186 research outputs found

    The mathematical model of an operator in a human – machine systems. Problems and solutions

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    In all of the problems where human is an inherent part of a system it is needed to identify a model of a human operator. In some cases it is not necessary to develop a complicated form of an operator’s model. But there are some projects which demand a very precise human model. Such a model can give us much more accurate response of a human during the simulation. And the results may be more similar to the results took during the real test. That’s why many people have already worked within this subject. In publications and articles the main structure of a human model is based on second order system. The transfer function was developed mainly by D. T. McRuer in 60’s. Later on, transfer function proposed by McRuer was developing constantly. This paper concentrates on a variables that influence onto operator. In other words, there is a discussion if it is possible to develop a new model of a human operator including not only the attributes of a man but also other variables like stress or fatigue. The difficulty of this problem is first to define what variables may influence on the human behavior and second is to model them properly. To identify a human transfer function there will be done some tests on a flight simulator. The solution of this problem might be very helpful for all companies which for example use flight simulators to improve the skills of pilots. With the accurate model of a human behavior we could verify better if the training was good enough. What is more, we could compare the changes before and after the training. Base on this we could see clearly which of the variables of a man augmented and which doesn’t. After many test we might prepare better missions and tasks to train the pilots. So that we know on which parameter we would influence the most

    Математическая модель оператора в системах человек - машина. Проблемы и решения

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    У всіх завданнях, де людина є невід'ємною частиною системи необхідно ідентифікувати модель людини-оператора. У деяких випадках немає необхідності розробляти складну форму моделі оператора. Але є деякі проекти, які вимагають дуже точну модель людини. Така модель може дати нам набагато більше точну реакцію людини під час імітації. І результати можуть бути більш схожі на результати справжнього випробування.In all of the problems where human is a inherent part of a system it is needed to identify a model of a human operator. In some cases it is not necessary to develop a complicated form of an operator’s model. But there are some projects which demand a very precise human model. Such a model can give us much more accurate response of a human during the simulation. And the results may be more similar to the results took during the real test.Во всех задачах, где человек является неотъемлемой частью системы необходимо идентифицировать модель человека-оператора. В некоторых случаях нет необходимости разрабатывать сложную форму модели оператора. Но есть некоторые проекты, которые требуют очень точную модель человека. Такая модель может дать нам гораздо более точную реакцию человека во время имитации. И результаты могут быть более схожи на результаты настоящих испытаний

    Leadership in a Private Nephrology Practice: Autonomy Is More Than a Dream!

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    Private practice is entering an era of diminishing reimbursement and increasing overhead associated with federally mandated payment reforms resulting in a need to move from the traditional fee-for-service to a value-based model, changes that place financial and organizational strain on nephrology practices. In addition, the changing geopolitical scene is one of mergers and consolidation of health care networks, which in turn are developing their own insurance plans or partnering with commercial payers. The new landscape will require the leadership of a private nephrology practice to vigilantly monitor and adapt to these changes for success. Our leaders must be mindful of the impact of these changes to foster the successful growth of an autonomous private nephrology practice in which there is opportunity for personal and professional growth of its members in their quest to provide quality and safe patient care

    FDTD modeling and experimental verification of electromagnetic power dissipated in domestic microwave ovens, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2003, nr 1

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    The FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) method has proven to be effective in modeling high-frequency electromagnetic problems in telecommunications industry. Recently it has been successfully applied in microwave power engineering. In order to accurately model scenarios typical in this field one has to deal with the movement of objects placed inside cavities. This paper describes a simple algorithm that makes it possible to take into account object rotation – important in simulations of domestic microwave ovens. Results of example simulations are presented and an experimental verification of the simulation tool is performed