126 research outputs found

    Effect of planting methods of flax on garlic yield under different intercropping patterns

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    The purpose of this experiment was to investigate yield, yield components and economic evaluation of flax (Sakha 5) and garlic (Sids 40) under various planting methods and intercropping patterns. The experimental design was a split-plot design with four replicates. The main-plots were assigned to the three cultivating methods and the sub-plots were allocated to the four intercropping patterns. The results indicated that drilling as planting method achieved the highest values for most studied characters in both seasons for flax and garlic, except for number of cloves/plant and plant height in garlic. Intercropping system with low garlic density (100% flax + 12.5% garlic) produced the maximum values for stem diameter, straw yield, number of capsules and seed/plant, seed index and seed yield for flax and number of leaves and cloves/plant, head diameter and weight for garlic in both seasons. The highest bulb yield of garlic was achieved with intercropping 100% flax + 37.5% garlic in both seasons. It can be concluded that the most economic returns for both crops were obtained from drilling as planting method with intercropping pattern 100% flax + 37.5% garlic under the environmental conditions of North Delta of Egypt. Keywords: Intercropping, Land equivalent ratio (LER), Aggressivity (Ag), Relative crowding coefficient (RCC), economic evaluatio

    Impact of plant density of pea intercropped with flax under different nitrogen fertilizer levels on crop productivity

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    A field experiment was established to analyze the effect of different plant densities of pea (12.5, 25.0, 37.5 and 50.0% of the recommended plant density "RPD") intercropped with 100% flax under nitrogen fertilization levels (60, 85 and 110 kg N/ha) on yield of both crops, their competitive relationships and economic evaluation. A Split-plot design with three replications was used, where the main-plots were assigned to nitrogen fertilization levels and the sub-plots for intercropping patterns. Application of 85 kg N/ha significantly increased all studied characters of both crops. Sowing flax with pea with 12.5%  from the RPD resulted in highest values of flax stem diameter, straw yield/ha, number of capsules/plant, seeds/plant, seed index and seed yield/ha. For pea higher values were also observed for number of leaves, branches and pods/plants, pod length and diameter, green pod weight and number of seeds/pod. The highest values of total green pods yield/ha of pea was produced when flax is sown with the RPD and pea with 37.5% RPD. It can be concluded that the maximum LER, RCC, total income and economic return were obtained from sowing flax with the RPD and pea with 37.5% RPD and fertilizing with 85 kg N/ha. Keywords: Flax, pea, intercropping system, plant densities, nitrogen fertilizer levels, competitive relationship

    Development, Analysis and Evaluation of Performance Models for Mobile Multi-Agent Networks

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    Mobile agents have a number of interesting features such as creation, disposal of agents, execution of services at various network nodes, migration to other network nodes and communication with other agents. Such features are related to the performance area. Based on some examples, scenarios, or case studies, Petri net models (ordinary Petri net, colored Petri net or predicate/transition net), mathematical models,simulationmodelsandqueuingmodelshavebeendevelopedintheliterature.Suchresearchworks concentrate on studying the performance of mobile agent networks with much attention on deadlock problems, dynamic behavior problems and the calculation of response time problems. In order to better understand how to design distributed systems using the mobile agent paradigm and how to build a model with the capabilityof studying all such performance problems in an easy and a realistic way, we propose a new mobile agent performance model using the capability of the generalized stochastic Petri net (GSPN) modeling technique. We amended this model with new mobile agent behaviors to fully describe the dynamic behavior of the mobile agent network when it manipulates parallel/multiple agents, and uses some of the most important agent communications (e.g. remote, local, direct, indirect and parallel). Furthermore, the proposed model describes the creation process of new agents during the migration process,theexecutionoftasksamongthenetworknodes,thewayofhandlingtheagentanditsservicetas

    Modeling Concurrent, Sequential, Storage, Retrieval, and Scheduling Activities of Multimedia Systems

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    Abstract. As real-time systems continue to grow, performance evaluation plays a critical role in the design of these systems since the computation time, the service time, and the responsive actions must satisfy the time constraints. One of these systems is the real-time distributed multimedia-on-demand (MOD) service system. The MOD system usually fails when it misses a task deadline. The main units of the MOD system usually communicate with each other and work concurrently under timing constraints. The MOD system is designed to store, retrieve, schedule, synchronize, and communicate objects comprised of mixed data types including images, text, video, and audio, in real-time. In the MOD system, such data types represent the main concept of movie files. Modeling of such concurrency, communication, timing, and multimedia service (e.g. store, retrieve) is essential for evaluating the real-time MOD system. To illustrate how to model and analyze the important multimedia aspects of the MOD system, we use the Real-net (R-net) modeling technique. We choose R-net as an extension of Time Petri Net due to its ability to specify hard real-time process interaction, represent the synchronization of multimedia entities, describe concurrent multimedia activities, and illustrate the interprocess timing relationships as required for multimedia presentation. Based on modular techniques, we build three R-net performance models for describing the dynamic behavior of the MOD service system. The first model adopts the Earliest Deadline First (EDF) disk scheduling algorithm. The other models adopt the Scan

    Proteomic approach in human health and disease: Preventive and cure studies

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    Proteomic is a branch of science that deals with various numbers of proteins where proteins are essential human constituents. Proteomic has a lot of functions inside the human and animal living organisms. This review helps to make a thought on the importance of proteomic application in human health and disease with special reference to preventive and cure studies. The human health can be divided into physical and mental health. The physical health relates to keeping human body state in a good health and to nutritional type and environmental factors. The mental health correlates to human psychological state. The main factors that affect the status of human health are human diet, exercise and sleep. The healthy diet is very important and needs to maintain the human health. The training program exercise improves human fitness and overall health and wellness. The sleep is a vital factor to sustain the human health. The human disease indicates abnormal human condition which influences the specific human part or the whole human body. There are external and internal factors which induce human disease. The external factors include pathogens while internal factors include allergies and autoimmunity. There are 4 principle types of human diseases: (1) infectious disease, (2) deficiency disease, (3) genetic disease and (4) physiological disease. There are many and various external microbes' factors that induce human infectious disease and these agents include viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. The lack of necessary and vital dietary rudiments such as vitamins and minerals is the main cause of human deficiency disease. The genetic disease is initiated by hereditary disturbances that occur in the human genetic map. The physiological disease occurs when the normal human function body is affected due to human organs become malfunction. In conclusion, proteomic plays a vital and significant role in human health and disease

    Study on the PoSSible Protective effect of Melatonin and SilyMarin againSt the toxic effect of faviSM factor "divicine"

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    abStract Experiments were carried-out with Sprague Dawley rats to determine as the administration of Mt and Sy on the toxicity produced by DV, a free radical compound. IP injection of DV (250 mg/rat b.wt.) alone resulted in 100% mortality within 24 h accompanied by a rapid decrease in the concentration of GSH in RBCs. Administration of both doses of Mt (1 and 2 mg/kg) and Sy (22 mg/kg) with DV greatly reduced mortality and increased the concentration of GSH. Blood cells and hemoglobin also returned towards normal values. Liver enzymes (AST, ALT, ALP and bilirubin) and kidney function (urea and creatinine) were highly significant increased after divicine injection, while Mt and Sy in combination with DV returned these parameters to normal values. Keywords: Divicine, GSH, melatonin, sylimarin, Favism, Rats. reSuMen El objetivo del presente estudio fue elucidar el posible efecto protector de a melatonina y la Silimarina en caso de efectos tóxicos de DV en ratas albinas. En la administración IP de DV se tuvo el 100% de mortalidad y una disminución de la concentración de GSH en RBCs. La administración de Mt y Sy con DV reducen la mortalidad y el aumento de la concentración de GSH. Asimismo se observa que contrarresta el aumento de los parámetros en el hígado y en las funciones renales después de la inyección de DV. a Pharmacology an

    Protective effect of natural products and hormones in colon cancer using metabolome: A physiological overview

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    Globally, the third cause of males cancer and the fourth cause of females cancer is colon cancer (CC). In Egypt, high CC percentage occurs in children and in individuals below 40 years of age. The complete loss of biological enzyme function is the main cause of CC and consequently CC increased in smoking and pollution exposure. The aim of this review is to focus on the application of metabolome as a physiological tool that can play an important role in preventing CC incidence by natural products and hormones. The dietary factors, intestinal micro-flora and endogenously produced metabolites are the main three causes that produce free radicals in the colon. A correlation occurs between the enzyme activity and CC polymorphisms or property. Nowadays metabolome is applied with the progress of different analytical methods, data bases and tools for cancer predication and stimulation especially in CC cases. Metabolism is defined as intracellular chemical reactions that produce chemical substances and energies sustaining life. Metabolic pathway networks are also composed of links that are defined as transformation of chemical structures between two metabolites and an enzyme reaction. The most important advantage of metabolome is its ability to analyze metabolites from any source, regardless of origin, where the application of liquid chromatography combined with mass spectra in metabolome analysis to a series of cancer cell lines that were progressively more tumorigenic due to the induction of 1,2,3 or 4 oncogenes to cell lines could be a metabolome example application. In conclusion, natural products and hormones are very important in preventing CC in humans and animal models where both natural products and hormones play a significant and important effect in regulating physiological process especially in CC cases. In this situation, metabolome must increase in its application in the future for the diagnosis of CC cases