830 research outputs found

    Openings of the rat recombinant alpha1 homomeric glycine receptor as a function of the number of sgonist molecules bound

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    The functional properties of rat homomeric {alpha}1 glycine receptors were investigated using whole-cell and outside-out recording from human embryonic kidney cells transfected with rat {alpha}1 subunit cDNA. Whole-cell dose-response curves gave EC50 estimates between 30 and 120 µM and a Hill slope of ~3.3. Single channel recordings were obtained by steady-state application of glycine (0.3, 1, or 10 µM) to outside-out patches. Single channel conductances were mostly 60–90 pS, but smaller conductances of ~40 pS were also seen (10% of the events) with a relative frequency that did not depend on agonist concentration. The time constants of the apparent open time distributions did not vary with agonist concentration, but short events were more frequent at low glycine concentrations. There was also evidence of a previously missed short-lived open state that was more common at lower glycine concentrations. The time constants for the different components of the burst length distributions were found to have similar values at different concentrations. Nevertheless, the mean burst length increased with increasing glycine. This was because the relative area of each burst-length component was concentration dependent and short bursts were favored at lower glycine concentrations. Durations of adjacent open and shut times were found to be strongly (negatively) correlated. Additionally, long bursts were made up of longer than average openings separated by short gaps, whereas short bursts usually consisted of single isolated short openings. The most plausible explanation for these findings is that long bursts are generated when a higher proportion of the five potential agonist binding sites on the receptor is occupied by glycine. On the basis of the concentration dependence and the intraburst structure we provide a preliminary kinetic scheme for the activation of the homomeric glycine receptor, in which any number of glycine molecules from one to five can open the channel, although not with equal efficiency

    Single channel study of the spasmodic mutation α1A52S in recombinant rat glycine receptors

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    Inherited defects in glycine receptors lead to hyperekplexia, or startle disease. A mutant mouse, spasmodic, that has a startle phenotype, has a point mutation (A52S) in the glycine receptor α1 subunit. This mutation reduces the sensitivity of the receptor to glycine, but the mechanism by which this occurs is not known. We investigated the properties of A52S recombinant receptors by cell-attached patch clamp recording of single-channel currents elicited by 30 – 10000 μM glycine. We used heteromeric receptors, which resemble those found at adult inhibitory synapses. Activation mechanisms were fitted directly to single channel data using the HJCFIT method, which includes an exact correction for missed events. In common with wildtype receptors, only mechanisms with three binding sites and extra shut states could describe the observations. The most physically plausible of these, the ‘flip’ mechanism, suggests that pre-opening isomerisation to the flipped conformation that follows binding is less favoured in mutant than in wild-type receptors, and, especially, that the flipped conformation has a 100-fold lower affinity for glycine than in wildtype receptors. In contrast, the efficacy of the gating reaction was similar to that of wild-type heteromeric receptors. The reduction in affinity for the flipped conformation accounts for the reduction in apparent cooperativity seen in the mutant receptor (without having to postulate interaction between the binding sites) and it accounts for the increased EC50 for responses to glycine that is seen in mutant receptors. This mechanism also predicts accurately the faster decay of synaptic currents that is observed in spasmodic mice

    The activation mechanism of alpha 1 homomeric glycine receptors

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    The glycine receptor mediates fast synaptic inhibition in the spinal cord and brainstem. Its activation mechanism is not known, despite the physiological importance of this receptor and the fact that it can serve as a prototype for other homopentameric channels. We analyzed single-channel recordings from rat recombinant alpha1 glycine receptors by fitting different mechanisms simultaneously to sets of sequences of openings at four glycine concentrations (10-1000 muM). The adequacy of the mechanism and the rate constants thus fitted was judged by examining how well these described the observed dwell-time distributions, open-shut correlation, and single-channel P-open dose-response curve. We found that gating efficacy increased as more glycine molecules bind to the channel, but maximum efficacy was reached when only three (of five) potential binding sites are occupied. Successive binding steps are not identical, implying that binding sites can interact while the channel is shut. These interactions can be interpreted in the light of the topology of the binding sites within a homopentamer

    Single-channel behavior of heteromeric α1β glycine receptors: an attempt to detect a conformational change before the channel opens

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    The α1β heteromeric receptors are likely to be the predominant synaptic form of glycine receptors in the adult. Their activation mechanism was investigated by fitting putative mechanisms to single-channel recordings obtained at four glycine concentrations (10-1000 µM) from rat {alpha}1{beta} receptors, expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. The adequacy of each mechanism, with its fitted rate constants, was assessed by comparing experimental dwell time distributions, open-shut correlations, and the concentration-open probability (Popen) curve with the predictions of the model. A good description was obtained only if the mechanism had three glycine binding sites, allowed both partially and fully liganded openings, and predicted the presence of open-shut correlations. A strong feature of the data was the appearance of an increase in binding affinity as more glycine molecules bind, before the channel opens. One interpretation of this positive binding cooperativity is that binding sites interact, each site sensing the state of ligation of the others. An alternative, and novel, explanation is that agonist binding stabilizes a higher affinity form of the receptor that is produced by a conformational change ("flip") that is separate from, and precedes, channel opening. Both the "interaction" scheme and the flip scheme describe our data well, but the latter has fewer free parameters and above all it offers a mechanism for the affinity increase. Distinguishing between the two mechanisms will be important for our understanding of the structural dynamics of activation in the nicotinic superfamily and is important for our understanding of mutations in these receptors

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    Tomato spotted wilt virus glycoproteins induce the formation of endoplasmic reticulum- and Golgi-derived pleomorphic membrane structures in plant cells

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    Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) particles are spherical and enveloped, an uncommon feature among plant infecting viruses. Previous studies have shown that virus particle formation involves the enwrapment of ribonucleoproteins with viral glycoprotein containing Golgi stacks. In this study, the localization and behaviour of the viral glycoproteins Gn and Gc were analysed, upon transient expression in plant protoplasts. When separately expressed, Gc was solely observed in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), whereas Gn was found both within the ER and Golgi membranes. Upon co-expression, both glycoproteins were found at ER-export sites and ultimately at the Golgi complex, confirming the ability of Gn to rescue Gc from the ER, possibly due to heterodimerization. Interestingly, both Gc and Gn were shown to induce the deformation of ER and Golgi membranes, respectively, also observed upon co-expression of the two glycoproteins. The behaviour of both glycoproteins within the plant cell and the phenomenon of membrane deformation are discussed in light of the natural process of viral infectio

    Development of a locus-specific, co-dominant SCAR marker for assisted-selection of the Sw-5 (Tospovirus resistance) gene cluster in a wide range of tomato accessions

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    The best levels of broad-spectrum Tospovirus resistance reported in tomatoes thus far are conferred by the Sw-5 locus. This locus contains at least five paralogues (denoted Sw-5a through Sw-5e), of which Sw-5b represents the actual resistance gene. Here we evaluated a panel of seven PCR primer pairs matching different sequences within a genomic region spanning the Sw-5a and Sw-5b gene cluster. Primer efficiency evaluation was done employing tomato isolines with and without the Sw-5 locus. One primer pair produced a single and co-dominant polymorphism between susceptible and resistant isolines. Sequence analysis of these amplicons indicated that they were specific for the Sw-5 locus and their differences were due to insertions/deletions. The polymorphic SCAR amplicon encompass a conserved sequence of the promoter region of the functional Sw-5b gene, being located in the position -31 from its open reading frame. This primer pair was also evaluated in field assays and with a collection of accessions known to be either susceptible or resistant to tospoviruses. An almost complete correlation was found between resistance under greenhouse/field conditions and the presence of the marker. Therefore, this primer pair is a very useful tool in marker-assisted selection systems in a large range of tomato accessions

    Detection of eight different tospovirus species by a monoclonal antibody against the common epitope of NSs protein

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    Rabbit antisera against the nucleocapsid protein (NP) have been commonly used for detection of tospoviruses and classification into serogroups or serotypes. Mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) with high specificity to the NPs have also been widely used to identify tospovirus species. Recently, a serogroup-specific MAb against the NSs protein of Watermelon silver mottle virus (WSMoV) was produced by our laboratory to react with five members of WSMoV serogroup, i.e., WSMoV, Capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV), Calla lily chlorotic spot virus (CCSV), Peanut bud necrosis virus (PBNV) and Watermelon bud necrosis virus (WBNV). The epitope recognized by the NSs MAb was determined and the comparison with the reported sequences of tospoviral NSs proteins revealed that the epitope is highly conserved at the N-terminal region of NSs proteins among members of WSMoV and Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV) serogroups, and Melon yellow spot virus (MYSV) serotype. When the NSs MAb was further used to react with the crude antigens of MYSV serotype, IYSV and Tomato yellow ring virus (TYRV) of IYSV serogroup, strong serological reactions, both in ELISA and western blotting, were observed. Thus, our results indicated that the NSs MAb is a useful and convenient tool for detection of the eight tospovirus species. It is also suggested that these eight Asian-type tospoviruses, i.e., WSMoV, CaCV, CCSV, PBNV, WBNV, MYSV, IYSV and TYRV, may share a common evolutionary ancesto

    Quantitative GPCR and ion channel transcriptomics in primary alveolar macrophages and macrophage surrogates

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    Background: Alveolar macrophages are one of the first lines of defence against invading pathogens and play a central role in modulating both the innate and acquired immune systems. By responding to endogenous stimuli within the lung, alveolar macrophages contribute towards the regulation of the local inflammatory microenvironment, the initiation of wound healing and the pathogenesis of viral and bacterial infections. Despite the availability of protocols for isolating primary alveolar macrophages from the lung these cells remain recalcitrant to expansion in-vitro and therefore surrogate cell types, such as monocyte derived macrophages and phorbol ester-differentiated cell lines (e.g. U937, THP-1, HL60) are frequently used to model macrophage function.Methods: The availability of high throughput gene expression technologies for accurate quantification of transcript levels enables the re-evaluation of these surrogate cell types for use as cellular models of the alveolar macrophage. Utilising high-throughput TaqMan arrays and focussing on dynamically regulated families of integral membrane proteins, we explore the similarities and differences in G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) and ion channel expression in alveolar macrophages and their widely used surrogates.Results: The complete non-sensory GPCR and ion channel transcriptome is described for primary alveolar macrophages and macrophage surrogates. The expression of numerous GPCRs and ion channels whose expression were hitherto not described in human alveolar macrophages are compared across primary macrophages and commonly used macrophage cell models. Several membrane proteins known to have critical roles in regulating macrophage function, including CXCR6, CCR8 and TRPV4, were found to be highly expressed in macrophages but not expressed in PMA-differentiated surrogates.Conclusions: The data described in this report provides insight into the appropriate choice of cell models for investigating macrophage biology and highlights the importance of confirming experimental data in primary alveolar macrophages. © 2012 Groot-Kormelink et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    The cytoplasmic domain of tomato spotted wilt virus Gn glycoprotein is required for Golgi localisation and interaction with Gc

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    AbstractEnvelopment of tomato spotted wilt virus nucleocapsids occurs at the Golgi stacks of infected cells. This is also the place where the two membrane glycoproteins Gn and Gc accumulate upon coexpression. The required Golgi retention signal has previously been demonstrated to reside within Gn. Using a series of truncated Gn proteins, the Golgi retention signal was mapped to a stretch of 10 amino acids on this protein's cytoplasmic tail, 20 residues downstream the transmembrane domain. Studies on the intracellular distribution of chimeric Gc proteins in which the cytoplasmic tail and/or transmembrane domain were exchanged by those from Gn, demonstrated the additional requirement of the Gn transmembrane domain for Golgi targeting. Truncated Gn constructs lacking the C-terminal 20 amino acids but still localising to the Golgi were no longer able to redirect Gc, suggesting the requirement of this domain for interaction with Gc