41 research outputs found

    Proton polarization in reaction of deuteron photodisintegration at energies of 0.2-2.4 GeV

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    The review of the proton polarization experimental data on two-body deuteron photodisintegration at a photon energy between 0.2 and 2.4 GeV is presented. The NSC KIPT data are compared with the measurements of other centers and with theoretical calculations and phenomenological analysis in the framework of various interaction models with subnuclear (nucleons, mesons, resonances) and non-nucleon (quarks, gluons) degrees of freedom. The NSC KIPT measurements are in full accord with the data of other centers up to 0.8 GeV and confirm the dominant contribution of meson-exchange interactions and isobar configurations in the reaction γD→pn. Above 1 GeV the NSC KIPT data do not agree with the Jefferson Lab (USA) measurements which confirm the quark-gluon hypotheses about zero values of the proton polarization in this region

    Perspective directions of experimental research on fundamental physics at intermediate energies on the proposed NSC KIPT 730 MeV linear electron accelerator

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    Perspertive directions in fundamental nuclear and hadron physics with electromagnetic probes at intermediate energies up to 1 GeV are discussed. It is emphasized that for electron accelerator with the energy 500…730 MeV, duty factor ~1 and current up to 100 mkА, which is proposed at NSC KFTI there are following possible perspective topical trends which could be studied which will be; i) test of theoretical predictions of the chiral perturbation theory; ii) many-body processes and influence of nuclear medium on hadron properties; iii) test of the electroweak theory in scattering of polarized electrons on nucleons and nuclei, and the parity violation effects.Розглянуто перспективні напрямки фундаментальних досліджень у галузі ядерної фізики та фізики адронів з електромагнітними зондами в області проміжних енергій до 1 ГеВ. Підкреслено, що на електронному прискорювачі прискорювачі з енергію 500…750 МеВ, коефіцієнтом заповнення ~1 і струмом до 100 мкА, що пропонується побудувати в ННЦ ХФТІ, можливі такі напрямки фундаментальних досліджень, що будуть актуальними у найближчому майбутньому: i) перевірка теоретичних передбачень кіральної теорії збурень; ii) багаточасткові процеси та вплив ядерного середовища на характеристики адронів; iii) перевірка електрослабкої теорії в експериментах з розсіяння поляризованих електронів на нуклонах та ядрах і ефекти порушення парності у цих процесах.Рассмотрены перспективные направления фундаментальных исследований по ядерной физике и физике адронов с электромагнитными зондами в области промежуточных энергий до 1 ГэВ. Подчеркивается, что на электронном ускорителе с энергией 500...750 МэВ, коэффициентом заполнения ~1 и током 100 мкА, который предлагается построить в ННЦ ХФТИ, возможны следующие направления фундаментальных исследований, которые будут актуальны в ближайшем будущем: i) проверка предсказаний киральной теории возмущений; ii) многочастичные процессы и влияние ядерной среды на свойства адронов; iii) проверка электрослабой теории в экспериментах по рассеянию поляризованных электронов на нуклонах и ядрах и нарушения четности

    Proton polarization in photodisintegration of nuclei D, ³He, ⁴He

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    The result of proton polarization measurements (period 1993-2000) in the photodisintegration of the nuclei D, ³He, ⁴He at the photon energies E=350-750 MeV are presented. The proton polarization was measured on the 2 GeV linac NSC KIPT with a carbon polarimeter and a magnetic spectrometer. The proton polarization for the nuclei ³He and ⁴He is first measured and analyzed within the framework of "quasi-deuteron" model

    Method of proton polarization measurements in investigations of photon interaction with nucleons and nuclei at 2 GeV linac (NSC KIPT)

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    The method used for proton polarization measurements and the equipment for investigations of the photon interaction with nucleons and nuclei of intermediate energies at the 2 GeV linear electron accelerator (NSC KIPT) is described. The characteristics of key elements of the equipment (magnetic spectrometer, carbon polarimeter with the track registration of pC-scattering) are given. The main results of the proton polarization measurements in the reactions γp→pπ⁰, γD→pn, γA→pX are presented.Представлено опис методики вимірювань поляризації протонів та устаткування, яке використовувалося в дослідженні взаємодій фотонів проміжних енергій з нуклонами та ядрами на лінійному прискорювачі електронів 2 ГеВ ННЦ ХФТІ. Надаються характеристики головних елементів устаткування: магнітного спектрометра та вуглецевих поляриметрів з трековою реєстрацією рС-розсіювання. Представлені головні результати вимірювань поляризації протонів в реакціях γp→pπ⁰, γD→pn, γA→pX.Представлено описание методики измерений поляризации протонов и установки, которая применялась в исследованиях взаимодействий фотонов промежуточных энергий с нуклонами и ядрами на линейном ускорителе электронов 2 ГэВ ННЦ ХФТИ. Приводятся характеристики основных элементов установки: магнитного спектрометра и углеродных поляриметров с трековой регистрацией рС-рассеяния. Представлены основные результаты измерений поляризации протонов в реакциях γp→pπ⁰, γD→pn, γA→pX

    The prevalence and diagnosis of rare (orphan) diseases in pediatric population of the Russian Federation

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    Objective of the research: to determine the prevalence of various nosological forms of rare (orphan) diseases in pediatric population of the Russian Federation (RF) to expand and improve diagnostic resources. Materials and methods: the prevalence of individual nosological forms of life-threatening and chronic progressive rare diseases in pediatric populationwas calculated according to the regional segments of the Federal Register. The results of fetus ultrasound screening, samples for biochemical screening and coverage of children with neonatal screening in the Russian Federation are evaluated. Results: the study revealed an increase in the prevalence of rare diseases due to the majority of nosological forms without changing their structure. For many nosological forms, an increase in their prevalence was accompanied by a decrease in the proportion of children among all patients. A high coverage of pregnant women with ultrasound screening was revealed. The number of fetuses with identified congenital malformations did not exceed 2%. Disorders during biochemical screening tests were recorded in 3-5% of cases. Neonatal screening coverage was not more than 95%. In 2013-2018, 49, 9 million screening tests were performed and 7, 7 thousand newborns with congenital and hereditary diseases were identified. The necessity of including in the neonatal screening of orphan diseases in which the use of pathogenetic therapy is possible is substantiated. Conclusion: determining the prevalence of various nosological forms of orphan diseases is extremely important and necessary to expand and improve their diagnosis, which will increase the detection of this pathology. © 2020, Pediatria Ltd.. All rights reserved

    Double beta decay of 150^{150}Nd to the first 0+^+ excited level of 150^{150}Sm

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    International audienceAn experiment to measure the 2β\beta{^-} decay of 150^{150}Nd to excited levels of 150^{150}Sm using a highly purified 2.381 kg sample of Nd2_2O3_3 is in progress in the low-background set-up with 4 HPGe detectors (~225 cm3^3 volume each). The detector is located deep underground (3600 m w.e.) at the STELLA facility of the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) of the INFN (Italy). Two γ quanta with energies 334.0 keV and 406.5 keV emitted after deexcitation of the 01+_1 {^+} excited level of 150S^{50S}m have been observed in the experimental data accumulated over 39898 h. The preliminary half-life value for 2β\beta{^-} decay of 150^{150}Nd to the first 0+^+ excited level in 150^{150}Sm (after the exposure of 10.8 kg ×\times yr) was estimated as T1/2=[9.7+2.91.9(stat.)±1.5(syst.)]×1019T_{1/2}=[9.7{{+2.9}\atop{-1.9}}(stat.) {\pm}1.5(syst.)]\times 10^{19} yr. The experiment is under data taking with the aim to improve the statistical uncertainties

    Search for double beta decay of 116^{116}Cd with enriched 116^{116}CdWO4_4 crystal scintillators (Aurora experiment)

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    International audienceThe Aurora experiment to investigate double beta decay of (116) Cd with the help of 1.162 kg cadmium tungstate crystal scintillators enriched in (116) Cd to 82% is in progress at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory. The half-life of (116) Cd relatively to the two neutrino double beta decay is measured with the highest up-to-date accuracy T(1/2) = (2.62 ± 0.14) × 10(19) yr. The sensitivity of the experiment to the neutrinoless double beta decay of (116) Cd to the ground state of (116) Sn is estimated as T(1/2) ≥ 1.9 × 10(23) yr at 90% CL, which corresponds to the effective Majorana neutrino mass limit (mv) ≤ (1.2 — 1.8) eV. New limits are obtained for the double beta decay of (116) Cd to the excited levels of (116) Sn, and for the neutrinoless double beta decay with emission of majorons

    Double beta decay of 150^{150}Nd to the first excited 0+^{+} level of 150^{150}Sm: Preliminary results

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    International audienceThe double beta decay of 150Nd to the first excited 0+ level of 150Sm (Eexc = 740.5 keV) was investigated with the help of the ultra-low-background setup consisting of four HP Ge (high-purity germanium) detectors (≃225 cm3 volume each one) at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory of INFN (Italy). A highly purified 2.381-kg sample of neodymium oxide (Nd2O3) was used as a source of γ quanta expected in the decays. Gamma quanta with energies 334.0 keV and 406.5 keV emitted after deexcitation of the 01+ 740.5 keV excited level of 150Sm are observed in the coincidence spectra accumulated over 16375 h. The half-life relatively to the two neutrino double beta decay 150Nd → 150Sm(01+) is measured as T1/2 = [4.7+4.1-1.9(stat)±0.5(syst)]×1019 y, in agreement with results of previous experiments

    Final results of the Aurora experiment to study 2β2\beta decay of 116Cd^{116}\mathrm{Cd} with enriched 116CdWO4^{116}\mathrm{Cd}{\mathrm{WO}}_{4} crystal scintillators

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    International audienceThe double-beta decay of Cd116 has been investigated with the help of radiopure enriched Cd116WO4 crystal scintillators (mass of 1.162 kg) at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory. The half-life of Cd116 relative to the 2ν2β decay to the ground state of Sn116 was measured with the highest up-to-date accuracy as T1/2=(2.63-0.12+0.11)×1019  yr. A new improved limit on the 0ν2β decay of Cd116 to the ground state of Sn116 was set as T1/2≥2.2×1023  yr at 90% C.L., which is the most stringent known restriction for this isotope. It corresponds to the effective Majorana neutrino mass limit in the range ⟨mν⟩≤(1.0–1.7)  eV, depending on the nuclear matrix elements used in the estimations. New improved half-life limits for the 0ν2β decay with majoron(s) emission, Lorentz-violating 2ν2β decay, and 2β transitions to excited states of Sn116 were set at the level of T1/2≥1020–1022  yr. New limits for the hypothetical lepton-number violating parameters (right-handed currents admixtures in weak interaction, the effective majoron-neutrino coupling constants, R-parity violating parameter, Lorentz-violating parameter, heavy neutrino mass) were set

    Recent Results on the Search for 2β Decay Processes With Scintillators and Pure Samples

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    Some recent results obtained in the search for double beta decay in various isotopes obtained in experiments carried out at LNGS with the DAMA/R&D, DAMA/Ge set-up and the STELLA facility will be summarized