1,379 research outputs found

    Optimal synchronization deep in the quantum regime: resource and fundamental limit

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    We develop an analytical framework to study the synchronization of a quantum self-sustained oscillator to an external signal. Our unified description allows us to identify the resource on which quantum synchronization relies, and to compare quantitatively the synchronization behavior of different limit cycles and signals. We focus on the most elementary quantum system that is able to host a self-sustained oscillation, namely a single spin 1. Despite the spin having no classical analogue, we first show that it can realize the van der Pol limit cycle deep in the quantum regime, which allows us to provide an analytical understanding to recently reported numerical results. Moving on to the equatorial limit cycle, we then reveal the existence of an interference-based quantum synchronization blockade and extend the classical Arnold tongue to a snake-like split tongue. Finally, we derive the maximum synchronization that can be achieved in the spin-1 system, and construct a limit cycle that reaches this fundamental limit asymptotically.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, equivalent to published versio

    Unraveling nonclassicality in the optomechanical instability

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    Conditional dynamics due to continuous optical measurements has successfully been applied for state reconstruction and feedback cooling in optomechanical systems. In this article, we show that the same measurement techniques can be used to unravel nonclassicality in optomechanical limit cycles. In contrast to unconditional dynamics, our approach gives rise to nonclassical limit cycles even in the sideband-unresolved regime, where the cavity decay rate exceeds the mechanical frequency. We predict a significant reduction of the mechanical amplitude fluctuations for realistic experimental parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, equivalent to published versio

    Creating photon-number squeezed strong microwave fields by a Cooper-pair injection laser

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    The use of artificial atoms as an active lasing medium opens a way to construct novel sources of nonclassical radiation. An example is the creation of photon-number squeezed light. Here we present a design of a laser consisting of multiple Cooper-pair transistors coupled to a microwave resonator. Over a broad range of experimentally realizable parameters, this laser creates photon-number squeezed microwave radiation, characterized by a Fano factor F≪1F \ll 1, at a very high resonator photon number. We investigate the impact of gate-charge disorder in a Cooper-pair transistor and show that the system can create squeezed strong microwave fields even in the presence of maximum disorder.Comment: extended and revised version, equivalent to the published article. 11 pages, 3 figure

    When does a one-axis-twist-untwist quantum sensing protocol work?

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    Spin squeezing can increase the sensitivity of interferometric measurements of small signals in large spin ensembles beyond the standard quantum limit. In many practical settings, the ideal metrological gain is limited by imperfect readout of the sensor. To overcome this issue, protocols based on time reversal of unitary one-axis-twist (OAT) spin-squeezing dynamics have been proposed. Such protocols mitigate readout noise and, when implemented using cavity feedback, have been argued to also be robust against dissipation as long as the collective cooperativity of the system is sufficiently large [Davis et al., PRL 116, 053601 (2016)]. Here, we perform a careful systematic study of dissipative effects on three different implementations of a OAT twist-untwist sensing scheme (based on symmetric as well as asymmetric cavity feedback and on a Tavis-Cummings interaction). Our full treatment shows that the three approaches have markedly different properties and resilience when subject to dissipation. Moreover, the metrological gain for an implementation using symmetric cavity feedback is more sensitive to undesired dissipation than was previously appreciated.Comment: 11+7 pages, 5+4 figure

    Quantum Synchronization on the IBM Q System

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    We report the first experimental demonstration of quantum synchronization. This is achieved by performing a digital simulation of a single spin-11 limit-cycle oscillator on the quantum computers of the IBM Q System. Applying an external signal to the oscillator, we verify typical features of quantum synchronization and demonstrate an interference-based quantum synchronization blockade. Our results show that state-of-the-art noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers are powerful enough to implement realistic dissipative quantum systems. Finally, we discuss limitations of current quantum hardware and define requirements necessary to investigate more complex problems.Comment: equivalent to published version, 8 pages, 5 figure

    Geometric Phase in Quantum Synchronization

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    We consider a quantum limit-cycle oscillator implemented in a spin system whose quantization axis is slowly rotated. Using a kinematic approach to define geometric phases in nonunitary evolution, we show that the quantum limit-cycle oscillator attains a geometric phase when the rotation is sufficiently slow. In the presence of an external signal, the geometric phase as a function of the signal strength and the detuning between the signal and the natural frequency of oscillation shows a structure that is strikingly similar to the Arnold tongue of synchronization. Surprisingly, this structure vanishes together with the Arnold tongue when the system is in a parameter regime of synchronization blockade. We derive an analytic expression for the geometric phase of this system, valid in the limit of slow rotation of the quantization axis and weak external signal strength, and we provide an intuitive interpretation for this surprising effect

    Squeezed superradiance enables robust entanglement-enhanced metrology even with highly imperfect readout

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    Quantum metrology protocols using entangled states of large spin ensembles attempt to achieve measurement sensitivities surpassing the standard quantum limit (SQL), but in many cases they are severely limited by even small amounts of technical noise associated with imperfect sensor readout. Amplification strategies based on time-reversed coherent spin-squeezing dynamics have been devised to mitigate this issue, but are unfortunately very sensitive to dissipation, requiring a large single-spin cooperativity to be effective. Here, we propose a new dissipative protocol that combines amplification and squeezed fluctuations. It enables the use of entangled spin states for sensing well beyond the SQL even in the presence of significant readout noise. Further, it has a strong resilience against undesired single-spin dissipation, requiring only a large collective cooperativity to be effective.Comment: 6+9 pages, 3+3 figures; equivalent to published version; a reference to a previously unpublished manuscript has been update
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