and develop severe clinical symptoms. The occurrence of tularemia was studied with histological and immunohistochemistry examinations in 257 Lepus europaeus tissue samples in different parts of Macedonia (FYROM). Francisella tularensis seems to be an important pathogen in the surveyed area.The postmortem findings in hares dying of tularemia were characterized by focal coagulative necrosis in liver, spleen and bone marrow, with high numbers of gram-positive bacteria for Francisellatularensis. In Lepus europaeus tissue samples the most characteristic findings were hemorrhagic enteritis and typhlitis, although necrotic lesions could occur in liver, spleen and bone marrow. The presence of granulomatous inflammation was used as an indicator of Francisellatularensis infection. Further samples are being analyzed and advanced tests will be used in order to identify the most proper and affordable screening and confirmatory tests for monitoring the epidemiological situation of Francisellatularensisinfection. The sampling of tissues and organs is a simple process, less costly and more effective for the evaluation ofcases of tularemia in the population of rabbits under histological and immunohistochemistry examinations. Postmortem histological and immunohistochemical examinations were the simplest methods of work.Keywords: Tularemia, Francisellatularensis, Lepus europaeus, tissue samples

    Statistical Analysis of Biochemichal Liver Profil of Ursus arctor in Albania

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    In this study, we have made the biochemical examination of liver, with biochemical analyzer Cobas for 18 bars (n = 18) of the race Ursus arctor. For all the results we have executed the statistical evaluation by using the computer program SSPS17 version. From the basic features, we have evaluated the main characteristic: the mean, standard error of the mean, standard deviation, variance, mode, skewness and kurtosis different percentiles. Also, we have used box plot for graphical presentation of different percentiles and histogram of the distribution of the data and plot of the Normal distribution of these data. The statistic biochemical indicators of liver show a general value about meridians values for GPT, GOT, GGT, and TP. The deviations from meridian values were noted only for CK. The variations in indicators of CRP condition the physiological, age and breeding conditions. The variations in glucose values highlighted the diversity of conditions in captivity breeding bears.Keywords: mean, normal distribution, kurtosis, skewness, percentage


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    Tularemia is a communicable bacterial disease which affects both humans and animals. Recently, there are reported severe human cases in Kosovo, Montenegro, the Northern part of Albania and Macedonia. The European brown hare (Lepus europaeus) plays an important role as reservoirs of Francisella tularensis infection. In order to study the prevalence of F. tularensis infection we designed a longitudinal study in hares based on both agglutination test and histopathological results. In this study, we report the preliminary results based on tested samples submitted during 2014-2015 and Spring 2016. Samples are taken from different villages of Fyrom Macedonia such as: Debresh, Nerove, Allbance, Presille, Bellushine, Haracine, Tearce etc.. The serologic test by using F. tularensis antigen was performed at the infectious & wildlife diseases laboratories, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Tirana. In addition, we described gross lesions in suspected cases. 14 out of 127 samples were positive in agglutination test Presence of granulomatous inflammation was used as an indicator of F. tularensis infection. Further samples are being analyzed and advanced tests will be used in order to identify the most proper and affordable screening and confirmatory tests for monitoring the epidemiological situation of F. tularensis infection. Despite the serologic test, postmortem examination, Histological examination were also realized. We are in the process of realizing histological examination and bacteria isolation

    Application of Immunohistochemical Avidin-Biotin Complex Method (IMHC-ABC) for the Identification of Tularemia Agent in the Tissues of Wild Hare Flesh in FYRoM

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    The study presents the results achieved from the application of the immunohistochemical avidin-biotin complex method (IMHC-ABC) or the assessment of the risk of the presence of the Tularemia antigen in the flesh of hares haunted by the hunters in some of the regions of Macedonia, the ex-republic of Yugoslavia. The study indicates the method applied in 70 samples taken from the hares killed by the hunters, as well as some samples taken from the restaurants which offer in their menu. The study results with the identification of 4 positive cases with Tularemia from the samples submitted to this check. The check is significant, as it presents a method of assessment of the risk of the meat of the hares with the presence of this zoonotic disease, as well as it exposes a method which has not been applied before for this disease in the region.Keywords:  Immunohistochemical, avidin-biotin method, tularemia, FYROM-Macedonia, IMHC


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    In this duty were performed the immunohistochemical examinations of 295 tissues and organs of suspected rabbits and 70 specimens from the tissues of the rabbits killed by the hunters in Macedonia in the regions of Dibresh, Nerove, Allbance, Presille, Bellushine, Haracine, Tearce etc.. These samples were collected from the shops and the restaurants which served rabbit meat in theor menu. The number of collected samples was considerable considering that the population of the above mentioned areas prefers mostly the consume of the wild rabbit meat. The meat of wild rabbit is consumed by the hunters and their families as well as some luxurious restaurants. The meat of wild rabbit in Macedonia is used also in touristic areas. The collected samples were sent at the SKE Lab at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in which were realized 70 formalin-fixed samples according to the protocol which accompanied the Kit. Based on the fat of the kidneys, the carcasses were analyzed in three categories (good, moderated weak) The tissue samples were collected to be examined fresh or stored in 10% buffered formalin for histological and immunohistochemical examination. From the organ samles were prepared microscopic stripes that were stained with the classic hematoxylin eosin and ABC method. The prepared stripes were examined in a light microscope laboratory. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) model Avidin Biotin Complex (ABC), IHC-ABC, was applied and detected by microscopy the presence of F-tularensis lipopolysaccharide antigens in the rabbit tissue sections. Positive with a lesion in the organ resulted 12 samples (0.6%) of the examined tissues with immunohistochemistry were found to be be affected at least one of the observed organs. The total of the immunohistologic positive samples was dominated by the lung with 5 positive cases. The presence of macroscopy hotbeds was visible with white colour and in the nodules with diameter of 0,1-1,0 cm in special organs or more than one organ. The hunters should be warmed for the presence of tularemia. The presence of the macroscopically visible grey colored in white hotbeds in the nodules with diameters of  0.1 -1.0 cm in the body, more or less the same as the paralyzing agent and the agent for the presence of tularemia. The results of the immunohistochemical examination are presented considerably lower compared with the results of the same alternative, but in rabbit samples that resulted seropositive. Only 12 samples (0.6%) of the examined tissues with the immunohistocation of rabbits were found positive with a lesion in the organs where they were found to be affected at least in one of the observed organs.Keywords: Wild rabbit, meat, samples, methods, Macedonia

    Presence of Tick Species as the Vector of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Kosovo

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    There is strong evidence that the species of the tick are implicated in the ecology and epidemiology of CCHF in Kosovo. The data suggest that the domestic animals, especially the sheep, should be considered the principal host of adult tick as the vector of virus. The tick were collected from the sheep in the two municipality in endemic area Malisheve (village Astrozub) 44 sample and non-endemic municipality Pristine (village Graqanica and Hajkoil) 158 samples. That was examined for the presence of different species of tick. From the 202 collected tick, prevalent was genus Rhipicephalus spp. with 157 cases and 1 cases genus Haemophisalis spp. in non-endemic municipality Prishtina. In endemic municipality Malisheve prevalent was the genus Hyalomma spp. with the 27 cases, Ixodes spp. 13 cases and 2 cases genus Haemophisalis spp.. Determination and specification of the samples of tick was done using guide Estrada-Pena at al (2004).Keywords: CCHF, Tick, Genus, Vector, Kosovo, etc

    Presence of Tick Species as the Vector of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Kosovo

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    There is strong evidence that the species of the tick are implicated in the ecology and epidemiology of CCHF in Kosovo. The data suggest that the domestic animals, especially the sheep, should be considered the principal host of adult tick as the vector of virus. The tick were collected from the sheep in the two municipality in endemic area Malisheve (village Astrozub) 44 sample and non-endemic municipality Pristine (village Graqanica and Hajkoil) 158 samples. That was examined for the presence of different species of tick. From the 202 collected tick, prevalent was genus Rhipicephalus spp. with 157 cases and 1 cases genus Haemophisalis spp. in non-endemic municipality Prishtina. In endemic municipality Malisheve prevalent was the genus Hyalomma spp. with the 27 cases, Ixodes spp. 13 cases and 2 cases genus Haemophisalis spp.. Determination and specification of the samples of tick was done using guide Estrada-Pena at al (2004)

    Sheep as the Hosts of the CCHF and Tick in Kosovo

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    Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHFF) virus which cause danger disease in country of Balkan. But this disease is none in Asia, Africa, South Europe in Kosova, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, and Serbia. There is strong evidence that the Kosova sheep appear to play a role as virus and tick-vector host. There is evidence for presence of the tick genus Hyalomma, Rhipicephalus, Ixodes, and Haemophisalis. We were collected and identify 202 ticks from 2 municipality Prishtina and Malisheva area sheep. There is confirmed that the genus Hyalomma as the principal vector of CCHFV in endemic area of Malisheva municipality with 7%, and Rhipicephalus as the principal vector of CCHFV non-endemic areas of Pristine with 90 %. We also confirm that the high presence of tick in endemic area Malisheve species Hyalomma (7%), Ixodes (2,5%), Haemophisalis (0,5%) and Rhipicephalus (90%) in non-endemic Pristine area. We also tested sheep from 5 municipalities as Peja, Gjakova, Junik, Prishtina, and Hani Elezit. It was tested 137 blood samples of sheep with the immunological ELISA method. Specific IgG antibody were detected in all sampled municipality and detected high prevalence in municipality Gjakova 100% and Prishtina 83,33%, followed with Peja 25%, Hani Elezit 12% and Junik 10%. In basis of result which we receive, we can conclude that the CCHFV is present and circulate in sheep of Kosova municipality in border of Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia

    Harmonizing methods for wildlife abundance estimation and pathogen detection in Europe-a questionnaire survey on three selected host-pathogen combinations

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    __Background:__ The need for wildlife health surveillance as part of disease control in wildlife, domestic animals and humans on the global level is widely recognized. However, the objectives, methods and intensity of existing wildlife health surveillance programs vary greatly among European countries, resulting in a patchwork of data that are difficult to merge and compare. This survey aimed at evaluating the need and potential for data harmonization in wildlife health in Europe. The specific objective was to collect information on methods currently used to estimate host abundance and pathogen prevalence. Questionnaires were designed t