3 research outputs found

    Assessment of Capabilities of Military Groupings (Forces) Based on the Functional Group “Engage”

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    An approach to assessing the capabilities of groupings of troops (forces) based on the use of the combinatorial method with the limited base of arguments on the example of the functional group of capabilities “Engage” was proposed.Assessment of capabilities of groupings of troops (forces) is carried out within the framework of defense planning, with the aim of determining the prospective structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (defense forces). The current Order of evaluation of capabilities of groupings of troops (forces) in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is based on the expert methods of evaluation. The shortcomings of the particular Order are: subjectivity, long duration and personnel involvement (periodic distraction of specialists from performing their functional duties). Therefore, the development of new approaches to assessment of the capabilities of groupings of troops (forces) based of modern scientific analytical methods is a relevant scientific challenge.According to the NATO standards, capabilities are divided into nine functional groups that contain 464 capabilities. To develop the method for capabilities assessment with the use of the analytical methods taking into consideration the existing regulatory framework, the analysis of the existing Order of evaluation of capabilities of groupings of troops (forces) in the Armed Forces of Ukraine was carried out. The analysis revealed that the functional groups are of different levels. It is appropriate to group them into three classes: the class of technical equipment, the class of personnel training and the class of institutional capabilities. In this case, it was determined that the capabilities carriers depending on the level of functioning are different in nature. That is why it is necessary to evaluate them by different components. It is proposed to distinguish between elementary (armament and military equipment) and group capabilities (subdivisions, military units, formations, and groupings).The research revealed the analytical dependence of the impact of elementary carriers of capabilities on the effectiveness of task execution by group carriers of capabilities. The specified approach will be implemented in the automated decision support system during capability­based defense planning.The application of this approach will make it possible to reduce the impact of the subjective factor and reduce the time to make a reasonable decision on the required structure of a grouping of troops (forces) to execute the set tasks, to estimate a sufficient number of options for its application. In addition, the implementation of the proposed approach will offer an opportunity to identify: the quantitative and qualitative demand of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (defense forces) in provision with the samples of armament and military equipment, the necessary amount of resources for the development of the Armed Forces (defense forces). The proposed analytical method will make it possible without involving experts to assess the role of each military formation from the defense forces, determine the priority plan for the development of the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (defense forces)

    Devising Methodological Provisions for the Comparative Evaluation of Variants for an Armament Sample in Terms of Military-technical Level

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    When setting a tactical-technical task on constructing a sample of armament, not only its characteristics related to purpose are considered, but its operational and technical, technological, economic, and other characteristics as well. The totality of characteristics defines the military-technical level of the armament sample. Typically, such variants of armament sample are considered that differ by the set of characteristics. For comparative estimation of armament sample variants in terms of military-technical level, it is necessary to apply appropriate methodical provisions.Resolving the task on comparative evaluation of armament sample options was made possible by consistently solving four problems.In solving the first problem, the decomposition of the totality of characteristics of an armament sample into the following three levels has been performed: properties, properties' components, indicators. The scientific result from the first problem is a methodological approach to comparative evaluation of armament sample options based on the consideration of the characteristics' significance when ranking the variants of an armament sample using a method of multi-criteria analysis.Solving the second problem helped establish the order of staged expert estimation of coefficients for the properties' significance, properties' components, and indicators, using a pairwise comparison method, which makes it possible to take into consideration their impact on the military-technical level of an armament sample.The result from solving the third problem of the current study is the algorithm for comparative evaluation of an armament sample using a taxonomy method. The reported algorithm makes it possible to rank the variants of an armament sample taking into consideration the significance of indicators that define their military-technical level.Our decomposition of characteristics, using a pairwise comparison method for expert estimation of their significance, as well as a taxonomy method, has made it possible to obtain an integrated procedure for the comparative evaluation of an armament sample variants in terms of the military-technical level.When solving the fourth task of this study, we have considered the order of application of the devised procedure using an example of comparative estimation of the military-technical level of variants for an anti-aircraft missile system.The methodology could be used in substantiating a tactical-technical task on the development of armament samples

    Devising A Procedure to Calculate and Analyze Parameters for Passing the Flood and Breakthrough Wave Taking Into Consideration the Topographical and Hydraulic Riverbed Irregularities

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    It has been established that the most likely period of breakthrough wave occurrence is the time of spring flooding or heavy rain when water-head facilities are subjected to significant loads that lead to the collapse of their individual elements or the entire structure. In addition, the possibility of man-made accidents that can occur at any time cannot be ruled out. It has been proven that breakthrough wave formation depends on the nature of the destruction or the overflow through a water-head facility. For the study reported in this paper, a model of the kinematics of riverbed and breakthrough flows was used, which is based on the equations of flow, washout, and transport of sediments that are averaged for the depths of the stream. The differential equations describing the nonstationary flow averaged for depth are solved using the numerical grid system FST2DH (2D Depth-averaged Flow and Sediment Transport Model), which implements a finite-element method on the plan of a riverbed's topographic region. These tools are publicly available, which allows their wide application to specific loads and boundary conditions of mathematical models. The construction of an estimation grid involving the setting of boundary conditions and the use of geoinformation system tools makes it possible to simulate the destruction of a culvert of the pressure circuit and obtain results for a specific case of an actual riverbed and a water-head facility. It has been established that there is a decrease in the speed of wave propagation along the profile, from 3 m/s to 1 m/s. The impact of bottom irregularities, the effect of floodplains, and the variety of bottom roughness have also been assessed, compared to the results of their calculation based on one-dimensional models given in the regulatory documents. Hydraulic calculations were carried out taking into consideration the related properties of the main layer of the floodplain, which consists of peat accumulations, and the heterogeneity of the depths and roughness of floodplain surfaces of soils. It has been established that there is almost no erosion of supports in the floodplain zone in this case. It was found that as the distance between the flow and breakthrough intersection increases, there is a decrease in the height of the head from 2.1 m to 1.25 m