4 research outputs found

    Фармакологическая безопасность при беременности: систематический обзор применения потенциально тератогенных лекарственных средств

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    Objective: To assess the prevalence of potentially teratogenic drug utilization by pregnant women: overall and in the periconceptional period. Methods: The electronic database PubMed/Medline was searched for the following keywords: «pharmacoepidemiology», «pregnancy», «drug use», «safety», «pregnancy risk category», «fetal risk», «teratogen». The systematic analysis included 28 studies published in English from January 2006 to 23 December 2015. Results. The review shows that the study designs and the choices for data analysis and presentation of results differ largely across published studies. In the USA and Canada, measured rates of maternal use of contraindicated drugs (FDA category X) during pregnancy ranged from 2.4% to 5.3% (1.1–5.0% in the first trimester).The use of drugs with positive evidence of risk (FDA category D) ranged from 5.8% to 39.6% (2.7–6.0%). In European countries, proportions of women using drugs of risk categories X and D ranged from 1.0% to 4.9% (0.31–3.2%) and from 2.0% to 5.9% (1.6–3.7%), respectively. In developing countries, respective proportions of women ranged within 0.2–2.1% and 1.9–11.4%. In early pregnancy (the first trimester), the proportion of women taking potentially teratogenic drugs was high if compared with the second and third trimesters. The use of contraindicated drugs during pregnancy fastly decreases compared with the period before conception. Although the reduction of use of drugs with positive evidence of risk is less marked, possibly, with relation of their efficacy for the treatment of chronic conditions. On the base of analyzed studies, the reference list of potentially teratogenic drugs was formed. Conclusion. The results of published literature confirm differences in study methods that make it difficult to compare the application of potentially teratogenic drugs in pregnancy. The fundamental challenge remains an insufficiency or lack of available information on the evidence of risk to fetus cuased by the drugs that are most widely used in pregnancy.Цель исследования: оценить распространенность использования потенциально тератогенных лекарственных средств (ЛС) женщинами на протяжении всей беременности и в периконцептуальном периоде. Методы. Поиск проводился в электронной базе данных Medline (PubMed) с использованием ключевых слов «pharmacoepidemiology», «pregnancy», «drug use», «safety», «pregnancy risk category», «fetal risk», «teratogen». В систематический обзор включали результаты исследований, опубликованных на английском языке в период с января 2006 по декабрь 2015 г. Результаты. Проанализированы результаты 28 исследований. Показано, что в США и Канаде доля беременных, принимавших противопоказанные препараты (категория X по классификации FDA), варьировала от 2,4 до 5,3% (1,1–5,0% в I триместре), а с доказанным риском (категория D) — от 5,8 до 39,6% (2,7–6,0). В европейских странах доля беременных, принимавших препараты категории X, варьировала в пределах 1,0–4,9% (0,3–3,2), препараты категории D — 2,0–5,9% (1,6–3,7), в развивающихся странах — в пределах 0,2–2,1 и 1,9–11,4% соответственно. Доля женщин, принимавших потенциально тератогенный препарат в I триместре, была выше по сравнению с величиной показателя во II и III триместрах. С наступлением беременности по сравнению с периодом до зачатия использование противопоказанных ЛС быстро уменьшается. Однако редукция в применении препаратов с доказанным риском менее выражена, возможно, из-за большей их востребованности для лечения хронических состояний. На основании полученных сведений сформирован рекомендательный перечень потенциально тератогенных ЛС. Заключение. Опубликованные данные подтверждают различия в методах исследования, затрудняющие сравнение оценки использования ЛС во время беременности. Фундаментальной проблемой остается недостаточность или отсутствие доступной информации о фетальной безопасности ЛС, часто используемых при беременности.

    Federation Pharmacological Safety in Pregnancy: Modern Knowledge, Practice and Pharmacoepidemiological Approaches to the Studying and Recognizing of Drugs with Teratogenic Risk

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    One of the key issues in obstetric practice remains the lack or incompleteness of information on the teratogenicity of most drugs used by pregnant women. Uncertainty regarding teratogenic risks significantly affect the quality of information on drugs; nevertheless, counseling patients allows arriving at a more balanced solution regarding their risk in pregnancy. Determination of the most commonly taken drugs (prescription or OTC) in the first trimester of gestation and increase of knowledge on their embryofetal risks optimizes pharmacotherapy during pregnancy. Characteristics and epidemiological analysis of possible factors, including drugs, associated with the occurrence of congenital anomalies, are crucial for the development of prevention activities that have an impact on the incidence of defects

    Pharmacological Safety in Pregnancy: A Systematic Review On the Use of Potentially Teratogenic Drugs

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    Objective: To assess the prevalence of potentially teratogenic drug utilization by pregnant women: overall and in the periconceptional period. Methods: The electronic database PubMed/Medline was searched for the following keywords: «pharmacoepidemiology», «pregnancy», «drug use», «safety», «pregnancy risk category», «fetal risk», «teratogen». The systematic analysis included 28 studies published in English from January 2006 to 23 December 2015. Results. The review shows that the study designs and the choices for data analysis and presentation of results differ largely across published studies. In the USA and Canada, measured rates of maternal use of contraindicated drugs (FDA category X) during pregnancy ranged from 2.4% to 5.3% (1.1–5.0% in the first trimester).The use of drugs with positive evidence of risk (FDA category D) ranged from 5.8% to 39.6% (2.7–6.0%). In European countries, proportions of women using drugs of risk categories X and D ranged from 1.0% to 4.9% (0.31–3.2%) and from 2.0% to 5.9% (1.6–3.7%), respectively. In developing countries, respective proportions of women ranged within 0.2–2.1% and 1.9–11.4%. In early pregnancy (the first trimester), the proportion of women taking potentially teratogenic drugs was high if compared with the second and third trimesters. The use of contraindicated drugs during pregnancy fastly decreases compared with the period before conception. Although the reduction of use of drugs with positive evidence of risk is less marked, possibly, with relation of their efficacy for the treatment of chronic conditions. On the base of analyzed studies, the reference list of potentially teratogenic drugs was formed. Conclusion. The results of published literature confirm differences in study methods that make it difficult to compare the application of potentially teratogenic drugs in pregnancy. The fundamental challenge remains an insufficiency or lack of available information on the evidence of risk to fetus cuased by the drugs that are most widely used in pregnancy