10 research outputs found

    The chemical composition of magma (melt inclusion) from melilite-bearing nephelinite of the Belaya Zima carbonatite complex (Eastern Sayan)

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    The detailed investigation of melt inclusions in nepheline and perovskite showed that the rock formation proceeded from incompletely saturated with silica high-Ca magmatic melt substantially enriched with alkaline, rare and volatile components such as H2O, CO2, Cl and S. Established for the first time niobium-tantalum character of the parent for the studied rocks magmas definitely confirms the geochemical specificity of the Belaya Zima deposit

    The chemical composition of magma (melt inclusion) from melilite-bearing nephelinite of the Belaya Zima carbonatite complex (Eastern Sayan)

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    The detailed investigation of melt inclusions in nepheline and perovskite showed that the rock formation proceeded from incompletely saturated with silica high-Ca magmatic melt substantially enriched with alkaline, rare and volatile components such as H2O, CO2, Cl and S. Established for the first time niobium-tantalum character of the parent for the studied rocks magmas definitely confirms the geochemical specificity of the Belaya Zima deposit

    Water and trace elements content in the ongonite melt from Ary-Bulak massif, Eastern Transbaikal'e (evidence from melt inclusions)

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    The ongonite represents the subvolcanic analog of rare earth metal Li fluoride garnets. Only melted inclusions are direct and reliable source of information about a composition of the primary magmatic melts, including the content of water, F, Cl and other volatile components as well as the elements-impurities. The ongonite mineral specimens of Ary-Bulak massif are investigated to find the primary melt inclusions. It is revealed that the rock is formed from magmatic melt whose crystallization temperature is 650-720°C. The magma of ongonites was enriched considerably by H2O (5-8.7 %), F (6-8 %), Li, Rb, Be, As. W and depleted by Sr, Ba, Pb. This testifies high degree of its differentiation

    Water and trace elements content in the ongonite melt from Ary-Bulak massif, Eastern Transbaikal'e (evidence from melt inclusions)

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    The ongonite represents the subvolcanic analog of rare earth metal Li fluoride garnets. Only melted inclusions are direct and reliable source of information about a composition of the primary magmatic melts, including the content of water, F, Cl and other volatile components as well as the elements-impurities. The ongonite mineral specimens of Ary-Bulak massif are investigated to find the primary melt inclusions. It is revealed that the rock is formed from magmatic melt whose crystallization temperature is 650-720°C. The magma of ongonites was enriched considerably by H2O (5-8.7 %), F (6-8 %), Li, Rb, Be, As. W and depleted by Sr, Ba, Pb. This testifies high degree of its differentiation

    Kasatkinite, Ba2Ca8B5Si8O32(OH)3 · 6H2O6, a new mineral from the Bazhenovskoe deposit, the Central Urals, Russia

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    A new mineral, kasatkinite, Ba2Ca8B5Si8O32(OH)3 · 6H2O, has been found at the Bazhenovskoe chrysotile asbestos deposit, the Central Urals, Russia in the cavities in rhodingite as a member of two assemblages: (l) on prehnite, with pectolite, calcite, and clinochlore; and (2) on grossular, with diopside and pectolite. Kasatkinite occurs as spherulites or bunches up to 3 mm in size, occasionally combined into crusts. Its individuals are acicular to hair-like, typically split, with a polygonal cross section, up to 0.5 mm (rarely, to 6 mm) in length and to 20 μm in thickness. They consist of numerous misoriented needle-shaped subindividuals up to several dozen μm long and no more than 1 μm thick. Kasatkinite individuals are transparent and colorless; its aggregates are snow white. The luster is vitreous or silky. No cleavage was observed; the fracture is uneven or splintery for aggregates. Individuals are flexible and elastic. The Mohs' hardness is 4-4.5. D meas = 2.95(5), D calc = 2.89 g/cm3. Kasatkinite is optically biaxial (+), α = 1.600(5), β = 1.603(2), γ = 1.626(2), 2V meas = 30(20)°, 2V calc = 40°. The IR spectrum is given. The 11B MAS NMR spectrum shows the presence of BO4 in the absence of BO3 groups. The chemical composition of kasatkinite (wt %; electron microprobe, H2O by gas chromatography) is as follows: 0.23 Na2O, 0.57 K2O, 28.94 CaO, 16.79 BaO, 11.57 B2O3, 0.28 Al2O3, 31.63 SiO2, 0.05 F, 9.05 H2O, -0.02 -O=F2; the total is 99.09. The empirical formula (calculated on the basis of O + F = 41 apfu, taking into account the TGA data) is: Na0.11K0.18Ba1.66Ca7.84B5.05Al0.08Si8.00O31.80(OH)3.06F0.04 · 6.10H2O. Kasatkinite is monoclinic, space group P21/c, P2/c, or Pc; the unit-cell dimensions are a = 5.745(3), b = 7.238(2), c = 20.79 (1) Å, β = 90.82(5)°, V = 864(1) Å3, Z = 1. The strongest reflections (d Å-I[hkl]) in the X-ray powder diffractions pattern are: 5.89-24[012], 3.48-2.1[006], 3.36-24[114]; 3.009-100[121, 121, 106], 2.925-65[106, 122, 122], 2.633-33[211, 124], 2.116-29[133, 133, 028]. Kasatkinite is named in honor of A.V. Kasatkin (b. 1970), a Russian amateur mineralogist and mineral collector who has found this mineral. Type specimen is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd