56 research outputs found

    Blood volume measurement with indocyanine green pulse spectrophotometry: dose and site of dye administration

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    (1) To determine the optimal administration site and dose of indocyanine green (ICG) for blood volume measurement using pulse spectrophotometry, (2) to assess the variation in repeated blood volume measurements for patients after subarachnoid hemorrhage and (3) to evaluate the safety and efficacy of this technique in patients who were treated for an intracranial aneurysm. Four repeated measurements of blood volume (BV) were performed in random order of bolus dose (10 mg or 25 mg ICG) and venous administration site (peripheral or central) in eight patients admitted for treatment of an intracranial aneurysm. Another five patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage underwent three repeated BV measurements with 25 mg ICG at the same administration site to assess the coefficient of variation. The mean +/- SD in BV was 4.38 +/- 0.88 l (n = 25) and 4.69 +/- 1.11 l (n = 26) for 10 mg and 25 mg ICG, respectively. The mean +/- SD in BV was 4.59 +/- 1.15 l (n = 26) and 4.48 +/- 0.86 l (n = 25) for central and peripheral administration, respectively. No significant difference was found. The coefficient of variance of BV measurement with 25 mg of ICG was 7.5% (95% CI: 3-12%). There is no significant difference between intravenous administration of either 10 or 25 mg ICG, and this can be injected through either a peripheral or central venous catheter. The 7.5% coefficient of variation in BV measurements determines the detectable differences using ICG pulse spectrophotometr

    Informal modernism - spontaneous building in Mexico City

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    Die überall aufragenden Betonstützen der unfertigen Selbstbau-Häuser sind in Mexiko-Stadt zum Symbol des spontanen Bauens geworden. Gleichzeitig haben die chaotischen Hüttensiedlungen längst einem routinierten Selbsthilfe-Städtebau Platz gemacht, der das Wohnungsproblem informell, aber gut organisiert und im großen Stil angeht. So kann man auch von einer improvisierten oder "informellen Moderne" sprechen, die sich die Menschen überall dort geschaffen haben, wo die formelle Stadtplanung und Wohnungsversorgung versagt oder auf halbem Wege stecken geblieben ist.The looming concrete columns of unfinished self-help-houses in Mexico City have become a symbol of spontaneous building worldwide. At the same time, the chaotic clusters of miserable huts have long since made way for a routinized self help urbanism, which approaches the housing problem informally, yet well organized and on a large scale. Thus one may speak of an improvised or "informal modernism" that people have created everywhere, where formal city planning and housing has either failed or gotten stuck midway

    Anxious-retarded depression: relation to family history of depression

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    Anxious-retarded depression is a two-dimensionally defined subcategory of depression based on high scores for both anxiety and retardation. The anxious-retarded subcategory is related to melancholia as defined by DSM-IV. Patients with this diagnosis exhibit elevated plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) and a high correlation between plasma vasopressin and cortisol, which suggests vasopressinergic overactivation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. In this report, we present the multidimensional derivation of the anxious-retarded subcategory from DSM-IV melancholia, and a second step in the validation of this anxious-retarded subcategory by exploring its relation to family history of depression. The patient sample comprised 89 patients with major depression and encompassed 66 patients investigated previously regarding plasma AVP and cortisol. All patients were rated for the following three dimensions of psychopathology: autonomic dysregulation (anxiety), motivational inhibition (retardation), and emotional dysregulation, as well as for family history of depression. The dependence of DSM-IV melancholia on the sum scores and the dichotomized scores on the three dimensions was investigated by multiple logistic regression. Thereafter, the dependence of the family history for depression on the same parameters was also investigated. The melancholic subcategory depended on the interaction between the sum scores, as well as on the interaction between the dichotomized scores for anxiety and retardation that constitute the anxious-retarded subcategory. Family history for depression depended only on the interaction of the dichotomized scores, and thus on the anxious-retarded subcategor

    Lipoprotein(a) levels in children with suspected familial hypercholesterolaemia: a cross-sectional study

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    Aims Familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) predisposes children to the early initiation of atherosclerosis and is preferably diagnosed by DNA analysis. Yet, in many children with a clinical presentation of FH, no mutation is found. Adult data show that high levels of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] may underlie a clinical presentation of FH, as the cholesterol content of Lp(a) is included in conventional LDL cholesterol measurements. As this is limited to adult data, Lp(a) levels in children with and without (clinical) FH were evaluated. Methods and results Children were eligible if they visited the paediatric lipid clinic (1989–2020) and if Lp(a) measurement and DNA analysis were performed. In total, 2721 children (mean age: 10.3 years) were included and divided into four groups: 1931 children with definite FH (mutation detected), 290 unaffected siblings/normolipidaemic controls (mutation excluded), 108 children with probable FH (clinical presentation, mutation not detected), and 392 children with probable non-FH (no clinical presentation, mutation not excluded). In children with probable FH, 32% were found to have high Lp(a) [geometric mean (95% confidence interval) of 15.9 (12.3–20.6) mg/dL] compared with 10 and 10% [geometric means (95% confidence interval) of 11.5 (10.9–12.1) mg/dL and 9.8 (8.4–11.3) mg/dL] in children with definite FH (P = 0.017) and unaffected siblings (P = 0.002), respectively. Conclusion Lp(a) was significantly higher and more frequently elevated in children with probable FH compared with children with definite FH and unaffected siblings, suggesting that high Lp(a) may underlie the clinical presentation of FH when no FH-causing mutation is found. Performing both DNA analysis and measuring Lp(a) in all children suspected of FH is recommended to assess possible LDL cholesterol overestimation related to increased Lp(a)

    Interventions to prevent needle stick injuries among health care workers

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    Needle stick injuries (NSIs) are frequently reported as occupational injuries among health care workers. The health effects of a NSI can be significant when blood-to-blood contact occurs from patient to health care worker. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the number of NSIs decreased among health care workers at risk in one Dutch academic hospital after introduction of injection needles with safety devices in combination with an interactive workshop. In a cluster three-armed randomized controlled trial, 23 hospital divisions (n=796 health care workers) were randomly assigned to a group that was subjected to the use of a 'safety device plus workshop', to a group that was subjected to a 'workshop only' or to a control group with no intervention. The combined intervention of the introduction of needle safety devices and an interactive workshop led to the highest reduction in the number of self-reported NSIs compared to a workshop alone or no intervention. For practice, the use of relatively simple protective needle safety devices and interactive communication are effective measures for reducing NSI'

    Volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath are independent of systemic inflammatory syndrome caused by intravenous lipopolysaccharide infusion in humans: results from an experiment in healthy volunteers

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    Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is observed during critical illness in most patients. It is defined by a clinical definition. The composition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath may change during SIRS and may thus serve as a diagnostic tool. Weinvestigated whether exhaled breath VOCs can serve as biomarker for SIRS in a human model of endotoxemia. Eighteen healthy volunteers received 2 ng Eschericia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) kg(-1) body weight intravenously. Venous blood and exhaled breath were collected before infusion of LPS and every 2 h thereafter, up to 8 h after infusion. The interleukin (IL)-6 concentration was measured in plasma. VOCs in the exhaled breath were measured by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. A mixed effects model was fitted to examine the relation between the measured compounds in exhaled breath and time after LPS infusion or IL-6 levels in plasma. Partially-least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was used to investigate whether we could discriminate between samples collected before and after LPS infusion. The exhaled concentrations of 3-methyl-pentane, 4-methyl-pentanol, 1-hexanol, 2,4-dimethyl-heptane, decane and one unknown compound changed after LPS infusion. However, the false-discovery rate was 43% for the total set of 52 compounds that were present in all samples. Of these VOCs only the unknown compound was associated with systemic levels of IL-6. The PLS-DA algorithm resulted in a moderate discriminatory accuracy. SIRS induced by endotoxemia in human volunteers resulted in minor changes in exhaled VOCs. Wetherefore conclude that LPS infusion in healthy volunteers does not induce metabolic effects that can be detected throughVOC analysis of the exhaled breat

    The Genetic Basis of Quality of Life in Healthy Swedish Women: A Candidate Gene Approach

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    Quality of life (QoL) is an increasingly important parameter in clinical practice as it predicts mortality and poor health outcomes. It is hypothesized that one may have a genetic predisposition for QoL. We therefore related 139 candidate genes, selected through a literature search, to QoL in healthy females.In 5,142 healthy females, background characteristics (i.e. demographic, clinical, lifestyle, and psychological factors) were assessed. QoL was measured by the EORTC QLQ-C30, which consists of 15 domains. For all women genotype information was available. For each candidate gene, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified based on their functional (n = 2,663) and physical annotation (n = 10,649). SNPs were related to each QoL-domain, while controlling for background characteristics and population stratification. Finally, gene-based analyses were performed relating the combined effect of 10,649 SNPs (selected based on physical annotation) for each gene, to QoL using the statistical software package VEGAS.Overall, we found no relation between genetic variations (SNPs and genes) and 14 out of 15 QoL-domains. The strongest association was found between cognitive functioning and the top SNP rs1468951 (p = 1.21E-05) in the GSTZ1 gene. Furthermore, results of the gene-based test showed that the combined effect of 11 SNPs within the GSTZ1 gene is significantly associated with cognitive functioning (p = 2.60E-05).If validated, the involvement of GSTZ1 in cognitive functioning underscores its heritability which is likely the result of differences in the dopamine pathway, as GSTZ1 contributes to the equilibrium between dopamine and its neurotoxic metabolites via the glutathione redox cycle

    Anxious-retarded depression: relation with plasma vasopressin and cortisol

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    Dysregulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is related to melancholic or endogenous depression; however, the strength of this relationship depends on the definition of the specific depression subcategory. A two-dimensionally defined subcategory, anxious-retarded depression, is related to melancholic depression. Since arginine vasopressin (AVP) activates the HPA axis, and both major depression and the melancholic subcategory are associated with elevated plasma AVP levels, we investigated whether the plasma AVP level is also elevated in anxious-retarded depression, melancholic depression and anxious-retarded melancholic depression, and whether plasma AVP and cortisol levels are correlated in these subcategories. A total of 66 patients with major depression not using oral contraception were investigated. Patients with anxious-retarded depression had a highly significant AVP-cortisol correlation, while no such correlation was found in patients with nonanxious-retarded depression. Log-transformed mean plasma AVP values were higher in patients with anxious-retarded depression than in patients with nonanxious-retarded depression. Patients with anxious-retarded melancholic depression also had a significantly elevated level of plasma AVP and a highly significant correlation between plasma AVP and cortisol levels. The correlation was low in patients with melancholic depression. Anxious-retarded depression may be a useful refinement of the melancholic subcategory with regard to dysregulation of the HPA axis and plasma AVP releas

    A role for the fibrinolytic system in postsurgical adhesion formation

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    To look for evidence of a fibrinolytic insufficiency as a cause of adhesion formation. Retrospective and prospective study. University medical center. Retrospective study: 50 patients undergoing laparoscopy, divided into patients with and without endometriosis. Prospective study: 18 patients undergoing infertility surgery involving a second-look laparoscopy. During all surgical procedures, adhesions were scored, and peritoneal fluid and plasma were collected. Parameters of the fibrinolytic system were measured to establish a possible relation with the presence and formation of adhesions. In patients with endometriosis and adhesions, significantly higher peritoneal fluid concentrations were found for plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), and plasminogen, compared with patients with endometriosis but without adhesions. In the prospective study, initial peritoneal PAI-1 concentrations correlated significantly with the extent of adhesion formation (r(s) = 0.49) and adhesion-improvement scores (r(s) = -0.52). Also, the change in concentration of tPA and fibrinogen from the initial surgical procedure to the second-look laparoscopy correlated significantly with adhesion-improvement scores (DeltatPA: r(s)= 0.50; Deltafibrinogen: r(s) = -0.64). This first prospective study in humans adds further weight to the hypothesis that adhesions are caused by an insufficiency in peritoneal fibrinolytic activity. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 is a potential marker for the identification of patients at risk for developing adhesion