27 research outputs found

    Public Expenditure Composition and Economic Growth : Optimal Adjustment by Using Gradient Method

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    Fetal hyperglycemia and a high fat diet contribute to aberrant glucose tolerance and hematopoiesis in adulthood

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    Background Children exposed to gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) during pregnancy are at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Our goal was to identify metabolic and hematopoietic alterations after intrauterine exposure to maternal hyperglycemia that may contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic morbidities. Methods Streptozotocin treatment induced maternal hyperglycemia during the last third of gestation in rat dams. Offspring of control mothers (OCM) and diabetic mothers (ODM) were evaluated for weight, glucose tolerance, insulin tolerance, and hematopoiesis defects. The effects of aging were examined in normal and high fat diet (HFD)-fed young (8-week-old) and aged (11-month-old) OCM and ODM rats. Results Young adult ODM males on a normal diet, but not females, displayed improved glucose tolerance due to increased insulin levels. Aged ODM males and females gained more weight than OCM on a HFD and had worse glucose tolerance. Aged ODM males fed a HFD were also neutrophilic. Increases in bone marrow cellularity and myeloid progenitors preceded neutrophilia in ODM males fed a HFD. Conclusion When combined with other risk factors like HFD and aging, changes in glucose metabolism and hematopoiesis may contribute to the increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension observed in children of GDM mothers

    Chronic high fat feeding restricts islet mRNA translation initiation independently of ER stress via DNA damage and p53 activation

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    Under conditions of high fat diet (HFD) consumption, glucose dyshomeostasis develops when β-cells are unable to adapt to peripheral insulin demands. Few studies have interrogated the molecular mechanisms of β-cell dysfunction at the level of mRNA translation under such conditions. We sought to address this issue through polyribosome profile analysis of islets from mice fed 16-weeks of 42% HFD. HFD-islet analysis revealed clear trends toward global reductions in mRNA translation with a significant reduction in the polyribosome/monoribosome ratio for Pdx1 mRNA. Transcriptional and translational analyses revealed endoplasmic reticulum stress was not the etiology of our findings. HFD-islets demonstrated evidence of oxidative stress and DNA damage, as well as activation of p53. Experiments in MIN-6 β-cells revealed that treatment with doxorubicin to directly induce DNA damage mimicked our observed effects in islets. Islets from animals treated with pioglitazone concurrently with HFD demonstrated a reversal of effects observed from HFD alone. Finally, HFD-islets demonstrated reduced expression of multiple ribosome biogenesis genes and the key translation initiation factor eIF4E. We propose a heretofore unappreciated effect of chronic HFD on β-cells, wherein continued DNA damage owing to persistent oxidative stress results in p53 activation and a resultant inhibition of mRNA translation

    Cigarette smoke exposure impairs β-cell function through activation of oxidative stress and ceramide accumulation

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    Objectives Epidemiological studies indicate that first- and second-hand cigarette smoke (CS) exposure are important risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Additionally, elevated diabetes risk has been reported to occur within a short period of time after smoking cessation, and health risks associated with smoking are increased when combined with obesity. At present, the mechanisms underlying these associations remain incompletely understood. The objective of this study was to test the impact of CS exposure on pancreatic β-cell function using rodent and in vitro models. Methods Beginning at 8 weeks of age, C57BL/6 J mice were concurrently fed a high-fat diet (HFD) and exposed to CS for 11 weeks, followed by an additional 11 weeks of smoking cessation with continued HFD. Glucose tolerance testing was performed during CS exposure and during the cessation period. Cultured INS-1 β-cells and primary islets were exposed ex vivo to CS extract (CSE), and β-cell function and viability were tested. Since CS increases ceramide accumulation in the lung and these bioactive sphingolipids have been implicated in pancreatic β-cell dysfunction in diabetes, islet and β-cell sphingolipid levels were measured in islets from CS-exposed mice and in CSE-treated islets and INS-1 cells using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results Compared to HFD-fed, ambient air-exposed mice, HFD-fed and CS-exposed mice had reduced weight gain and better glucose tolerance during the active smoking period. Following smoking cessation, CS-mice exhibited rapid weight gain and had accelerated worsening of their glucose tolerance. CS-exposed mice had higher serum proinsulin/insulin ratios, indicative of β-cell dysfunction, significantly lower β-cell mass (p = 0.017), reduced β-cell proliferation (p = 0.006), and increased islet ceramide content compared to non-smoking control mice. Ex vivo exposure of isolated islets to CSE was sufficient to increase islet ceramide levels, which was correlated with reduced insulin gene expression and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, and increased β-cell oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Treatment with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine markedly attenuated the effects of CSE on ceramide levels, restored β-cell function and survival, and increased cyclin D2 expression, while also reducing activation of β-cell ER and oxidative stress. Conclusions Our results indicate that CS exposure leads to impaired insulin production, processing, secretion and reduced β-cell viability and proliferation. These effects were linked to increased β-cell oxidative and ER stress and ceramide accumulation. Mice fed HFD continued to experience detrimental effects of CS exposure even during smoking cessation. Elucidation of the mechanisms by which CS exposure impairs β-cell function in synergy with obesity will help design therapeutic and preventive interventions for both active and former smokers

    Sirtuin 6 regulates glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in mouse pancreatic beta cells

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Sirtuin 6 (SIRT6) has been implicated in ageing, DNA repair and metabolism; however, its function in pancreatic beta cells is unclear. The aim of this study is to elucidate the role of SIRT6 in pancreatic beta cells. METHODS: To investigate the function of SIRT6 in pancreatic beta cells, we performed Sirt6 gene knockdown in MIN6 cells and generated pancreatic- and beta cell-specific Sirt6 knockout mice. Islet morphology and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) were analysed. Glycolysis and oxygen consumption rates in SIRT6-deficient beta cells were measured. Cytosolic calcium was monitored using the Fura-2-AM fluorescent probe (Invitrogen, Grand Island, NY, USA). Mitochondria were analysed by immunoblots and electron microscopy. RESULTS: Sirt6 knockdown in MIN6 beta cells led to a significant decrease in GSIS. Pancreatic beta cell Sirt6 knockout mice showed a ~50% decrease in GSIS. The knockout mouse islets had lower ATP levels compared with the wild-type controls. Mitochondrial oxygen consumption rates were significantly decreased in the SIRT6-deficient beta cells. Cytosolic calcium dynamics in response to glucose or potassium chloride were attenuated in the Sirt6 knockout islets. Numbers of damaged mitochondria were increased and mitochondrial complex levels were decreased in the SIRT6-deficient islets. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: These data suggest that SIRT6 is important for GSIS from pancreatic beta cells and activation of SIRT6 may be useful to improve insulin secretion in diabetes

    Divergent compensatory responses to high-fat diet between C57BL6/J and C57BLKS/J inbred mouse strains

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    Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are polygenic disorders with complex pathophysiologies; recapitulating them with mouse models is challenging. Despite 70% genetic homology, C57BL/6J (BL6) and C57BLKS/J (BLKS) inbred mouse strains differ in response to diet- and genetic-induced obesity. We hypothesized these differences would yield insight into IGT and T2DM susceptibility and response to pharmacological therapies. To this end, male 8-wk-old BL6 and BLKS mice were fed normal chow (18% kcal from fat), high-fat diet (HFD; 42% kcal from fat), or HFD supplemented with the PPARγ agonist pioglitazone (PIO; 140 mg PIO/kg diet) for 16 wk. Assessments of body composition, glucose homeostasis, insulin production, and energy metabolism, as well as histological analyses of pancreata were undertaken. BL6 mice gained weight and adiposity in response to HFD, leading to peripheral insulin resistance that was met with increased β-cell proliferation and insulin production. By contrast, BLKS mice responded to HFD by restricting food intake and increasing activity. These behavioral responses limited weight gain and protected against HFD-induced glucose intolerance, which in this strain was primarily due to β-cell dysfunction. PIO treatment did not affect HFD-induced weight gain in BL6 mice, and decreased visceral fat mass, whereas in BLKS mice PIO increased total fat mass without improving visceral fat mass. Differences in these responses to HFD and effects of PIO reflect divergent human responses to a Western lifestyle and underscore the careful consideration needed when choosing mouse models of diet-induced obesity and diabetes treatment

    Human adipose derived stromal/stem cells (hASCs) protect against STZ-induced hyperglycemia; analysis of hASC-derived paracrine effectors

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    Adipose-derived stromal/stem cells (ASCs) ameliorate hyperglycemia in rodent models of islet transplantation and autoimmune diabetes, yet the precise human ASC (hASC)-derived factors responsible for these effects remain largely unexplored. Here, we show that systemic administration of hASCs improved glucose tolerance, preserved β cell mass, and increased β cell proliferation in streptozotocin-treated nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient mice. Coculture experiments combining mouse or human islets with hASCs demonstrated that islet viability and function were improved by hASCs following prolonged culture or treatment with proinflammatory cytokines. Analysis of hASC-derived factors revealed vascular endothelial growth factor and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1) to be highly abundant factors secreted by hASCs. Notably, TIMP-1 secretion increased in the presence of islet stress from cytokine treatment, while TIMP-1 blockade was able to abrogate in vitro prosurvival effects of hASCs. Following systemic administration by tail vein injection, hASCs were detected in the pancreas and human TIMP-1 was increased in the serum of injected mice, while recombinant TIMP-1 increased viability in INS-1 cells treated with interleukin-1beta, interferon-gamma, and tumor necrosis factor alpha. In aggregate, our data support a model whereby factors secreted by hASCs, such as TIMP-1, are able to mitigate against β cell death in rodent and in vitro models of type 1 diabetes through a combination of local paracrine as well as systemic effects

    Sirt6 Regulates Insulin Secretion from the Pancreatic Beta Cells

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    poster abstractSirt6 is an NAD-dependent histone deacetylase, which is involved in multiple biological processes, including aging, DNA repair, and metabolism; however, it is unclear what its functions in pancreatic beta-cells are. The beta cells play an essential role in metabolic regulation by secreting insulin in response to an elevated glucose concentration in the circulation. To examine the role of Sirt6 in beta cells, we initially used adenovirus-mediated shRNA to knock down the Sirt6 gene expression in a mouse pancreatic beta cell line - MIN6. Knockdown of the Sirt6 gene significantly reduced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. To further validate this phenotype in vivo, we generated pancreatic beta-cell-specific Sirt6 knockout mice (bKO) using mouse genetic approach. Indeed, the bKO mice showed remarkable impairment in both first and second phases of insulin secretion in response to a glucose load. While morphometric analyses did not reveal significant difference in islet area between wild-type and bKO mice, biochemical analysis of ATP concentrations showed a 22% decrease in bKO mouse islets relative to control wild-type islets after glucose stimulation. To assess mitochondrial function in Sirt6-deficient beta cells, we also performed Seahorse bioenergetics assays in MIN6 cells after the Sirt6 gene was knocked down. Glucose oxidation in mitochondria was decreased 20-30% in Sirt6- knockdown MIN6 cells as compared to the control cells. Since calcium signaling is critical to insulin secretion, we also measured intracellular calcium concentrations using a fluorescent imaging approach. The results showed a significant decrease in cytoplasmic calcium in the bKO islets as compared to the wild-type controls. Overall, our data demonstrate that Sirt6 plays a critical role in the regulation of pancreatic insulin secretion. This work was supported in part by the NIDDK grant R01DK091592

    Intestinal Gpr17 deficiency improves glucose metabolism by promoting GLP-1 secretion

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in intestinal enteroendocrine cells (EECs) respond to nutritional, neural, and microbial cues and modulate the release of gut hormones. Here we show that Gpr17, an orphan GPCR, is co-expressed in glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)-expressing EECs in human and rodent intestinal epithelium. Acute genetic ablation of Gpr17 in intestinal epithelium improves glucose tolerance and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). Importantly, inducible knockout (iKO) mice and Gpr17 null intestinal organoids respond to glucose or lipid ingestion with increased secretion of GLP-1, but not the other incretin glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). In an in vitro EEC model, overexpression or agonism of Gpr17 reduces voltage-gated calcium currents and decreases cyclic AMP (cAMP) production, and these are two critical factors regulating GLP-1 secretion. Together, our work shows that intestinal Gpr17 signaling functions as an inhibitory pathway for GLP-1 secretion in EECs, suggesting intestinal GPR17 is a potential target for diabetes and obesity intervention