7 research outputs found

    Neprepoznati konflikti između šumarstva, poljoprivrede i ekološke mreže: osnivanje prava služnosti na šumi i šumskom zemljištu radi podizanja višegodišnjih nasada - analiza slučaja Dubrovačko-Neretvanska županija

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    The Government of Croatia, greatly opposed by the forestry professionals decided to ease forest and forest land in the amount of 21,949.828 ha throughout the country for the raising of perennial crops (vineyards and olive yards). Apart from being professionally unjustified, since the recent study of the Faculty of Agriculture on Pollution of Ground and Surface Waters Caused by Agriculture from 2014 stated that approximately 52% of the agriculture land in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County is not being used, these areas are greatly conflictual since they overlap with the ecological network sites: firstly, with the National Ecological Network proclaimed in 2007 and later with NATURA 2000 proclaimed after the admission of Croatia to the EU in July 2013. Conservation goals of the ecological network sites are, in a great number of cases, forest habitat types which will be clear-cut if the Government\u27s decisions are fully executed. However, since most of these decisions have not yet been implemented, there is still a chance to revoke them to preserve vast ecological network areas and thus avoid paying of substantial penalties to the EU due to the loss of habitat types - conservation goals (more than 1 %). By the utilization of the GIS and comparison of cadastral lots designated for easement with the ecological network areas from 2007 and 2013, the article analyses significant threats from the loss of vast ecological network areas and suggests means for avoiding of such a scenario.Odlukama Vlade RH u razdoblju 2004. - 2013. godine, čemu se šumarska struka od početka žestoko protivila , ustanovljeno je pravo služnosti na šumi i šumskom zemljištu radi podizanja višegodišnjih nasada (vinograda i maslinika) na ukupnoj površini od 21.940,828 ha diljem države. Osim stručne neopravdanosti ovih odluka, budući da Studija o utjecaju poljoprivrede na onečišćenje površinskih i podzemnih voda Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu iz 2014. godine ukazuje na to da je na području DNŽ neiskorišteno oko 52% poljoprivrednog zemljišta, uvelike je konfliktno preklapanje površina namijenjenih za prenamjenu s područjima nacionalne ekološke mreže proglašene 2007. godine te kasnije ekološkom mrežom NATURA 2000 proglašenom nakon pristupa Hrvatske EU u srpnju 2013. godine. Ciljevi očuvanja područja ekološke mreže su u velikom broju slučajeva šumski stanišni tipovi koje se predmetnim odlukama kani iskrčiti radi podizanja višegodišnjih nasada. Međutim, budući da većina ovih odluka nije sprovedena u djelo, još uvijek postoji mogućnost njihovog poništenja, čime bi se sačuvala velika područja ekološke mreže i spriječilo plaćanje penala Europskoj uniji zbog gubitka stanišnih tipova - ciljeva očuvanja (više od 1%). Uz primjenu GIS alata te usporedbom kastastarskih čestica namijenjenih za prenamjenu s područjima ekološke mreže iz 2007. i 2013. godine, članak analizira značajne moguće opasnosti gubitka velikih područja ekološke mreže te predlaže mjere sprječavanja ovakvog scenarija

    Neprepoznati konflikti između šumarstva, poljoprivrede i ekološke mreže: osnivanje prava služnosti na šumi i šumskom zemljištu radi podizanja višegodišnjih nasada - analiza slučaja Dubrovačko-Neretvanska županija

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    The Government of Croatia, greatly opposed by the forestry professionals decided to ease forest and forest land in the amount of 21,949.828 ha throughout the country for the raising of perennial crops (vineyards and olive yards). Apart from being professionally unjustified, since the recent study of the Faculty of Agriculture on Pollution of Ground and Surface Waters Caused by Agriculture from 2014 stated that approximately 52% of the agriculture land in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County is not being used, these areas are greatly conflictual since they overlap with the ecological network sites: firstly, with the National Ecological Network proclaimed in 2007 and later with NATURA 2000 proclaimed after the admission of Croatia to the EU in July 2013. Conservation goals of the ecological network sites are, in a great number of cases, forest habitat types which will be clear-cut if the Government\u27s decisions are fully executed. However, since most of these decisions have not yet been implemented, there is still a chance to revoke them to preserve vast ecological network areas and thus avoid paying of substantial penalties to the EU due to the loss of habitat types - conservation goals (more than 1 %). By the utilization of the GIS and comparison of cadastral lots designated for easement with the ecological network areas from 2007 and 2013, the article analyses significant threats from the loss of vast ecological network areas and suggests means for avoiding of such a scenario.Odlukama Vlade RH u razdoblju 2004. - 2013. godine, čemu se šumarska struka od početka žestoko protivila , ustanovljeno je pravo služnosti na šumi i šumskom zemljištu radi podizanja višegodišnjih nasada (vinograda i maslinika) na ukupnoj površini od 21.940,828 ha diljem države. Osim stručne neopravdanosti ovih odluka, budući da Studija o utjecaju poljoprivrede na onečišćenje površinskih i podzemnih voda Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu iz 2014. godine ukazuje na to da je na području DNŽ neiskorišteno oko 52% poljoprivrednog zemljišta, uvelike je konfliktno preklapanje površina namijenjenih za prenamjenu s područjima nacionalne ekološke mreže proglašene 2007. godine te kasnije ekološkom mrežom NATURA 2000 proglašenom nakon pristupa Hrvatske EU u srpnju 2013. godine. Ciljevi očuvanja područja ekološke mreže su u velikom broju slučajeva šumski stanišni tipovi koje se predmetnim odlukama kani iskrčiti radi podizanja višegodišnjih nasada. Međutim, budući da većina ovih odluka nije sprovedena u djelo, još uvijek postoji mogućnost njihovog poništenja, čime bi se sačuvala velika područja ekološke mreže i spriječilo plaćanje penala Europskoj uniji zbog gubitka stanišnih tipova - ciljeva očuvanja (više od 1%). Uz primjenu GIS alata te usporedbom kastastarskih čestica namijenjenih za prenamjenu s područjima ekološke mreže iz 2007. i 2013. godine, članak analizira značajne moguće opasnosti gubitka velikih područja ekološke mreže te predlaže mjere sprječavanja ovakvog scenarija


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    By the Government\u27s decisions from the period 2004 to 2013, a significant amount of state forests and forest land was eased for the growing of perennial crops (vineyards and olive yards) on a total surface of 24,310.24 ha throughout the state. Although greatly opposed by forestry professionals, since a vast amount of private agricultural land in the state is not utilized due to unresolved proprietary issues, these surfaces have become agricultural land by coming into force from the Forest Act of 2014. In case these dedicated surfaces are not put into function, the amount of non-utilized agricultural land is increasing and so is the danger from forest fires, and loss of biological and landscape diversity. On the other hand, if all these surfaces were utilized, a significant adverse impact on the ecological network would occur because on many ecological network sites more than 1% of the dedicated area consists of target habitat types (mostly maquis). The purpose of this paper is, to use GIS tools and analysis of the so-far signed easement contracts, to determine what amount of dedicated surfaces were utilized and point out the failure and environmental dangers that may arise from these decisions which can still be revoked, and the affected area can be brought back into the forest area of the Republic of Croatia, i. e. sustainable forest management can still be reinstated and forest functions restored

    Conflicts between forestry and nature protection – case studies of two Nature Parks in Croatia

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    Background and Purpose: The forest related conflicts has not been very often used as a research topic in Croatia. This paper presents results from two case studies conducted in Nature Parks »Kopački rit« and »Velebit«. The aim of the study was to explore conflicts between forestry and nature protection on management level. The main research questions were raised: (a) What causes conflicts?; (b)What are the attitudes of conflict actors towards conflicts as a phenomenon and towards other conflict parties?; (c) What was undertaken to manage conflicts and was it successful? and (d) How the conflicts and CM influence forest policy development process? Material and Methods: Data was collected by conducting in-depth resulting in 27 interviews in total. The interviewees were managers in CF, NPs and representatives of NGOs active in the respective areas. Theoretical framework was combination of Progressive Triangle with three main aspects of conflicts: substance, relation and procedure (3) embedded in structure of four main elements: culture, conflicts, conflicts management and policy development (10). Results and Conclusion: Primary parties in conflicts are NPs and CF. Interviewees named mostly problemswith legislation, performance of forest management activities within protected areas and lack of proper communication as possible conflict causes. Main conclusion is that differing attitudes towards forestry and nature protection as well as education as elements of cultural background probably influence conflict occurrence, CM and policy development. There is no sound CM strategy or significant policy development

    Understanding social conflicts between forestry and nature protection sectors: case study Velebit Mountain

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    Background and purpose: The last couple of decades brought significant changes in forest and nature protection policy worldwide. Rising environmental awareness, over-utilization of scarce natural resources and global climate change set high goals for the forest and nature protection policy makers. This paper is about a case study of relations among various stakeholders on Velebit Mountain, a coast-by mountain in Central Croatia. Velebit Mountain is both: a nature protection area and a forest exploitation site, which raises various conflicts between these two sectors and major stakeholders. Purpose of this research was to investigate the relations among various interest groups and coalition parties, their opinions, aspirations and interests and, especially, the way to resolve issues or manage conflicts. Material and methods: This case-study research was conducted in form of interviews held with the representatives of each of the defined stakeholder groups within the target area, i.e. Velebit Mountain Nature Park. Interviews consisted of several groups of questions (introductory part, conflicts, conflict management and policy development), while stakeholder groups included "Croatian Forests ltd.", a state-owned company in charge of the management of state forests, Nature Park Velebit, National Park Paklenica, National Park "Northern Velebit", hunters\u27 associations, private forest owners, fishermen associations, representatives of the local administration and mountaineers\u27 associations. The questionnaire consisted of open-ended questions regarding various issues divided into these four groups. The data was analyzed by using the NVivo qualitative data analysis software. Theoretical framework used in this research was Walker and Daniels\u27 Social Conflict Theory (1997, p.13) which describes types of conflicts, ways to address them and typical sources of occurring conflicts. Results and conclusions: The results showed which the most salient conflict sources are, what are in stakeholders\u27 opinions the most efficient means to manage them, what the best conflict management strategies would be and which are the best policy development options. As stated by the majority of stakeholders, the most salient conflict sources regard irregularities and lack of harmonization of laws, forest roads and entry gates, poaching and generally illegal hunters\u27 activities, mountain paths and illegal logging. The interviewees stated that the most effective conflict management strategies are meetings, workshops, public debates and dissemination of information. Main policy development means are harmonization and implementation of laws, increased media attention, increased education and public awareness on the issues, public relations and increased cooperation among the stakeholders involved. Qualitative analysis of the coded text showed that the most emphasized aspects of conflicts regarded through the Walker & Daniels\u27 conflict management triangle (1997, p. 22) are procedural (14 363 words), relational (8774 words), substantive (6 971 words) and cultural background (1 063 words). The most abundant aspect of conflicts is procedural, which means that the majority of conflicts pertain to the way issues are addressed. Most interviewees emphasized legislation and non-harmonization of laws as the most accentuated aspect of conflicts, meaning that the most parties have created relationships among themselves, are aware of the problems, but did not generate any concrete measures or ideas on how to manage them. The final conclusion can be made that there are no capacities on higher levels which actually have the executive and judicial power to alter things