15 research outputs found

    Germination of seeds of Avena fatua L. under different storage conditions

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    Storage conditions have a strong influence on the germination of seeds of Avena fatua L, especially at variable conditions, the germination decreased. Seeds stored at a constant low temperature maintained the germination capability for 5 years. Under greenhouse conditions, seeds matured and germinated more rapidly comparing to field conditions, but individuals from these seeds were weaker and produced fewer seeds. The higher temperature in the greenhouse accelerated the development and maturing of plants. Field emergence varied depending on seed storage conditions, sample, further reproduction, and weather conditions. It was observed that individual specimens of A. fatua were able to form ripe seeds with high thousand grain mass (TGM), regardless of the occurrence of fungal diseases. The knowledge of the biology of A. fatua is very important due to its status as a restricted weed in certified seed of crop plants

    Field experiments with Avena genetic resources – an european project (AVEQ)

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    In a cooperative project with fifteen partners from nine European countries, in 2008, genebank material and current commercial varieties (323 cultivated and 17 wild accessions) were evaluated for traits related to quality in human consumption, mycotoxins and cold tolerance. The work is done in 10 work packages: 1) Project management and coordination; 2) Selection and multiplication of a project working collection; 3) Field experiments and sampling seeds for quality analysis; 4) Field experiments with artificial Fusarium inoculation; 5) Fusarium and mycotoxin analysis; 6) Analysis for protein – including Avenins, fat and minerals; 7) Analysis for dietary fibre and ß-glucan; 8) Analysis for antioxidants, including Avenanthramides; 9) Analysis for cold tolerance; 10) Project documentation and internet portal. In Work package 3, “Field experiments and sampling seeds for quality analysis” were involved seven countries distributed all over Europe (Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Italy, Poland, Romania and Sweden). The activities from WP3 were coordinated by Romanian partner. Field experiments were laid out as augmented block designs with 11 standards (Argentina, Auteuil, Belinda, Evora, Genziana, Jaak, Krezus, Mina, Mures and Saul) in five replications. Plot size ranged, from 2.0m2 to 3.0m2 . The descriptors observed by all partners were: days to heading, days to maturity, crop height, lodging at immature stage, lodging at mature stage, panicle shape, occurrence of diseases, lemma colour, yield, seed weight and test weight, Harvest results (yield, seed weight, test weight, moisture) were put on line into a project information system (http://eadb.bafz.de/aveqprod/). All data will be made available with the end of the project in the European Avena Database (http://eadb.bafz.de) Acknowledgements: This project is funded by the European Commission, DG AGRI within the framework of council regulation 870/2004 and co-funded by Peter Kölln KGaA, Elmshorn, Germany, Emco spol. s. r. o., Prague, Czech Republic, and Gemeinschaft zur Förderung der privaten deutschen Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. (GFP), Bonn, Germany

    Ocena cech morfologicznych, użytkowych i składu chemicznego obiektów owsa zgromadzonych w Krajowym Centrum Roślinnych Zasobów Genowych w Radzikowie

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    W badaniach prowadzonych w latach 2009–2011 w Radzikowie wykonana została ocena cech morfologicznych, użytkowych i chemicznych 123 obiektów owsa A. sativa L., A. byzantina C. Koch., A. strigosa Schreb., A. abyssinica Hochst., A. fatua L., A. barbata Pott. Przedmiotem badań były stare od- miany, populacje miejscowe, linie hodowlane oraz dzikie gatun- ki owsa. Celem badań było poznanie zmienności obiektów pod względem cech morfologicznych, użytkowych i jakościowych oraz wybór form najbardziej pożądanych w hodowli. Rośliny oceniano pod względem: wschodów, liczby roślin na dwóch me- trach długości rzędu, pokroju roślin, daty wiechowania, wysoko- ści roślin, długości wiechy, typu wiechy, występujących chorób, wylegania, daty dojrzałości. Po zbiorach określono plon z polet- ka, masę tysiąca ziaren, ciężar objętościowy ziarna oraz barwę łuski. W ostatnim roku doświadczenia wykonano badania jako- ściowe ziarna. Dla 100 obiektów oznaczono zawartość: suchej masy, białka, tłuszczu, skrobi, popiołu, błonnika i β-glukanów. Trzyletnie wyniki obserwacji oraz wyniki badań składu che- micznego poddano analizie statystycznej w pakiecie statystycz- nym SAS®. Wykonano analizę wariancji, a następnie zastoso- wano metodę składowych głównych. Badane obiekty wykazały się dużym zróżnicowaniem pod względem analizowanych cech. Wybrano 15 obiektów wyróżniających się wysokim plonowa- niem, odpornością na porażenie chorobami powodowanymi przez grzyby i odpornością na wyleganie. Na podstawie składu chemicznego wskazano obiekty szczególnie przydatne do celów spożywczych i paszowych

    Germination of seeds of Avena fatua L. under different storage conditions

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    Storage conditions have a strong influence on the germination of seeds of Avena fatua L, especially at variable conditions, the germination decreased. Seeds stored at a constant low temperature maintained the germination capability for 5 years. Under greenhouse conditions, seeds matured and germinated more rapidly comparing to field conditions, but individuals from these seeds were weaker and produced fewer seeds. The higher temperature in the greenhouse accelerated the development and maturing of plants. Field emergence varied depending on seed storage conditions, sample, further reproduction, and weather conditions. It was observed that individual specimens of A. fatua were able to form ripe seeds with high thousand grain mass (TGM), regardless of the occurrence of fungal diseases. The knowledge of the biology of A. fatua is very important due to its status as a restricted weed in certified seed of crop plants

    Promoting the Use of Common Oat Genetic Resources through Diversity Analysis and Core Collection Construction.

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    The assessment of diversity and population structure and construction of a core collection is beneficial for the efficient use and management of germplasm. A unique collection of common oat landraces, cultivated in the temperate climate of central Europe until the end of the twentieth century, is preserved in the Polish gene bank. It consists of 91 accessions that have never been used in breeding programs. In order to optimise the use of this genetic resource, we aimed to: (1) determine genetic and agro-morphological diversity, (2) identify internal genetic variation of the tested accessions, (3) form a core collection and (4) recognise the accessions useful for breeding programs or re-release for cultivation. The collection was screened using ISSR markers (1520 loci) and eight agro-morphological traits. Uniquely, we performed molecular studies based on 24 individuals of every accession instead of bulk samples. Therefore, assessment of the degree of diversity within each population and the identification of overlapping gene pools were possible. The observed internal diversity (Nei unbiased coefficient) was in the range of 0.17-0.31. Based on combined genetic and agro-morphological data, we established the core collection composed of 21 landraces. Due to valuable compositions of important traits, some accessions were also identified as useful for breeding programs. The population structure and principal coordinate analysis revealed two major clusters. Based on the previous results, the accessions classified within the smaller one were identified as obsolete varieties instead of landraces. Our results show that the oat landraces are, in general, resistant to local races of diseases, well adapted to local conditions and, in some cases, yielding at the level of modern varieties. Therefore, in situ conservation of the landraces in the near future may be satisfactory for both farmers and researchers in terms of the genetic resources preservation

    The principal coordinate analysis results based on ISSR data.

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    <p>Bi-plots of the first two principal coordinates F1 and F2. a) based on pair-wise Nei genetic distances among accessions, b) based on Nei genetic distance calculated between all individual plants.</p