103 research outputs found

    Aerosol Effect on the Mobility of Cloud Droplets

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    Cloud droplet mobility is referred to here as a measure of the droplets ability to move with ambient air. We claim that an important part of the aerosol effect on convective clouds is driven by changes in droplet mobility. We show that the mass-weighted average droplet terminal velocity, defined here as the effective terminal velocity (eta) and its spread (sigma_eta) serve as direct measures of this effect. Moreover, we develop analytical estimations for eta and sigma_eta to show that changes in the relative dispersion of eta (epsilon_eta = sigma_eta/eta) can serve as a sensitive predictor of the onset of droplet-collection processes.Comment: Published in ERL; 10 pages, 4 figure

    The Invigoration of Deep Convective Clouds Over the Atlantic: Aerosol Effect, Meteorology or Retrieval Artifact?

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    Associations between cloud properties and aerosol loading are frequently observed in products derived from satellite measurements. These observed trends between clouds and aerosol optical depth suggest aerosol modification of cloud dynamics, yet there are uncertainties involved in satellite retrievals that have the potential to lead to incorrect conclusions. Two of the most challenging problems are addressed here: the potential for retrieved aerosol optical depth to be cloud-contaminated, and as a result, artificially correlated with cloud parameters; and the potential for correlations between aerosol and cloud parameters to be erroneously considered to be causal. Here these issues are tackled directly by studying the effects of the aerosol on convective clouds in the tropical Atlantic Ocean using satellite remote sensing, a chemical transport model, and a reanalysis of meteorological fields. Results show that there is a robust positive correlation between cloud fraction or cloud top height and the aerosol optical depth, regardless of whether a stringent filtering of aerosol measurements in the vicinity of clouds is applied, or not. These same positive correlations emerge when replacing the observed aerosol field with that derived from a chemical transport model. Model-reanalysis data is used to address the causality question by providing meteorological context for the satellite observations. A correlation exercise between the full suite of meteorological fields derived from model reanalysis and satellite-derived cloud fields shows that observed cloud top height and cloud fraction correlate best with model pressure updraft velocity and relative humidity. Observed aerosol optical depth does correlate with meteorological parameters but usually different parameters from those that correlate with observed cloud fields. The result is a near-orthogonal influence of aerosol and meteorological fields on cloud top height and cloud fraction. The results strengthen the case that the aerosol does play a role in invigorating convective clouds

    Effect of coarse marine aerosols on stratocumulus clouds

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    In contrast to fine anthropogenic aerosols (radii ∼μm), large aerosol particles are thought to enhance cloud droplet growth, promote precipitation formation and reduce cloud albedo. While shown in cloud simulation models, the impact of coarse aerosols on marine stratocumulus clouds lacks observational evidence. Here, by combining data from AMSR‐E and MODIS, both aboard NASA\u27s satellite Aqua, we link the amount of coarse marine aerosols emitted to the atmosphere through wind‐driven processes with the size of cloud droplets, at the world\u27s largest deck of marine stratocumulus clouds over the southeastern Pacific. For constrained meteorological conditions, approximately 1/2 of the change in droplet effective radius (reff) is attributed to increase in coarse marine aerosol optical depth (τcm), as surface winds intensify. Accordingly, a twofold increase in τcm is associated with a 1.4 μm +/−0.11 increase in reff. Our results suggest that climatic changes in surface winds may play an important role not only over land for wind‐power estimation but also over the oceans by changing clouds reflectance and lifetime

    Observational bounds on atmospheric heating by aerosol absorption: Radiative signature of transatlantic dust

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    [1] Aerosols absorb solar radiation thus changing the atmospheric temperature profile but the overall magnitude of this effect is not known. To that end, Saharan dust emissions over the Atlantic Ocean provide an opportunity to examine aerosol‐related heating via satellite imaging. A major difficulty, however, is disentangling a straightforward heating signal caused by the absorbing dust from a meteorological signal, which originates from correlation between dust concentration and air temperature. To tackle the problem, we combine temperature (T) soundings, from the atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS), with aerosol optical depth (τ) measurements, from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), and data assimilation results from the global data assimilation system (GDAS). We introduce the quantity β(P) ≡ ∂TP/∂τ, the subscript indicating temperature at a given pressure, and study the observed (AIRS) vs. modeled (GDAS) vertical profiles of β(P). Using the vertical as well as horizontal patterns of β(P) and Δβ(P) ≡ βobs. − βmodl., we avoid instrumental and geographic artifacts and extract a remarkably robust radiative heating signal of about 2–4 K within the dust layer. The extracted signal peaks over the mid‐Atlantic Ocean, as a result of competing trends: “memory” of the dust source in the east, and mixing with transparent aerosol in the west

    Aerosol climatology using a tunable spectral variability cloud screening of AERONET data

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    Can cloud screening of an aerosol data set, affect the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) climatology? Aerosols, humidity and clouds are correlated. Therefore, rigorous cloud screening can systematically bias towards less cloudy conditions, underestimating the average AOT. Here, using AERONET data we show that systematic rejection of variable atmospheric optical conditions can generate such bias in the average AOT. Therefore we recommend (1) to introduce more powerful spectral variability cloud screening and (2) to change the philosophy behind present aerosol climatologies: Instead of systematically rejecting all cloud contaminations, we suggest to intentionally allow the presence of cloud contamination, estimate the statistical impact of the contamination and correct for it. The analysis, applied to 10 AERONET stations with approx. 4 years of data, shows almost no change for Rome (Italy), but up to a change in AOT of 0.12 in Beijing (PRC). Similar technique may be explored for satellite analysis, e.g. MODIS

    Equations discovery of organized cloud fields: Stochastic generator and dynamical insights

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    The emergence of organized multiscale patterns resulting from convection is ubiquitous, observed throughout different cloud types. The reproduction of such patterns by general circulation models remains a challenge due to the complex nature of clouds, characterized by processes interacting over a wide range of spatio-temporal scales. The new advances in data-driven modeling techniques have raised a lot of promises to discover dynamical equations from partial observations of complex systems. This study presents such a discovery from high-resolution satellite datasets of continental cloud fields. The model is made of stochastic differential equations able to simulate with high fidelity the spatio-temporal coherence and variability of the cloud patterns such as the characteristic lifetime of individual clouds or global organizational features governed by convective inertia gravity waves. This feat is achieved through the model's lagged effects associated with convection recirculation times, and hidden variables parameterizing the unobserved processes and variables.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    The consistent behavior of tropical rain: Average reflectivity vertical profiles determined by rain top height

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    Sixteen years of Tropical Rain Measuring Mission (TRMM) reflectivity profile data are collected for oceanic, continental, and island tropical regions within the boreal winter intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). When sorted by the rain top height (RTH), a consistent behavior emerges where the average reflectivity profiles originating at different RTHs form non-overlapping manifolds in the height–reflectivity space, excluding the brightband regions for stratiform type profiles. Based on reflectivity slope (dBZ km−1) profile characteristics and physical considerations, the profiles are divided into three classes: 1) cold profiles, which originate above the −20°C isotherm height and display convergence to a single reflectivity slope profile independent of RTH; 2) warm profiles, which originate below the 0°C isotherm height and display strong reflectivity slope dependence on RTH, with slope values per RTH linearly decreasing with decreased height; and 3) mixed profiles, which originate at the layer located in between the lowest cold rain and highest warm rain profiles and show a gradual transition from cold profile to warm profile reflectivity slope behavior. Stratiform type profiles show similarity for all regions. It is shown that the typical tropical stratiform cold rain profile can be simply parameterized given the temperature profile. Convective type profiles present larger interregional differences. Their deviation from the typical stratiform cold rain profile is used as a measure for convective intensity, where continental and island regions show larger deviations compared to oceanic ones

    Global association of aerosol with flash density of intense lightning

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    A global scale study of the association between aerosol loading and lightning production was conducted, using a full year’s data for 2012 (as well as seasonal data) of the cloud-to-ground lightning record from the world wide lightning location network and aerosol optical depth measured by MODIS. 70% of all grid squares examined and 94% of the statistically significant ones had higher flash densities under polluted conditions than the clean ones. This trend is evident for large continental regions in North, Central and South America, Europe, southern Africa and north-east Australia. A detailed examination of the link to the meteorology was performed for four continental regions: the Amazon, North America, southern Africa and the Maritime Continent. The findings showed a similar trend under different meteorological conditions (defined by subsets of specified CAPE values and pressure velocity at 400 hPa). The results of this study suggest a route to association between aerosol loading and lightning-production rates in thunderclouds
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