53 research outputs found
Survey of free speeds on roads outside built-up areas with elevated speed limits in Hungary
In Hungary since 2008 some roads operate with posted speed limits which are higher than the general 90 kmph outside urban areas. The goal of the current study was to explore how well road users can recognize various types of roads. An on-line picture-show survey was made about the speed choices of 170 drivers at 35 different road scenes. The comparison with existing speed measurements showed a quite good match. Therefore the survey method is appropriate to estimate the drivers’ speed behaviour. The results show on one hand that on the usual road categories like motorways and normal two-lane
primary roads the speed choice is clear for road users, i.e. these roads are self-explaining. On the other hand, there are also road categories, which are not self-explaining and therefore road users have difficulties to choose the appropriate speeds
A közlekedĂ©sre fordĂtott idĹ‘ befolyásolása a munkakezdĂ©s idĹ‘pontjának megváltoztatásával
A tanulmány a közforgalmĂş közlekedĂ©ssel lebonyolĂtott munkába járás idĹ‘tartamának csökkentĂ©si lehetĹ‘sĂ©gĂ©t vizsgálta meg, felhasználva az utĂłbbi Ă©vekben felmerĂĽlt, a munkakezdĂ©s idĹ‘pontjának megváltoztatására vonatkozĂł munkaszervezĂ©si javaslatok kĂnálta lehetĹ‘sĂ©geket.
A vizsgálat számszerűen igazolta a közlekedĂ©si idĹ‘ben rejlĹ‘ tartalĂ©kok kiaknázhatĂłságának a lehetĹ‘sĂ©gĂ©t. Nyolc ĂłrátĂłl eltĂ©rĹ‘ munkakezdĂ©s esetĂ©n a vizsgált munkahelyen a munkába járásra fordĂtott közlekedĂ©si idĹ‘nek átlagosan 15%-a megtakarĂthatĂłnak bizonyult, bár a járműpark ritkĂtása nyomán a megnövekvĹ‘ megállĂłhelyi várakozások miatt a közlekedĂ©s vĂ©lt, szubjektĂv elĹ‘nyei nem feltĂ©tlenĂĽl arányosak a tapasztalt javulással.
A munkakezdĂ©si idĹ‘ kötöttsĂ©gĂ©nek a feloldása önmagában is hasonlĂł megtakarĂtást jelent azáltal, hogy az utazási idĹ‘ szĂłrása miatt szĂĽksĂ©ges "biztonsági" idĹ‘, mint idĹ‘vesztesĂ©g elmarad. További elĹ‘nye a rugalmas munkaidĹ‘-rendszernek, hogy - önszabályozĂł lĂ©vĂ©n - kĂ©pes arra, hogy több Ăłrán át egyenletessĂ© tegye a hálĂłzati terhelĂ©st. Ezzel egyrĂ©szt csökken a zsĂşfoltság mĂ©rtĂ©ke, másrĂ©szt a szállĂtĂł-kapacitás gazdaságosan kihasználhatĂłvá válik. Ugyanakkor a rugalmas munkaidĹ‘-kezdĂ©ssel kapcsolatban megvizsgálandĂł, hogy milyen munkahelyen alkalmazhatĂł, Ă©s milyen intĂ©zkedĂ©seket követel meg ahhoz, hogy valĂłban a jobb idĹ‘gazdálkodást, Ă©s Ăgy a hatĂ©konyabb munkát szolgálja
Az átĂ©pĂtĂ©s hatása a budapesti RákĂłczi Ăşt-Kossuth Lajos utca Ăştvonal forgalmi viszonyaira
A RákĂłczi Ăşt - Kossuth Lajos utca forgalmában 1972 vĂ©gĂ©n, 1973 elejĂ©n egyidejűleg több változtatásra kerĂĽlt sor. A vizsgálat a változtatásoknak a közĂşti közlekedĂ©sre gyakorolt hatását kĂsĂ©rte figyelemmel. Az átĂ©pĂtĂ©s elĹ‘tti, majd az egy Ă©vvel kĂ©sĹ‘bb azonos körĂĽlmĂ©nyek között megismĂ©telt, rendszámfelvĂ©telen alapulĂł sebessĂ©gmĂ©rĂ©s eredmĂ©nye Ă©s a sebessĂ©g-forgalomnagyság összefĂĽggĂ©sek összehasonlĂtása a forgalmi körĂĽlmĂ©nyek javulását mutatja. A vĂ©gighaladĂł gĂ©pkocsik sebessĂ©ge 5-15 km/Ăł-val megnövekedett. Az elhaladĂł gĂ©pjárművek számára ez átlagosan 0,89 Ft megtakarĂtást jelent. Az összehasonlĂtás azonban nem kĂĽlönbözteti meg a villamos megszĂĽntetĂ©sĂ©nek, az autĂłbuszsáv lĂ©tesĂtĂ©sĂ©nek Ă©s a jelzĹ‘lámpák összehangolásának a hatását
Visibility Studies at Roundabouts Entries
Most accidents in roundabouts occur at the entries, partly due to poor visibility. To analyse this problem a sample roundabout with some visibility obstacles was measured by laser scanner and data were put into a 3D model. The fields of view were studied from the viewpoint heights of car and truck drivers as well. To assess the results, three indicators were defined: the hidden sight distance, the hidden sight triangle area and the angle of hide. These indicators were measured in the point cloud model. Through these indicators the adequacy of visibility conditions can be assessed
Overtaking violations in left-turn lanes of rural roads
Overtaking is a high risk manoeuvre for road users, still drivers often accept this risk, moreover often commit irregular overtaking manoeuvres. The paper gives some overview on traffic violations and irregular overtaking manoeuvres. Left-turn lanes on the major road are usual elements of unsignalized at-grade junctions on two-lane roads outside urban areas. In several cases the left-turn lane, built for safety reasons, has the unintended negative effect, it becomes a dangerous spot. The paper analyses overtaking manoeuvres at left-turn lanes on Hungarian roads. Site surveys were completed at typical sites outside built-up areas. The frequency of irregular overtaking manoeuvres, geometric design, traffic volume, traffic mix and speed characteristics were registered at the intersections. Accident statistics have been collected. Relationships between the frequency of irregular manoeuvres, accident statistics, geometric parameters and traffic data are analysed.
KEYWORDS: driver behaviour, left-turn lane, irregular overtaking, site survey, violatio
Impact of Traffic Sign Diversity on Autonomous Vehicles: A Literature Review
Traffic sign classification is indispensable for road traffic systems, including automated ones. There is a fundamental difference in the visual appearance of traffic signs from one country to another. Each dataset has its design standards and regulations based on shape, color, and information content, making implementing classification and recognition techniques more difficult. This paper aims to assess the influence of traffic sign diversity on autonomous vehicles (AVs) by reviewing several previous studies, comparing, summarizing their results, and focusing on classifying and detecting traffic sign datasets based on color, shape, and deep learning spaces using various methods and applications. Furthermore, it covers the main challenges facing road designers and planners considering changes to road safety infrastructure. It will be argued that compiling and standardizing a comprehensive global database of traffic signs is very difficult because it is costly and complex in application. However, it is still one of the possible solutions for the coming decades. Recommendations for future developments are also presented in this study
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