200 research outputs found

    3D Reconstruction from Stereo Images

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    Stereo is a well-known technique for obtaining depth information from digital images. A technique for building textured 3D models form 2D Stereo image using image processing techniques like 2D image acquisition, block matching, Pixel matching is presented, dynamic programming and pyramid construction for better results and finally 3D image plotting. Registration step is necessary because the shape of most objects cannot be observed from only one view: we must scan the object from several directions and bring these scans into registration. But because frames can rarely be brought into exact registration, a merging phase is required to resolve these conflicts by forcing points to lie on a 2D manifold. Using correlation-based stereo yields significantly noisier range information than traditional range scanners, requiring model acquisition methods that take advantage of intensity information for alignment. Our gradient-based registration algorithm employs an efficient global registration technique that allows it to take into consideration all frames in the sequence simultaneously, improving registration significantly.Â

    Wireless Microcontoller Based Indusrtial Automation System

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    In our daily life, Wireless based industrial automation is a prime concern. The field of approach to Zigbee Based Wireless Network for Industrial Applications has been standardized now a days. A wireless control and monitoring system for a industrial machines  realized using the Zigbee communication protocol for safe and economic data communication in industrial fields where the wired communication is either more expensive or impossible due to physical conditions. The machines can be controlled wireless due to the microcontroller  interface developed with Zigbee. It is also possible to protect the machines against some critical conditions such as change in temperature, humidity, light, pressure etc. so controlling, monitoring, and protection of the system are realized in real time. So the wireless communication technology is used in this paper, controlling abilities of the system are increased and also hardware and the necessities of other similar equipment for data communication are minimized.We concerns with designing and implementing the system which can be utilized effectively to reduce human efforts and accuracy of  measurement of data. The main work behind this is to make instrumentation system more power full by enabling it modern communication technologies. Here we are using different sensors like temperature and humidity to measure surrounding temperature and humidity. LCD is used to display current and set parameters. The total controlling action done by microcontroller, which is heart of the system and for wireless data transmission Zigbee module is used

    Metal Recovery Using Oxalate Chemistry: A Technical Review

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    Energy-efficient metal recovery and separation processes from a mixture of valuable metals are vital to the metallurgy and recycling industries. Oxalate has been identified as a sustainable reagent that can provide both the desired selectivity and efficient leaching capabilities for a variety of mixed metals under mild reaction conditions. The oxalate process has a great potential to replace many of the existing metal recovery processes that use inorganic acids such as sulfuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids. In this Review, the use of oxalate chemistry in four major metal recovery applications is discussed, namely, spent lithium-ion batteries, spent catalysts, valuable ores, and contaminated and unwanted waste streams. Recycling of critical and precious metals from spent lithium-ion batteries and catalysts has significant economic opportunities. For efficient metals recovery, reaction conditions (e.g., temperature, pH, time, and concentration), metal–oxalate complex formation, oxidation and reduction, and metal precipitation must all be well-understood. This Review provides an overview from articles and patents for a variety of metal recovery processes along with insights into future process development


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    This study discusses competency and motivation for performance in the Public Works Agency of the Highways of South Sumatra Province. The results of this study prove that the dimensions of competence have a significant effect on improving employee performance at the Public Works Agency of the Highways of South Sumatra Province. This can be proven from the results that can be verified between t count = 3.63 and t table = 2.95. Then the motivation dimension to the performance of employees in the Public Works Agency of Highways of South Sumatra Province does not show more dominant variables on employee performance, this is because the motivation variable has a value of tcount = 2.201 <t table = 2.95.Keywords: Competence, Motivation, Performance, Public Works Agenc


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    Penelitian dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui hasil analisis bagaimana pengaruh iklim kerja, karier terhadap motivasi berafiliasi pegawai Sekretariat DPRD (setwan)Kabupaten se Sumatera Selatan.Peneliti tertarik melakukan kajian karena kedudukan strategis lembaga sekwan yang berada di bawah Kepala Daerah namun operasionalisasinyaoleh Pimpinan DPRD, sehingga berimplikasi langsung terhadap pengembangan karier pegawai.Populasi sebanyak 204 pegawai di lingkungan setwanKabupatense Sumatera Selatan,132menjadi sampel secara acak, menggunakan model Krejcie Dan Morgan. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik kuesioner, sebelum kuesioner disebar telah diuji validisi dan realibiliti, kemudian data diolah menggunakan tools SEM-Amos.Sebelum analisis data dilakukan uji asumsi klasik berupauji normalitas dan uji  linearitas. Melalui confirmatory faktor analysis second order dan analisis kesesuaian model  mendapatkanfit overall model.Hasil analisis bahwa iklim kerja berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap motivasi berafiliasidengan probiliti 0.049<0.05dan  CR 2.807>1.96; karier  berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap motivasi berafiliasi  dengan signifikansi 0.037<0.05 dan CR 2.085>196; dan iklim organisasi dan karier secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap motivasi berafiliasi dengan determinasi 0.372.Kesimpulan bahwa iklim kerja pada setwan berpengaruh terhadap motivasi berafiliasi, dan pengembangan karier berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap motivasiberafiliasi, dan secara simultan iklim kerja dan karier berpengaruh terhadap motivasi berafiliasi .Rekomendasi penelitian dalam rangka pengembangan karier pegawai sekwan perlu disusun sistem pengembangan karier pegawai monoloyalitas, sebagai “pegawai legislasi” dengan jenjang karier mulai dari setwan kabupaten/kota, provinsi sampai karier puncak pada Setjen DPR,DPD dan MPR. Kata kunci : iklim kerja, karier dan motivasi berafilias


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    Tujuan pendampingan keahlian untuk akselerasi pembahasan RAPBD, menganalisis kendala pelaksanaan fungsi anggaran DPRD, secara khusus ditujukan untuk mencari model dukungan keahlian dalam rangka peningkatan kapasitas Badan Anggaran DPRD dalam pembahasan dan penetapan APBD.Pendampingan dalam perspektif metodologimerupakan cara untuk mengembangkan peran masyarakat, sifat utama pendamping adalah sebagai “animator”.Dalam proses pendampingan, menggunakan metode participatory action research (PAR). Bahwa participatory action research adalah kombinasi sosial, kerja pendidikan, dan aksi politik menggunakan konsep penelitian partisipatif dalam konteks metodologi materialis historis, yang didefinisikan sebagai penelitian interaksi demokratis. Model yang dibangun untuk akselerasi  penetapan APBD mengikuti siklus anggaran, kata kuncinya adalah hubungan harmonis antara legislasi dan eksekutif. Pendampingan keahlian untuk membangun komitmen legislatif dan eksekutif, kemampuan tenaga ahli adalah menjembatani kepentingan Kepala daerah dan DPRD. Untuk pengkuatan Badan Anggaran DPRD perlu didampingi tenaga ahli yang memiliki kompetensi bidang ahli keuangan daerah dan auditing , peran Sekretariat DPRD menjadi krusial dalam merekrutasi dan menyiapkan kelompok pakar  sesuai kapasitas yang dibutuhkan.Peran pendampingan keahlian untuk akselerasi pembahasan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah, faktor dominan yang menentukan adalah harmonisasi Kepala Daerah dan DPR. Kata kunci : Pendampingan Keahlian, Kelompok Pakar,  Banggar

    Variability of fruit characters in kokum (Garcinia indica Choisy)

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    The fruit characters of 22 genotypes of kokum (Garcinia indica) were studied at Dapoli (Maharashtra). The genotypes exhibited significant variation for all the fruit characters and the environmental coefficient of variation recorded for all the fruit characters was very low. The higher magnitudes of phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variations indicated good amount of variation among the genotypes. Estimates of heritability and genetic advance were relatively higher for length, weight and volume of fruit, fresh rind weight, pulp weight and dry seed weight. The genotypes K-29, K-32, K-1 46, KN-1, KN-3, KN-4 and KN-5 were pronlising. &nbsp

    Optical, structural and morphological study of CdS nanoparticles: Role of sulphur source

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    Cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanoparticles were synthesized by simple and low cost homemade hot injection method at low process temperature using different sulphur sources. The effects of sulphur concentration on the structural, morphological, and optoelectronic properties of synthesized CdS films were studied using a range of characterization techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and UV-Visible spectroscopy. The XRD studies revealed the formation of hexagonal type CdS nanoparticles. The varying morphology dependence on the sulphur source was ascertained from FESEM analysis. The longitudinal optical (LO) phonon vibrational modes of CdS were assigned in Raman spectra at 300 and 600 cm−1. The band gap of the CdS particles was estimated to be 2.30 eV from Tauc’s plots. Consistent with the experimental results, our first-principles DFT calculations predict the band gap of CdS nanoparticles to increase with decreasing S concentration: Cd52S52 (2.38 eV) Cd52S51 (2.52 eV) and Cd52S50 (2.65 eV), with both the valence and conduction band edges demonstrated to be dominated by S-p states
