11 research outputs found

    Maistui daigintų sėklų džiovinimo ir šaldymo būdai bei mikrobiologinės taršos mažinimas

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    This is the first time the pre-processing methods (drying, freezing) of sprouted seed intended for human consumption have been investigated and the variation of chemical composition, and biologically –active compounds characterised by antioxidant properties has been evaluated. It has also been found that disinfectants in sprouted seed affect the total micro-organism count as well as the contents of bacteria and microfungi and mycotoxins produced by them.Pirmą kartą ištirti maistui daigintų sėklų pirminio perdirbimo būdai (džiovinimas, šaldymas) bei įvertintas cheminės sudėties, biologiškai aktyvių ir antioksidacinėmis savybėmis pasižyminčių junginių kitimas. Taip pat nustatyta, kad dezinfekantai maistui daigintose sėklose daro įtaką bendram mikroorganizmų skaičiui, bakterijų ir mikroskopinių grybų bei jų produkuojamų mikotoksinų kiekiui.Žemės ūkio akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    High-risk amounts of mycotoxins (T-2 and zearalenone) of sprouted seeds for food and their detoxication potential

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    Mityba veikia žmonių sveikatą ir įvairių maisto medžiagų pagalba apsaugo arba sukelia įvairius susirgimus. Todėl šiandienos uždavinys – pateikti vartotojui kiek galima saugesnį ir maistingesnį produktą. Sėklų daiginimas yra vienas natūralių minimalaus perdirbimo būdų, padidinančių maisto produktų mitybinę vertę. Tačiau dėl optimalaus drėgmės bei šilumos režimo šio proceso metu, daigintos maistui sėklos yra labai palanki terpė mikroorganizmams augti bei vystytis. Tai gali įtakoti galutinės produkcijos didelę mikrobiologinę taršą. Mikroorganizmai sukelia ne tik maisto produktų kokybės pakitimus, bet ir sintetina toksiškus junginius. Siekiant to išvengti, jau eilę metų yra tyrinėjamos fungicidinį poveikį turinčios dezinfekavimo medžiagos. 2007– 2008 metais LŽŪU taip pat buvo atlikti tyrimai su kviečiais Zentos, ridikėliais Warta ir liucernomis Europa. Tirti mikotoksinai T-2 ir zearalenonas nedaigintose, daigintose nedetoksikuotose bei detoksikuotose sėklose. Detoksikavimui buvo naudotas vandenilio peroksido tirpalas. Tiriant ypač pavojingus mikotoksinus gavome skirtingus rezultatus. Tirta detoksikavimo priemonė 6 % vandenilio peroksido tirpalas buvo neefektyvi detoksikuojant mikotoksinus. Dygimo proceso metu tirtų mikotoksinų kiekis mažėjoNutrition has influence on human health, therefore today‘s task is to produce for consumers safe and nutritious products. Seed sprouting is alternative processing method. Sprouted seeds also are very good environment for microorganisms because of the optimal temperature and humidity regime during sprouting process. It may influence microbial pollution of final product. Microorganisms can cause changes of product quality, but also form toxic metabolites. For that reason scientists investigate disinfectants with fungicidal effect. In 2007 – 2008 in Lithuanian University of Agriculture research was carried out with wheat Zentos, radish Warta, alfalfa Europa. It was investigated amounts of mycotoxins T – 2 and zearalenone in unsprouted and sprouted non – detoxicated and detoxicated seeds. For detoxication was used solution of hydrogen peroxide. The biggest amounts of mycotoxins was determined on unsprouted seeds. Used detoxication solution 6 H2O2 was unefective in mycotoxins reduction. During the sprouting process amounts of investigated mycotoxins decreasedVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Safety of sprouted seeds for food

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    Mityba veikia žmonių sveikatą ir įvairių maisto medžiagų pagalba apsaugo arba sukelia įvairius susirgimus. Todėl šiandieniam vartotojui svarbu pateikti kiek galima saugesnį ir maistingesnį produktą. Sėklų daiginimas yra vienas natūralių minimalaus perdirbimo būdų, padidinančių maisto produktų mitybinę vertę. Sėkloms sudygti reikalingas optimalus temperatūros bei drėgnio santykis skatina ne tik sėklų dygimą, bet ir mikroskopinių grybų augimą. Tai gali įtakoti galutinės produkcijos didelę mikrobiologinę taršą. Mikroorganizmai sukelia ne tik maisto produktų kokybės pakitimus, bet ir sintetina toksiškus junginius. Siekiant to išvengti, jau eilę metų yra tyrinėjamos fungicidinį poveikį turinčios dezinfekavimo medžiagos. 2007-2008 metais LŽŪU taip pat buvo atlikti tyrimai su kviečiais lentos, ridikėliais Warta ir liucernomis Europa. Tirti mikotoksinai T-2, ochratoksinas ir bendras aflatoksinų kiekis nedaigintose, daigintose nedetoksikuotose bei detoksikuotose sėklose. Detoksikavimui buvo naudotas vandenilio peroksido tirpalas. Tiriant ypač pavojingus mikotoksinus gavome skirtingus rezultatus. Tirta detoksikavimo priemonė 6 % vandenilio peroksido tirpalas buvo neefektyvi detoksikuojant mikotoksinus. Dygimo proceso metu tirtų mikotoksinų kiekis mažėjoNutrition has influence on human health, therefore today's task is to produce for consumers safe and nutritious products. Seed sprouting is alternative processing method. Sprouted seeds also are very good environment for microorganisms because of the optimal temperature and humidity regime during sprouting process. It may influence microbial pollution of final product. Microorganisms can cause changes of product quality, but also form toxic metabolites. For that reason scientists investigate disinfectants with fungicidal effect. In 2007 - 2008 in Lithuanian University of Agriculture research was carried out with wheat Zentos, radish Warta, alfalfa Europa. It was investigated amounts of mycotoxins T - 2, aflatoxins and ochratoxin in unsprouted and sprouted non - detoxicated and detoxicated seeds. For detoxication was used solution of hydrogen peroxide. The biggest amounts of mycotoxins was determined on unsprouted seeds. Used detoxication solution 6% H2O7was unefective in mycotoxins reduction. During the sprouting process amounts of investigated mycotoxins decreasedVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Daigintų maistui sėklų biocheminė sudėtis

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    Santr. liet., anglBibliogr.: p. 59 (6 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Alternative Pflanzezusätze ins Brot

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    Santr. anglBibliogr. : p. 50 (6 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Disinfection of sprouted seeds for food

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    Seed sprouting for food is an alternative processing method. Because of the optimal temperature and moisture regime during sprouting process seeds are very good environment for the growth and development of micro-organisms, what can influence microbiological impurity and safety of the final product. Micro-organisms cause not only changes in sprouted seeds sensory quality but also synthesis of toxic compounds, harmful for human health. That is why disinfecting materials with fungicide action are the subjects of research already for a many years. In 2007-2008 at the Lithuanian University of Agriculture was carried out research with the seeds of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) cv. ‘Warta’, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cv. ‘Europa’ and amaranthus (Amaranthus cruentus L.) cv. ‘Geltonukai’. Amounts of mycotoxins T-2, aflatoxin, ochratoxin, deoxinivalenol and zearalenon were detected in raw (not sprouted) and sprouted not disinfected and disinfected seeds. H2O2 (6%) and 1% grapefruit seeds extract were used for seeds disinfection in experiment. Using the 1% concentration Citrosept the amount of micromycetes and yeast fungi reduced but the genera of micromycetes which have ability to synthesize mycotoxins compete with other moulds and make a move them their own place. Amounts of the most widely spread mycotoxins in various kinds of seeds differed. Zearalenon was predominated mycotoxin in raw alfalfa seeds, while aflatoxin was not detected. Not in all research samples disinfecting agents used for the mycotoxins disinfecting were effective. During sprouting process amounts of mycotoxins decreasedVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Influence of growing technology on enzymatic activity in germinated for food wheat grains

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    The goal of this research was to evaluate the influence of different growing technologies (conventional and organic) and germination duration on the activity of wheat grain enzymes. Germinated and non-germinated for food wheat grain cultivars "Si/yinta-l" and "Zentos" were researched. Wheat samples were selected from the year 2004 harvest, grown in the Centre of Agro Ecology of Lithuanian University of Agriculture. Organically grown wheat grain has been fertilised with one dose of organic mixture 30 t/ha (50% manure and 50% straw), whereas that conventionally grown with nitrogen Nw=200 kg/ha in spring and additionally with the same dose in the summer. Besides, in June leaves were sprayed with fertiliser (N15=30 kg/ha). Later the soil was fertilised with carbamate (46.2%) - 30 kg/ha. In conventional farm, grain were pickled with 25( concentration pickle Maksim 1 kg/ha before sowing. Growing regulator Cicocel (750 g/L) - 1 L/ha was used at maturation. Antidisease spray Falkon (460 g/L) 0.5 L/ha was used at the time of vegetation. No pesticide or growing regulators were used in organic farm. Enzymes a- and /)-amylase activity research was carried out in non-germinated (control) and germinated for 12, 24, 36 and 48 h wheat grain. The activity of catalase, xylanase, cellulase, maltase and protease was established in the grain germinated for two days. The data were processed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) using statistical program STAT ENG (2000 m.). Student and Fisher tests were used for comparison of mean values obtained. Enzyme amount determination results were estimated applying dispersal analysis method, determining averages of data, confidence intervals (±) and the index of the least significantly differences (R05) to factor A (enzyme activity in organically grown wheat grain), for factor B (enzyme activity in conventionally grown wheat grain) and its interface AB with 95% of confidenceVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Mikotoksinai ir jų detoksikavimo galimybės maistui skirtose daigintose sėklose

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    Mityba turi įtakos žmonių sveikatai, taigi šiandienos uždavinys - pateikti vartotojui saugesnį ir maistingesnį produktą. Sėklų daiginimas - alternatyvus perdirbimo būdas. Tačiau dėl optimalaus šilumos bei drėgmės režimo šio proceso metu daigintos sėklos yra labai palanki terpė mikroorganizmams augti bei vystytis. Tai gali turėti įtakos galutinės produkcijos padidėjusiam mikrobiniam užterštumui. Mikroorganizmai sukelia ne tik maisto produktų kokybes pakitimus, bet ir sintetina juose toksiškus junginius. Siekiant to išvengti, jau daug metų mokslininkai tyrinėja fungicidinį poveikį turinčias dezinfekavimo medžiagas. 2004-2005 m. LŽŪU buvo atlikti tyrimai su kviečiais 'Zentos', ridikėliais 'Warta' ir liucernomis 'Europa'. Tirti mikotoksinai T-2, aflatoksinas, ochratoksinas ir zearalenonas nedaigintų ir daigintų nedetoksikuotų bei detoksikuotų sėklų paviršiuje. Detoksikavimui buvo naudotas 6% vandenilio peroksido tirpalas. Tiriant šiuos labiausiai paplitusius mikotoksinus ant įvairių augalų rūšių sėklų gavome skirtingus rezultatus. Daugiausiai ant nedaigintų sėklų paviršiaus aptikta zearalenono, tuo tarpu aflatoksino buvo mažiausiai. Tirta detoksikavimo priemonė (vandenilio peroksidas) buvo neefektyvi detoksikuojant mikotoksinus. Dygimo proceso metu tirtų mikotoksinų, išskyrus aflatoksiną, kiekis mažėjoNutrition has influence on human health, therefore present task is to produce safe and nutritious products for consumers. Seed germinating is an alternative processing method. Germinated seeds also are very good environment for microorganisms because of the optimal temperature and humidity regime during germinating process. This may influence microbial pollution of final product. Microorganisms can cause changes of product quality, and also form toxic metabolites. For that reason scientists investigate disinfecting substances with fungicidal effect. In 2004-2005 in Lithuanian University of Agriculture research was carried out with wheat 'Zentos', radish 'Warta', alfalfa 'Europa'. Amounts of mycotoxins T-2, aflatoxins, ochratoxin, zearalenone in not germinated and germinated non - detoxicated and detoxicated seeds were investigated. Solution of hydrogen peroxide was used for detoxication. The biggest amounts of mycotoxin zearaienone and the least amounts of aflatoxins were determined on not germinated seeds. The applied detoxication solution 6% H2O2 was unefective for reduction of mycotoxin. During the germinating process amounts of investigated mycotoxins decreased except those of aflatoxinsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Effects of disinfectants for amount of amino acids in sprouted seeds intended for human consumption

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    The grain germination has an important effect on the chemical composition, nutritive value, and acceptability characteristics of products for human consumption. They have been recommended for enhance nutritional value, rich in health-promoting phytochemicals and with low fat. The aim of research was to determinate the effect of disinfectants for amount of amino acids in sprouted seeds of broccoli (Brassica olearacea L.), amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Non-sprouted seeds were disinfected with 6% hydrogen peroxide solution and with 1% grapefruit seeds solution. The seeds germinated for 120 hours were analyzed for: amount of dry matter, protein and amino acids. The experiment was done in four replications of the each type of seeds. Disinfection with hydrogen peroxide and grapefruit seed solution ‘Citrosept’ didn't influence on the amount of dry matter in different sprouted seeds. But disinfection with grapefruit seeds solution showed the tendency to increase the content of dry matter comparing those with control variation. Both disinfection methods essentially increased the amount of protein in the radish and alfalfa, but reliably reduced in amaranth sprouted seeds. Disinfection with hydrogen peroxide showed tendency to increase essential amino acids comparing disinfected with grapefruit seeds solution. Results suggested that disinfection with grapefruit seeds solutions had tend to decline essential and nonessential amino acids in alfalfa seeds compare with control variationVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij