405 research outputs found

    Demarcating circulation regimes of synchronously rotating terrestrial planets within the habitable zone

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    We investigate the atmospheric dynamics of terrestrial planets in synchronous rotation within the habitable zone of low-mass stars using the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). The surface temperature contrast between day and night hemispheres decreases with an increase in incident stellar flux, which is opposite the trend seen on gas giants. We define three dynamical regimes in terms of the equatorial Rossby deformation radius and the Rhines length. The slow rotation regime has a mean zonal circulation that spans from day to night side, with both the Rossby deformation radius and the Rhines length exceeding planetary radius, which occurs for planets around stars with effective temperatures of 3300 K to 4500 K (rotation period > 20 days). Rapid rotators have a mean zonal circulation that partially spans a hemisphere and with banded cloud formation beneath the substellar point, with the Rossby deformation radius is less than planetary radius, which occurs for planets orbiting stars with effective temperatures of less than 3000 K (rotation period < 5 days). In between is the Rhines rotation regime, which retains a thermally-direct circulation from day to night side but also features midlatitude turbulence-driven zonal jets. Rhines rotators occur for planets around stars in the range of 3000 K to 3300 K (rotation period ∼ 5 to 20 days), where the Rhines length is greater than planetary radius but the Rossby deformation radius is less than planetary radius. The dynamical state can be observationally inferred from comparing the morphology of the thermal emission phase curves of synchronously rotating planets

    Optimal Location of Sources in Transportation Networks

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    We consider the problem of optimizing the locations of source nodes in transportation networks. A reduction of the fraction of surplus nodes induces a glassy transition. In contrast to most constraint satisfaction problems involving discrete variables, our problem involves continuous variables which lead to cavity fields in the form of functions. The one-step replica symmetry breaking (1RSB) solution involves solving a stable distribution of functionals, which is in general infeasible. In this paper, we obtain small closed sets of functional cavity fields and demonstrate how functional recursions are converted to simple recursions of probabilities, which make the 1RSB solution feasible. The physical results in the replica symmetric (RS) and the 1RSB frameworks are thus derived and the stability of the RS and 1RSB solutions are examined.Comment: 38 pages, 18 figure

    Exploring Kepler Giant Planets in the Habitable Zone

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    The Kepler mission found hundreds of planet candidates within the habitable zones (HZ) of their host star, including over 70 candidates with radii larger than 3 Earth radii (R⊕R_\oplus) within the optimistic habitable zone (OHZ) (Kane et al. 2016). These giant planets are potential hosts to large terrestrial satellites (or exomoons) which would also exist in the HZ. We calculate the occurrence rates of giant planets (Rp=R_p =~3.0--25~R⊕R_\oplus) in the OHZ and find a frequency of (6.5±1.9)%(6.5 \pm 1.9)\% for G stars, (11.5±3.1)%(11.5 \pm 3.1)\% for K stars, and (6±6)%(6 \pm 6)\% for M stars. We compare this with previously estimated occurrence rates of terrestrial planets in the HZ of G, K and M stars and find that if each giant planet has one large terrestrial moon then these moons are less likely to exist in the HZ than terrestrial planets. However, if each giant planet holds more than one moon, then the occurrence rates of moons in the HZ would be comparable to that of terrestrial planets, and could potentially exceed them. We estimate the mass of each planet candidate using the mass-radius relationship developed by Chen & Kipping (2016). We calculate the Hill radius of each planet to determine the area of influence of the planet in which any attached moon may reside, then calculate the estimated angular separation of the moon and planet for future imaging missions. Finally, we estimate the radial velocity semi-amplitudes of each planet for use in follow up observations.Comment: 19 Pages, 16 Figures, 5 Table

    A List of Galaxies for Gravitational Wave Searches

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    We present a list of galaxies within 100 Mpc, which we call the Gravitational Wave Galaxy Catalogue (GWGC), that is currently being used in follow-up searches of electromagnetic counterparts from gravitational wave searches. Due to the time constraints of rapid follow-up, a locally available catalogue of reduced, homogenized data is required. To achieve this we used four existing catalogues: an updated version of the Tully Nearby Galaxy Catalog, the Catalog of Neighboring Galaxies, the V8k catalogue and HyperLEDA. The GWGC contains information on sky position, distance, blue magnitude, major and minor diameters, position angle, and galaxy type for 53,255 galaxies. Errors on these quantities are either taken directly from the literature or estimated based on our understanding of the uncertainties associated with the measurement method. By using the PGC numbering system developed for HyperLEDA, the catalogue has a reduced level of degeneracies compared to catalogues with a similar purpose and is easily updated. We also include 150 Milky Way globular clusters. Finally, we compare the GWGC to previously used catalogues, and find the GWGC to be more complete within 100 Mpc due to our use of more up-to-date input catalogues and the fact that we have not made a blue luminosity cut.Comment: Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity, 13 pages, 7 figure

    The Prospect of Detecting Volcanic Signatures on an ExoEarth Using Direct Imaging

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    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has provided the first opportunity to study the atmospheres of terrestrial exoplanets and estimate their surface conditions. Earth-sized planets around Sun-like stars are currently inaccessible with JWST however, and will have to be observed using the next generation of telescopes with direct imaging capabilities. Detecting active volcanism on an Earth-like planet would be particularly valuable as it would provide insight into its interior, and provide context for the commonality of the interior states of Earth and Venus. In this work we used a climate model to simulate four exoEarths over eight years with ongoing large igneous province eruptions with outputs ranging from 1.8-60 Gt of sulfur dioxide. The atmospheric data from the simulations were used to model direct imaging observations between 0.2-2.0 μ\mum, producing reflectance spectra for every month of each exoEarth simulation. We calculated the amount of observation time required to detect each of the major absorption features in the spectra, and identified the most prominent effects that volcanism had on the reflectance spectra. These effects include changes in the size of the O3_3, O2_2, and H2_2O absorption features, and changes in the slope of the spectrum. Of these changes, we conclude that the most detectable and least ambiguous evidence of volcanism are changes in both O3_3 absorption and the slope of the spectrum.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, Accepted for publication in AJ (September 26, 2023

    Compact Binary Coalescences in the Band of Ground-based Gravitational-Wave Detectors

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    As the ground-based gravitational-wave telescopes LIGO, Virgo, and GEO 600 approach the era of first detections, we review the current knowledge of the coalescence rates and the mass and spin distributions of merging neutron-star and black-hole binaries. We emphasize the bi-directional connection between gravitational-wave astronomy and conventional astrophysics. Astrophysical input will make possible informed decisions about optimal detector configurations and search techniques. Meanwhile, rate upper limits, detected merger rates, and the distribution of masses and spins measured by gravitational-wave searches will constrain astrophysical parameters through comparisons with astrophysical models. Future developments necessary to the success of gravitational-wave astronomy are discussed.Comment: Replaced with version accepted by CQG

    LOOC UP: Locating and observing optical counterparts to gravitational wave bursts

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    Gravitational wave (GW) bursts (short duration signals) are expected to be associated with highly energetic astrophysical processes. With such high energies present, it is likely these astrophysical events will have signatures in the EM spectrum as well as in gravitational radiation. We have initiated a program, "Locating and Observing Optical Counterparts to Unmodeled Pulses in Gravitational Waves" (LOOC UP) to promptly search for counterparts to GW burst candidates. The proposed method analyzes near real-time data from the LIGO-Virgo network, and then uses a telescope network to seek optical-transient counterparts to candidate GW signals. We carried out a pilot study using S5/VSR1 data from the LIGO-Virgo network to develop methods and software tools for such a search. We will present the method, with an emphasis on the potential for such a search to be carried out during the next science run of LIGO and Virgo, expected to begin in 2009.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2) added acknowledgments, additional references, and minor text changes v3) added 1 figure, additional references, and minor text changes. v4) Updated references and acknowledgments. To be published in the GWDAW 12 Conf. Proc. by Classical and Quantum Gravit

    The Anti-Inflammatory Drug Leflunomide Is an Agonist of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor

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    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor that mediates the toxicity and biological activity of dioxins and related chemicals. The AhR influences a variety of processes involved in cellular growth and differentiation, and recent studies have suggested that the AhR is a potential target for immune-mediated diseases.During a screen for molecules that activate the AhR, leflunomide, an immunomodulatory drug presently used in the clinic for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, was identified as an AhR agonist. We aimed to determine whether any biological activity of leflunomide could be attributed to a previously unappreciated interaction with the AhR. The currently established mechanism of action of leflunomide involves its metabolism to A771726, possibly by cytochrome P450 enzymes, followed by inhibition of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis by A771726. Our results demonstrate that leflunomide, but not its metabolite A771726, caused nuclear translocation of AhR into the nucleus and increased expression of AhR-responsive reporter genes and endogenous AhR target genes in an AhR-dependent manner. In silico Molecular Docking studies employing AhR ligand binding domain revealed favorable binding energy for leflunomide, but not for A771726. Further, leflunomide, but not A771726, inhibited in vivo epimorphic regeneration in a zebrafish model of tissue regeneration in an AhR-dependent manner. However, suppression of lymphocyte proliferation by leflunomide or A771726 was not dependent on AhR.These data reveal that leflunomide, an anti-inflammatory drug, is an agonist of the AhR. Our findings link AhR activation by leflunomide to inhibition of fin regeneration in zebrafish. Identification of alternative AhR agonists is a critical step in evaluating the AhR as a therapeutic target for the treatment of immune disorders
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