330 research outputs found

    Piercing the Veil’s Effect on Corporate Human Rights Violations & International Corporate Crime (Human Trafficking, Slavery, etc)

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    Corporate limited liability laws (CLL) [the corporate veil (tCV)] is a major obstacle for implementation of UN and other covenants’ prevention and jurisprudence ex ante and ex post facto Corporate Human Rights Violations (CHRV) and International Corporate Crime (ICrC). I.d. aggregates the inability of States and International Bodies to farther establish unified e.g., Lex Non Scripta common law with adjudicative and prescriptive jurisdiction and to apply the Lex Scripta civil and criminal laws to reduce infringements of the human rights and impunity in cases of corporate violations and criminal acts. In this paper is argued that the change from Corporate Limited Liability (referred to as tCV) to Corporate Unlimited Liability (referred as PtCV) laws and thus criminalizing and adjudicating breaches of HR covenants and civil and criminal laws by corporate individuals, at prima facie should have a substantial preventative and sanctioning affect on reducing such CHRV and ICrC. I.d., the unambiguous correlation between CHRV and ICrC, (which in many occasions includes Human Trafficking, Slavery, Sex Trade, Child Labor, ext), which are accelerated by the 2001-2007 Recessions through expanding global poverty and inequality. Piercing the Corporate Veil (PtCV) and Enhancing Business & Contract Laws (eBCL) would raise the market security thus needed to establish fair market competition benefiting Small and Medium Enterprises and Investors, which have become major global employers: action that would have a general positive market effect. Id. Anyway with the current judicial practice, in most cases where there are grave personal injuries the court is willing to impute negligence to the parent company – especially where the subsidiary is thinly capitalized or appears to have been formed precisely to avoid liability. In contrast, courts are extremely reluctant to pierce the corporate veil in cases of purely pecuniary losses, namely where the creditors of a bankrupt corporation seek to reach the personal assets of the shareholders of the corporation. Eric Engle (2006). This is for the obvious reason that general financial liability of shareholders for all debts of a corporation would discourage investment in stocks with deleterious economic consequences. See, e.g. Krivo Indus. Supply Co. v. National Distillers & Chem. Corp., 483 F.2d 1098, 1102 (5th Cir. 1973)business laws, limited liability, corporate contracts, economics, human trafficking, international crime, white collar crime

    Surface texturing of CVD diamond assisted by ultrashort laser pulses

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    Diamond is a wide bandgap semiconductor with excellent physical properties which allow it to operate under extreme conditions. However, the technological use of diamond was mostly conceived for the fabrication of ultraviolet, ionizing radiation and nuclear detectors, of electron emitters, and of power electronic devices. The use of nanosecond pulse excimer lasers enabled the microstructuring of diamond surfaces, and refined techniques such as controlled ablation through graphitization and etching by two-photon surface excitation are being exploited for the nanostructuring of diamond. On the other hand, ultrashort pulse lasers paved the way for a more accurate diamond microstructuring, due to reduced thermal effects, as well as an effective surface nanostructuring, based on the formation of periodic structures at the nanoscale. It resulted in drastic modifications of the optical and electronic properties of diamond, of which “black diamond” films are an example for future high-temperature solar cells as well as for advanced optoelectronic platforms. Although experiments on diamond nanostructuring started almost 20 years ago, real applications are only today under implementation

    Клинична и диференциално-диагностична характеристика на ангината и нейното място като спешно състояние

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    Ангината е остро самостоятелно бактериално или вирусно заболяване, което може да се изяви и като симптом на друго инфекциозно или системно заболяване. Под формата си на самостоятелно заболяване се свързва най-често със стрептококова инфекция и е в причинно-следствена връзка с острия ставен ревматизъм. В този обзор ние представяме основните £ клинични и диференциално-диагностични характеристики, както и мястото на това заболяване в спешната помощ.---------------------------------------------------Tonsillitis is an acute bacterial or viral infection of the tonsils that can be primary or a symptom of other infectious or systematic disease. The most common primary tonsillitis is caused by a streptococcus agent and is in a consequent linkage with rheumatism. In this review we scope on the clinical characteristics and differential-diagnosis of the tonsillitis, as also its role as an emergency condition


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    Острият епиглотит (остър супраглотисен ларингит) е стенозиращо гръкляна възпалително заболяване, което изисква адекватни мерки и мероприятия за овладяването му. Боледуват предимно деца на възраст между 1 и 6 години. Острото начало, бързото протичане и прогресивно развиващият се задух изискват транспортирането на детето с линейка на „Бърза помощ“ в специализирано отделение за евентуални интубация или трахеотомия. Без контрол на състоянието на дихателните пътища и медикаментозно лечение симптомите могат бързо да прогресират до дихателна обструкция и смърт в рамките на няколко часа. Най-честият причинител на острия епиглотит е Haemophylus influenza тип B. Изолирани са и други патогенни микроораганизми като стрептококи, стафилококи и пневмококи. Не е изключено да се касае за първична вирусна инфекция с бактериална суперинфекция.------------------------------------------------------Epiglottitis is an acute inflammation in the supraglottic region of the oropharynx. It is a medical emergency in the otorhinolaryngology, which requires adequate measures to manage it. Acute epiglottitis is most common in children aged 1-6 years. The acute onset, rapid course, and progressive dyspnea which are developing children requires transportation by ambulance in a special compartment for possible intubation or tracheotomy. Without airway control and medical management, symptoms may rapidly progress to respiratory obstruction and death in a matter of hours. The most common cause of acute epiglottitis is Haemophylus influenza type B, although some cases are attributable to Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes. It may also be caused by viruses related to upper respiratory infections

    2001 & 2007 Recessions prompted remaking of the international organizations

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    Countercyclical Economics to enhance business cyclical economics, Global World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank (WB) to change from Instrumental for International Lending and International Investment to 1) Managing their own Monetary Policies by expanding the issuance of SDR and fluctuating Interest Rate, 2) Promotional for Business Development through Low-Interest Finance and Subsidies and 3) Controlling for global Market Balance of demand-to-supply by using Monetary and other Policies. Natural and/or artificial market agents to create the needed market (1/f noise) that will alleviate the shrinking market activities and the rising unemployment.economics; globalization; microeconomics; macroeconomics; international financial organizations; IMF; WTO; WB; quantum economics;

    Modern Approaches in Injuries of the Larynx

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    Introduction: Early diagnosis and proper treatment of laryngeal trauma is of great importance for the patient to prevent the formation of stenosis in a later stage, changes in breathing and voice quality.Material and methods: The covered laryngeal trauma is a relatively rare injury. Its incidence is estimated at 1 in 30,000 visits to emergency rooms.Results: Due to their relatively low frequency and association with other life-threatening injuries, laryngeal trauma often go unrecognized. This is bad because the glottis laryngeal stenosis and insufficiency are the end result of delayed or inadequate treatment of laryngeal trauma.Conclusion: Despite the great variety of these injuries, correct diagnosis and understanding of each case justify the adoption of a standardized method for classifying and treating these injuries. These preconditions will facilitate successful therapy

    Social Value and its Measurement in the Third Sector

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    Výzkum "Sociální hodnota a její měření v třetím sektoru" je zaměřen na měření sociální hodnoty sociálních podniků, které tvoří součást konceptuálního rámce třetího sektoru. Sociální podniky v současné době čelí výzvě posouzení a měření sociální hodnoty (sociálního dopadu). Prokazování sociální hodnoty je požadováno řadou zúčastněných stran, včetně samotných sociálních podniků. Existuje mnoho přístupů k měření sociální hodnoty, ale žádný nebyl široce přijat a tento prostor je charakterizovaný metodologickým pluralismem. V České republice je oblast měření sociální hodnoty v třetím sektoru stále nedostatečně prozkoumanou, a to navzdory současnému politickému a ekonomickému klimatu, kdy vzrůstají požadavky zúčastněných stran na ukazatele, které dokážou zachytit výkonnost organizací. Stejně jako v zahraničí zde neexistuje jednotně přijímaný nástroj k měření sociální hodnoty či sociálního dopadu. Hlavním cílem výzkumu, který je rozdělen do dvou dílčích výzkumů "Měření sociální hodnoty sociálních podniků" a "Longitudinální studie", je měřit sociální hodnotu sociálních podniků v České republice a provést jejich vzájemnou komparaci (benchmarking). Dílčími cíli jsou sledovat vývoj měření a změny sociální hodnoty u vybraného sociálního podniku v průběhu delšího časového období (4 roky), ověřit indikátor...The research "Social value and its measurement in the third sector" is focused on measuring the social value of social enterprises, which form part of the conceptual framework of the third sector. Social enterprises currently face the challenge of assessing and measuring social value (social impact). Demonstrating social value is required by many stakeholders, including social enterprises themselves. There are many approaches to measuring social value, but none has been widely adopted, and the field is characterized by methodological pluralism. In the Czech Republic, the area of social value measurement in the third sector is still under-researched, despite the current political and economic climate, where stakeholder demands for indicators that can capture the performance of organizations are increasing. As in other countries, there is no uniformly accepted tool for measuring social value or social impact. The main objective of the research, which is divided into two sub-research "Measuring the social value of social enterprises" and "Longitudinal study", is to measure the social value of social enterprises in the Czech Republic and to perform their mutual comparison (benchmarking). The sub-goals are to monitor the development of measurements and changes in the social value of a selected social...Doktorský program Studia občanského sektoruPhD Civil Society StudiesFakulta humanitních studiíFaculty of Humanitie

    Market Economy under Rapid Globalization and Rising Productivity

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    Market economy of enhancing business laws in contracting, bonding, insuring, legal corporate structures , e.g. will marginalize the economic agents and tools that make market competition unfair, empower small and medium businesses and investors, and boost business activities, fiscal strength, employment, and capital transmission. Keynesian capital infusion will extend its market effect in such higher security marketplace

    Endoscopic orbital decompression in a patient with a metastasis in the orbit

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    Endoscopic orbital decompression is an evolving operative technique for managing intraorbital pressure, exophthalmos and reduced visual acuity. We present a clinical case of a palliative orbital decompression in a patient with metastasis in the right orbit from anaplastic carcinoma of unknown origin. Full ethmoidectomy was performed, resection of lamina papyracea and periorbital incisions followed. After surgery patient reported of considerable reduction of pain and exophthalmos but no improvement of visual acuity was registered.Patient carried on his treatment with chemotherapy

    Strategies for sustainability of environmental & resources efficiency

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    The best model for expanding Alternative Energies and Environmental Protection globally is through using market equilibrium, whereas governmental subsidies and fiscal stimulus to be just supplementary. Market equilibrium depends of matching consumption demand and price deleveraging that could be achieved only by changing market (i.e. economic) agents from presently used trickle-down economics that stimulate big business and big investors to a more market related economics (Marketism) that would stimulate Small & Medium Businesses and Investors (SME&I) boost business activities and related employment, fiscal reserves and over all market utilized consumption