17 research outputs found

    The experience of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in soft tissue radionecrosis: a case report

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    Radiation's late effects may lead to complex and potentially devastating complications in normal tissue. In many cases, resulting radionecrotic lesions seriously impair form and function which may be life-threatening and more devastating than primary malignant disease. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is being used for treatment of radionecrosis for the last twenty years and is included in indication list of two important scientific committees, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) and European Commitee for Hyperbaric Medicine (ECHM). In this report, we present an upper outside quadrant of the breast-soft tissue radionecrosis case which treated with HBO. The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygenation was followed by LENT/SOMA scoring. After 40 sessions of daily 90 minutes of HBO therapy at 2.0 ATA (athmosphere absolute) in a monoplace pressure chamber, the LENT/SOMA scoring which was 23/1.642 (LENT score 1/2) on admission found to be 12/0.857 by the end of the therapy and 4/0.285 on sixth month control examinations

    Are pulmonary bleb and bullae a contraindication for hyperbaric oxygen treatment?

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    Background: Air cysts or blebs in the lungs may predispose pulmonary barotrauma (PBT) by causing air trapping when there is a change in environmental pressure. The changes in the environmental pressure are also seen during hyperbaric oxygen treatments (HBOT)

    Fat embolism syndrome after lower extremity replantation associated with tibia fracture: case report

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    We report a patient who was diagnosed as fat embolism syndrome after replantation surgery of left amputated foot. This diagnosis was based on the presence of a long bone fracture with an amputation of a major extremity, supported by the signs of pulmonary and cerebral dysfunction and confirmed by the demonstration of arterial hypoxemia in the absence of other disorders

    The Effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in an Established Intracerebral Tumor Model

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    Objective: Gliomas are the most common brain tumor in adults. Tumor-related endothelial cells are of neoplastic nature and have malignantproperties such as proliferation and invasion. Therefore, antiangiogenic approaches have several advantages compared with conventional chemotherapeutic approaches. The target of antiangiogenic treatment is to ensure a decrease in systemic side effects because there are endothelial cells and other supportive cells belonging to the vessel walls. The purpose of this study was to increase the oxygenation of the environment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and to prevent the angiogenic effect of hypoxia-related factors. We also tried to prevent angiogenesis by using sorafenib (SOR), which is a chemotherapeutic agent that blocks the receptors of these factors. Also, this study compared the effect of these both and to put into for their effect. In this regard, parameters such as the tumor size, vascularization rate, midkine (MK), apoptosis- and angiogenesis-related transcription tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alfa, and IL6 were compared in the relevant groups