7 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Korhonen, Elsa M. (Norway, Oxford County)

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    Covalent functionalization of graphene oxide with proteins

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    Pro gradu -tutkielman kirjallisuusosassa perehdyttiin menetelmiin, jotka voisivat soveltua proteiinien kiinnittĂ€miseen grafeenioksidin pintaan kovalenttisen sitoutumisen kautta. Kokeellisessa osassa oli tavoitteena kiinnittÀÀ linkkerimolekyylien avulla piparjuuriperoksidaasi (HRP) -entsyymimolekyylejĂ€ laserilla hapetetun grafeenin pintaan. Alustavissa kokeissa testattiin kahta menetelmÀÀ HRP:n kiinnittĂ€miseksi grafeenioksidihiutaleisiin. MenetelmĂ€t erosivat kĂ€ytettyjen linkkerimolekyylien suhteen. EnsimmĂ€isessĂ€ menetelmĂ€ssĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin glutaraldehydiĂ€ ja toisessa APTES:sta ja glutaraldehydistĂ€ muodostuvaa linkkeriĂ€. Termogravimetrinen analyysi ja FTIR-mittausten tulokset viittasivat kovalenttisten sidosten muodostumiseen grafeenioksidin ja linkkerien sekĂ€ linkkerien ja HRP:n vĂ€lille. Glutaraldehydiin perustuva menetelmĂ€ valittiin varsinaiseen kokeeseen, jossa kĂ€ytettiin laserilla kĂ€siteltyĂ€ grafeenipohjaista mikrosirua. Mikrosirusta otetuista AFM-kuvista havaittiin kohonneita viivamaisia ja pistemĂ€isiĂ€ rakenteita funktionalisoinnin jĂ€lkeen, joiden pÀÀteltiin olevan glutaraldehydiketjuja ja HRP-proteiinimolekyylejĂ€. Mikrosirun hapetetuista alueista mitatut Raman-spketrit viittasivat muutoksiin hapetetun grafeenin elektronirakenteessa: D-, G- ja 2D-vöiden Raman-siirtymĂ€t pienenenivĂ€t ja D-vyön pinta-ala kasvoi funktionalisoinnin jĂ€lkeen. Muutosten pÀÀteltiin johtuvan grafeenioksidin ja linkkerien tai HRP:n vĂ€lisistĂ€ vuorovaikutuksista. Tulosten perusteella ei kuitenkaan voitu varmistaa HRP:n kovalenttista kiinnittymistĂ€ mikrosirun grafeenioksidipintaan glutaraldehydin vĂ€lityksellĂ€.The literature part of the master’s thesis focuses on introducing potential functionalization methods for the covalent attachment of proteins on graphene oxide (GO) surfaces. The experimental part aimed at the covalent immobilization of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) on the laser-oxidized graphene-based microchip. Based on the preliminary studies with graphene oxide flakes, both crosslinker systems, glutaraldehyde (GA) and APTES-glutaraldehyde, resulted in a similar outcome of the HRP immobilization. The thermogravimetric analysis and FTIR spectroscopic results suggested the formation of covalent bonds between the components of the GO-crosslinker-HRP systems. The GA-based crosslinking method was chosen for the protein immobilization studies with the graphene-based microchip. From the atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of the microchip after the treatment with GA and HRP solutions (in PBS buffer), line-shaped structures and elevated dots could be observed, assigned to be GA crosslinkers and HRP protein molecules, respectively. The Raman spectra of the oxidized areas showed shifting of the D, G, and 2D bands towards lower Raman shifts after HRP immobilization, which agree with the former results, indicating a successful immobilization of HRP. Also, the D band areas of the oxidized regions increased after HRP immobilization, suggesting an increased number of defects in the graphene lattice. Based on the AFM and Raman spectroscopy results from the experiments with the chip, the covalent attachment of HRP to the chip’s surface via GA crosslinker could not be fully proved

    Hydrogeelit hermosolujen kasvatuksessa

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    TÀssÀ kirjallisuuskatsauksessa kÀsitellÀÀn hermosolukasvatukseen soveltuvia hydrogeelejÀ, jotka on jaettu synteettisiin ja luontaisiin hydrogeeleihin sekÀ grafeeni- ja hiilinanoputkipohjaisiin hybridihydrogeeleihin. Tutkielmassa keskitytÀÀn siihen, miten hydrogeelien ominaisuudet, kuten hajoamisnopeus, huokoskoko ja sÀhkönjohtokyky, vaikuttavat hermosolujen kasvuun. Tutkimusten perusteella hermosoluille suotuisin kasvualusta on hybridihydrogeelit, jotka sisÀltÀvÀt vÀhintÀÀn kahta seuraavista komponenteista: hiilinanoputkia, grafeenikomponentteja, synteettisiÀ tai luontaisia polymeerejÀ

    Alien Registration- Korhonen, Elsa M. (Norway, Oxford County)

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    Solvent-induced transient self-assembly of peptide gels: gelator-solvent reactions and material properties correlation

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    Herein, we introduce a new methodology for designing transient organogels that offers tunability of the mechanical properties simply by matching the precursor’s protective groups to that of the solvent. We developed solvent-induced transient materials in which the solvent chemically participates in a set of reactions and actively supports the assembly event. The activation of a single precursor by an acid (accelerator) yields the formation of two distinct gelators and induces gelation. The interconversion cycle is supplied by the secondary solvent (originating from the hydrolysis of the primary solvent by the accelerator), which then progressively solubilizes the gel network. We show that this gelation method offers a direct correlation between the mechanical and transient properties by modifying the chemical structure of the precursors and the presence of accelerator in the system. Such a method paves the way for designing self-abolishing and mechanically tunable materials for targeted purposes. The biocompatibility and versatility of amino acid-based gelators can offer a wide range of biomaterials for applications requiring a controllable and definite lifetime, such as drug delivery platforms exhibiting a burst release or self-abolishing cell culture substrate

    The Fading of the Ancien RĂ©gime Mentality

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