55 research outputs found

    The pretence in education of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities

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    The phenomenon of pretence in the Polish educational system of the person with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) will be analized in the context of sociological concept of pretence by Jan Lutynski (1990). The subject of the study was the educational reality of the person with PIMD. Two main questions were formulated. What is the educational reality of the person with PIMD in the micro- and macrosystem context? What is happening in this educational reality? The study was conducted in interpretative paradigm based on quantitative research model using instrumental group case study. The subjects of the study were the people with PIMD (15) and school staff (57). During the study participant observertion, quantitaive deepened interview were used. The symptoms of pretence in education of the person with PIMD on the nmacrosystem level were visible in the form of inconsistencies in the legal acts regulating the course of education. On the microsystem level the manifestation of the pretence was the phenomenon of the “empty minutes” (i.e. time at school not used for the benefit of the person’s development). The results of the study on the macrosystem level suggest lack of the transparency of the legal acts. On the microsystem level the need of developing applicable standards in education of the people with PIMD.The phenomenon of pretence in the Polish educational system of the person with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) will be analized in the context of sociological concept of pretence by Jan Lutynski (1990). The subject of the study was the educational reality of the person with PIMD. Two main questions were formulated. What is the educational reality of the person with PIMD in the micro- and macrosystem context? What is happening in this educational reality? The study was conducted in interpretative paradigm based on quantitative research model using instrumental group case study. The subjects of the study were the people with PIMD (15) and school staff (57). During the study participant observertion, quantitaive deepened interview were used. The symptoms of pretence in education of the person with PIMD on the nmacrosystem level were visible in the form of inconsistencies in the legal acts regulating the course of education. On the microsystem level the manifestation of the pretence was the phenomenon of the “empty minutes” (i.e. time at school not used for the benefit of the person’s development). The results of the study on the macrosystem level suggest lack of the transparency of the legal acts. On the microsystem level the need of developing applicable standards in education of the people with PIMD

    Pozór w edukacji osób z głęboką intelektualną i wieloraką niepełnosprawnością

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    The phenomenon of pretence in the Polish educational system of the person with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) will be analized in the context of sociological concept of pretence by Jan Lutynski (1990). The subject of the study was the educational reality of the person with PIMD. Two main questions were formulated. What is the educational reality of the person with PIMD in the micro- and macrosystem context? What is happening in this educational reality? The study was conducted in interpretative paradigm based on quantitative research model using instrumental group case study. The subjects of the study were the people with PIMD (15) and school staff (57). During the study participant observertion, quantitaive deepened interview were used. The symptoms of pretence in education of the person with PIMD on the nmacrosystem level were visible in the form of inconsistencies in the legal acts regulating the course of education. On the microsystem level the manifestation of the pretence was the phenomenon of the “empty minutes” (i.e. time at school not used for the benefit of the person’s development). The results of the study on the macrosystem level suggest lack of the transparency of the legal acts. On the microsystem level the need of developing applicable standards in education of the people with PIMD.The phenomenon of pretence in the Polish educational system of the person with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) will be analized in the context of sociological concept of pretence by Jan Lutynski (1990). The subject of the study was the educational reality of the person with PIMD. Two main questions were formulated. What is the educational reality of the person with PIMD in the micro- and macrosystem context? What is happening in this educational reality? The study was conducted in interpretative paradigm based on quantitative research model using instrumental group case study. The subjects of the study were the people with PIMD (15) and school staff (57). During the study participant observertion, quantitaive deepened interview were used. The symptoms of pretence in education of the person with PIMD on the nmacrosystem level were visible in the form of inconsistencies in the legal acts regulating the course of education. On the microsystem level the manifestation of the pretence was the phenomenon of the “empty minutes” (i.e. time at school not used for the benefit of the person’s development). The results of the study on the macrosystem level suggest lack of the transparency of the legal acts. On the microsystem level the need of developing applicable standards in education of the people with PIMD

    Jakość diety i wybrane zachowania zdrowotne dorosłych chorych na cukrzycę typu 2

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    Introduction: Due to the prevalence of civilization diseases more and more activities focused on the strengthening of health are needed. Proper health behaviors play a key role in diabetes prevention, maintaining health and directly affect the quality of life.The aim of the paper was to evaluate selected health behaviors among patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Material and methods: Questionnaire of Eating Behavior (QEB) and Caltrac accelerometer was conducted among a randomly chosen sample of 66 patients (47 women and 19 men) of average age 64.4 ± 11.2 years, participating in a programme for health promotion and diabetes prevention in Siemianowice Śląskie. Results: It was found that approximately half of the students were overweight or obese (BMI > 25). The diet quality and the level of nutritional knowledge was not dependent on the sex. The statistical analysis did not reveal any statistically significant differences between women and men in health-promoting behaviors, except for eating vegetables (p = 0.018), legumes (p = 0.008), tinned meat (p = 0.037), instant food (p = 0.007) and drinking energy drinks (p = 0.011) alcoholic beverages (p = 0.009). Conclusions: Frequent coexistence of diabetes type 2 with overweight and obesity confirms the increased risk of metabolic syndrome among diabetics which determinates therapeutic directions. The advantageous eating habits in the study group concern the number of meals, consumption of vegetables and fruits; whereas the negative ones the high consumption of sweets, processed food other confectionary products and alcohol.Wstęp: W związku z rozpowszechnieniem chorób cywilizacyjnych, do których należy między innymi cukrzyca, coraz więcej działań kieruje się na umacnianie zdrowia. Prawidłowe nawyki żywieniowe mają istotne znaczenie w prewencji oraz leczeniu powikłań cukrzycowych i poprawie ogólnego stanu zdrowia i jakości życia pacjentów. Celem pracy jest ocena wybranych zachowań zdrowotnych u osób dorosłych z rozpoznaną cukrzycą typu 2. Materiał i metody: Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego oraz pomiar aktywności fizycznej urządzeniem Caltrac. Anonimowe badanie ankietowe zostało przeprowadzone wśród 66 pacjentów (47 kobiet i 19 mężczyzn), o średniej wieku 64,4 ± 11,2 roku), uczestników programu zdrowotnego „Z cukrzycą na TY” realizowanego wśród mieszkańców powiatu Siemianowice Śląskie. Badani wypełniali kwestionariusz Questionnaire of Eating Behaviour (QEB) służący do badań zachowań żywieniowych i opinii na temat żywności i żywienia. Wyniki: Większość słuchaczy charakteryzowała nadmierna masa ciała (BMI > 25). Nie zaobserwowano znamienności statystycznej między indeksem diety i poziomem wiedzy żywieniowej a płcią i sytuacją materialną badanych. Zaobserwowano istotne różnice względem częstotliwości spożycia warzyw (p = 0,018), roślin strączkowych (p = 0,008), konserw mięsnych (p = 0,037), produktów typu instant (p = 0,007), napojów energetycznych (p = 0,011) i alkoholowych (p = 0,009) a płcią. Wnioski: Częste współwystępowanie cukrzycy typu 2 z nadwagą i otyłością zwiększa ryzyko zespołu metabolicznego u pacjentów diabetologicznych, wyznaczając kierunki postępowania terapeutycznego. Korzystne zachowania żywieniowe dotyczą liczby posiłków, spożywania warzyw i owoców; negatywne z kolei wysokiej konsumpcji słodyczy, żywności przetworzonej, wyrobów cukierniczych i alkoholu