6 research outputs found

    Study into the dependence of the Co-60 and Lu-177g production efficiency on the energy structure of neutron flux density

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    At present, the existing approaches to production of artificial isotopes are mostly based on the development experience from previous years. This work aims to develop an algorithm for selecting the most effective irradiation modes for target materials. The study is based on sequential modeling of irradiation of target isotopes by neutrons of different ‘single-group’ fluxes at the same neutron flux density within each energy group (BNAB-93). In this study, a flux density equal to 2×1015 n/(cm2×s) was used for each energy group. This approach will help ‘designing’ and selecting the actual neutron spectrum that has the highest efficiency compared to alternatives. The study modelled Co-60 and Lu-177g production for each energy group. The kinetics was analyzed in the most efficient groups in terms of specific activity. The maximum specific activity for Co-60 is reached in group 17 and is equal to 1 kCi/g. For the scheme of Lu-177g production through Lu-176 the maximum specific activity is reached in group 26 and is equal to 58.5 kCi/g. For the scheme of Lu-177g production through Yb-176, the maximum specific activity is reached in group 17 and is equal to 260 Ci/g, advantageous for production are groups 15–17 and 26

    ï»żComparison of the minor actinide transmutation efficiency in models of a fast neutron uranium-thorium fueled reactor

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    In terms of nuclear raw materials, the issue of involving thorium in the fuel cycle is hardly very relevant. However, in view of the large-scale nuclear power development, the use of thorium seems to be quite natural and reasonable. The substitution of traditional uranium-plutonium fuel for uranium-thorium fuel in fast neutron reactors will significantly reduce the production of minor actinides, which will make it attractive for the transmutation of long-lived radioactive isotopes of americium, curium and neptunium that have already been and are still being accumulated. Due to the absence of uranium-233 in nature, the use of thorium in the nuclear power industry requires a closed fuel cycle. At the initial stage of developing the uranium-thorium cycle, it is proposed to use uranium-235 instead of uranium-233 as nuclear fuel. Studies have been carried out on the transmutation of minor actinides in a fast neutron reactor in which the uranium-thorium cycle is implemented. Several options for the structure of the core of such a reactor have been considered. It has been shown that heterogeneous placement of americium leads to higher rates of its transmutation than homogeneous placement does

    ï»żComparison of the minor actinide transmutation efficiency in models of a fast neutron uranium-thorium fueled reactor

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    In terms of nuclear raw materials, the issue of involving thorium in the fuel cycle is hardly very relevant. However, in view of the large-scale nuclear power development, the use of thorium seems to be quite natural and reasonable. The substitution of traditional uranium-plutonium fuel for uranium-thorium fuel in fast neutron reactors will significantly reduce the production of minor actinides, which will make it attractive for the transmutation of long-lived radioactive isotopes of americium, curium and neptunium that have already been and are still being accumulated. Due to the absence of uranium-233 in nature, the use of thorium in the nuclear power industry requires a closed fuel cycle. At the initial stage of developing the uranium-thorium cycle, it is proposed to use uranium-235 instead of uranium-233 as nuclear fuel. Studies have been carried out on the transmutation of minor actinides in a fast neutron reactor in which the uranium-thorium cycle is implemented. Several options for the structure of the core of such a reactor have been considered. It has been shown that heterogeneous placement of americium leads to higher rates of its transmutation than homogeneous placement does

    ï»żComputational simulation of minor actinide burning in a BN-600 reactor with fuel without uranium and plutonium

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    The paper presents the results of studies on the burning of minor actinides (MA) extracted from SNF of thermal reactors in a BN-600 reactor, which uses the complete set of MAs instead of traditional nuclear fuel types: uranium and/or plutonium. The advantages of such approach to MA burning are that long-lived waste is recycled and energy is produced that can be used, e.g., to generate electricity. Besides, where, e.g., a reactor with uranium or MOX fuel is used for transmutation, apart from burning “foreign” minor actinides, it will additionally generate “its own” MAs. The studies have shown that such reactor can be efficient only if based on fast neutrons, which is due to the specific properties of the minor actinide neutron capture and fission cross-sections as compared with traditional fuel nuclides. The calculation results have shown rather a high rate of MA transmutation and burning in a reactor fueled with minor actinides

    Multi-criteria analysis of the efficiency of scenarios for the development of the Russian nuclear industry in view of the uncertain prospects for the future

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    Multi-criteria analysis is used in many areas of research where it is required to compare several alternatives according to a selected set of criteria. Of particular interest is the application of this method for a comparative assessment of the efficiency of scenarios for the development of innovative nuclear systems. The article proposes an approach to the computational substantiation of the step-by-step transfer of the Russian nuclear industry to a two-component nuclear energy system (NES) with a centralized closed nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) based on the multi-criteria analysis method. At the same time, consideration is given to options for the development of the domestic nuclear industry in view of the uncertain prospects for the future. Taking into account various trends in the nuclear energy development, the authors identify the following three groups of possible scenarios. The first group includes ‘growing’ scenarios in which the number of units and their total installed capacity grow over time. The second group assumes that after a certain time of growth of the installed capacities, the stationary level will be reached, in which there will be no time-dependent capacity changes. The third group simulates a decrease in the installed nuclear energy capacities in the country after some growth. To select the most preferable ways of technological development and assess the efficiency of a nuclear energy system, a limited set of selection criteria and performance indicators are used, covering the economy, export potential, competitiveness, efficient SNF and RW management, natural uranium consumption, and innovative development potential. An important part of this work was a detailed analysis of the uncertainties in the weights and input data used to derive the criteria

    Multi-criteria analysis of the efficiency of scenarios for the development of the Russian nuclear industry in view of the uncertain prospects for the future

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    Multi-criteria analysis is used in many areas of research where it is required to compare several alternatives according to a selected set of criteria. Of particular interest is the application of this method for a comparative assessment of the efficiency of scenarios for the development of innovative nuclear systems. The article proposes an approach to the computational substantiation of the step-by-step transfer of the Russian nuclear industry to a two-component nuclear energy system (NES) with a centralized closed nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) based on the multi-criteria analysis method. At the same time, consideration is given to options for the development of the domestic nuclear industry in view of the uncertain prospects for the future. Taking into account various trends in the nuclear energy development, the authors identify the following three groups of possible scenarios. The first group includes ‘growing’ scenarios in which the number of units and their total installed capacity grow over time. The second group assumes that after a certain time of growth of the installed capacities, the stationary level will be reached, in which there will be no time-dependent capacity changes. The third group simulates a decrease in the installed nuclear energy capacities in the country after some growth. To select the most preferable ways of technological development and assess the efficiency of a nuclear energy system, a limited set of selection criteria and performance indicators are used, covering the economy, export potential, competitiveness, efficient SNF and RW management, natural uranium consumption, and innovative development potential. An important part of this work was a detailed analysis of the uncertainties in the weights and input data used to derive the criteria