3 research outputs found

    Underground coal gasification - the Velenje Coal Mine energy and economic calculations

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    Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a viable possibility for the exploitation of vast coal deposits that are unreachable by conventional mining and can meet the energy, economic and environmental demands of the 21st century. Due to the complexity of the process, and the site-specific coal and seam properties, it is important to acknowledge all the available data and past experiences, in order to conduct a successful UCG operation. Slovenia has huge unmined reserves of coal, and therefore offers the possibility of an alternative use of this domestic primary energy source. According to the available underground coal gasification technology, the energy and economic assessment for the exploitation of coal to generate electricity and heat was made. A new procedure for the estimation of the energy efficiency of the coal gasification process, which is also used to compare the energy analyses for different examples of coal exploitation, was proposed, as well as the technological schemes and plant operating mode in Velenje, and the use of produced synthetic coal gas (syngas). The proposed location for the pilot demonstration experiment in Velenje Coal Mine was reviewed and the viability of the underground coal gasification project in Velenje was determined

    Podzemna gasifikacija uglja - energetski i ekonomski proračuni za rudnik uglja Velenje

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    Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a viable possibility for the exploitation of vast coal deposits that are unreachable by conventional mining and can meet the energy, economic and environmental demands of the 21st century. Due to the complexity of the process, and the site-specific coal and seam properties, it is important to acknowledge all the available data and past experiences, in order to conduct a successful UCG operation. Slovenia has huge unmined reserves of coal, and therefore offers the possibility of an alternative use of this domestic primary energy source. According to the available underground coal gasification technology, the energy and economic assessment for the exploitation of coal to generate electricity and heat was made. A new procedure for the estimation of the energy efficiency of the coal gasification process, which is also used to compare the energy analyses for different examples of coal exploitation, was proposed, as well as the technological schemes and plant operating mode in Velenje, and the use of produced synthetic coal gas (syngas). The proposed location for the pilot demonstration experiment in Velenje Coal Mine was reviewed and the viability of the underground coal gasification project in Velenje was determined.Podzemna gasifikacija uglja (PGU) je održiva mogućnost za eksploataciju ogromnih ležišta uglja koji su nedostupni konvencionalnom rudarstvu i može da zadovolji energetske, ekonomske i ekološke zahteve 21. veka. Zbog složenosti procesa, specifičnosti nalazišta i svojstva slojeva uglja, veoma je važno da se poznaju svi raspoloživi podaci i iskustva iz prošlosti, radi uspešnog obavljanja PGU operacije. Slovenija ima ogromne neiskopane rezerve uglja, i zato nudi mogućnost alternativnog korišćenja ovog domaćeg primarnog izvora energije. Prema dostupnoj tehnologiji za podzemnu gasifikaciju uglja, napravljena je energetska i ekonomska procena eksploatacije uglja za generisanje električne energije i toplote. Predložen je novi postupak za procenu energetske efikasnosti procesa gasifikacije uglja, koji je korišćen za uporednu analizu različitih primera eksploatacije uglja , kao i tehnološke šeme i način rada postrojenja u Velenju za proizvodnju sinteznog ugljenog gasa (singas). Pregledana je predložena lokacija za pilot demonstracioni eksperiment u rudniku uglja Velenje i utvrđena je održivost projekta PGU u Velenju