6,244 research outputs found

    Large Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy of Metallic Carbon Nanotubes

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    Through magnetic linear dichroism spectroscopy, the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes has been extracted and found to be 2-4 times greater than values for semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes. This large anisotropy is consistent with our calculations and can be understood in terms of large orbital paramagnetism of electrons in metallic nanotubes arising from the Aharonov-Bohm-phase-induced gap opening in a parallel field. We also compare our values with previous work for semiconducting nanotubes, which confirm a break from the prediction that the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy increases linearly with the diameter.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Fermi-Edge Superfluorescence from a Quantum-Degenerate Electron-Hole Gas

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    We report on the observation of spontaneous bursts of coherent radiation from a quantum-degenerate gas of nonequilibrium electron-hole pairs in semiconductor quantum wells. Unlike typical spontaneous emission from semiconductors, which occurs at the band edge, the observed emission occurs at the quasi-Fermi edge of the carrier distribution. As the carriers are consumed by recombination, the quasi-Fermi energy goes down toward the band edge, and we observe a continuously red-shifting streak. We interpret this emission as cooperative spontaneous recombination of electron-hole pairs, or superfluorescence, which is enhanced by Coulomb interactions near the Fermi edge. This novel many-body enhancement allows the magnitude of the spontaneously developed macroscopic polarization to exceed the maximum value for ordinary superfluorescence, making electron-hole superfluorescence even more "super" than atomic superfluorescence.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Collective Antenna Effects in the Terahertz and Infrared Response of Highly Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays

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    We study macroscopically-aligned single-wall carbon nanotube arrays with uniform lengths via polarization-dependent terahertz and infrared transmission spectroscopy. Polarization anisotropy is extreme at frequencies less than ∼\sim3 THz with no sign of attenuation when the polarization is perpendicular to the alignment direction. The attenuation for both parallel and perpendicular polarizations increases with increasing frequency, exhibiting a pronounced and broad peak around 10 THz in the parallel case. We model the electromagnetic response of the sample by taking into account both radiative scattering and absorption losses. We show that our sample acts as an effective antenna due to the high degree of alignment, exhibiting much larger radiative scattering than absorption in the mid/far-infrared range. Our calculated attenuation spectrum clearly shows a non-Drude peak at ∼\sim10 THz in agreement with the experiment.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
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