21 research outputs found

    Modelling of labour systems of slovenia based on daily commutung

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    The topic of this graduation thesis deals with modeling labor systems of Slovenia based on daily commuting data. Different methods for delineating of labor systems were studied and different options for implementation of the functional divisions of Slovenia were analyzed. In the thesis, different approaches to modeling of employment systems used by countries members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD are presented. The main purpose of the thesis has been a detailed analysis of selected methods and development of appropriate methodology for delineation of employment areas in Slovenia on local and regional levels. The basic guideline for modeling of labor systems or functional regions was that methodology should be based only on commuting data in Slovenia. The main reason for this approach in our assumption, that daily commuting on labor market represents a good approximation for functional regions. In the conclusion of the thesis the results of the methods used to analyze and delineate the employment systems of Slovenia are presented, which can be further used for identification of functional regions in Slovenia and there for by con provide support to decision makers for suitable development policy

    Delimitation of functional regions of slovenia based on labour market analysis\ud

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    In this article, the three approaches for the delimitation of functional regions are presented based on daily commuting data: the labour market method, the commuting zone method and the commuting aggregation approach. The first two methods demand predefined centres while the functional regions are formed without predefined centres by the third method. These three approaches have been used for the case of the delimitation of functional regions of Slovenia considering only one spatial phenomenon, which is the daily commuting between the municipalities. The use of different methods is precondition for comparison and understanding of different approaches for modelling of functional regions. Functional regions might be the basis for numerous organizational tasks as well as development policies. They might be used as the starting-point for the administrative regionalization of Slovenia

    Review of functional regions in selected countries

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    In this article, a review of functional regions by selected countries is presented. For this purpose, the basic concepts of definition and delimitation of functional regions are presented, followed by a presentation of functional regions in the fifteen selected countries in European Union: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy Hungary Germany Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Great Britain, as well as in Switzerland, Canada and United States of America. At the end, a short review of definition and delimitation of functional regions in Slovenia is presented from the international perspective

    Comparison of Two Network-Theory-Based Methods for detecting Functional Regions

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    Background: Functional regions are abstract, uniformly defined territorial units that form an important basis for many development strategies of a country or a region. Objectives: This study analyses the application of network theory to the detection of such regions. Methods/Approach: Functional regions are analysed using two methods based on the graph theory: the Walktrap algorithm and the chain approach. The quality of the two regionalization methods is analysed using the fuzzy set theory with the revised method. Slovenia was used as a case study. Results: The Walktrap algorithm generated eight functional regions; seven of them corresponded to those identified in previous studies. The only difference occurred in the northwestern mountainous part of Slovenia. The chain approach led to similar results, although it resulted in a huge functional urban region of the capital Ljubljana. Conclusions: The results show that the Walktrap algorithm calculates regions that are more closed, where more workers find work in the home region, than the chain approach

    sustainability and resilience:

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    Sustainability and resilience have become indispensable parts of the contemporary debate over the built environment. Although recognised as imperatives, the complexity and the variety of interpretations of sustainability and resilience have raised the necessity to again rethink their notion in the context of the built environment and to reframe the state-of-the-art body of knowledge. The purpose of this book is to present ongoing research from the universities involved in the project Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments (KLABS). The book Sustainability and Resilience: Socio-Spatial Perspective so begins with the exploration of the broadest conceptual frame-of-reference of issues related to sustainability, and the re-establishment of the connection between the built environment and the conditions that are vital to its functioning, primarily in relation to energy, land use, climate, and economy. Subsequent discussion on resilience as a term, approach, and philosophy aims to conceptualise an interpretation of key resilience concepts, explain relationships and links among them, and propose the classification of resilience as applicable to the context of urban studies. By studying the processes of transition of the built environment, the book then reveals a coherent formula of ‘thinking sustainability + resilience’ aimed at improving the ability to respond to disruptions and hazards while enhancing human and environmental welfare. The necessity to integrate the two approaches is further accented as a result of a deliberative discourse on the notions of ‘social sustainability’, ‘sustainable community’, and ‘socio-cultural resilience’. The potential of measuring sustainable development and urban sustainability on the basis of defined social, human, and, additionally, natural and economic values is presented through an overview of different well-known indicators and the identification of a currently relevant tangible framework of sustainable development. Correspondingly, the role of policies and governance is demonstrated in the case of climate-proof cities. In this way, the consideration of approaches to sustainability and resilience of the urban environment is rounded, and the focus of the book is shifted towards an urban/rural dichotomy and the sustainability prospects of identified forms-in-between, and, subsequently, towards the exploration of values, challenges, and the socio-cultural role in achieving sustainability for rural areas. In the final chapters, the book offers several peculiarized socio-spatial perspectives, from defining the path towards more resilient communities and sustainable spaces based on a shared well-being to proposing the approach to define community resilience as an intentional action that aims to respond to, and influence, the course of social and economic change, to deliberating the notion of a ’healthy place’ and questioning its optimal scale in the built environment. The study of sustainability and resilience in this book is concluded by drawing a parallel between environmental, economic, and social determinants of the built environment and the determinants that are relevant to human health and well-being

    Delimitation of functional regions of slovenia based on labour market analysis

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    V prispevku so predstavljeni trije pristopi k razmejitvi funkcionalnih regij na podlagi podatkov o dnevnih vozačih na delo: metoda trga dela, metoda območij delovne mobilnosti in metoda večstopenjskega združevanja. Prvi dve metodi zahtevata predhodno opredeljena središča, medtem ko pri tretji razmejimo funkcionalne regije brez njih. Navedene tri pristope smo preizkusili na primeru členitve Slovenije na funkcionalne regije na podlagi le enega pojava v prostoru, to je dnevne mobilnosti delovno aktivnega prebivalstva med občinami. Uporaba različnih metod omogoča vpogled v različne pristope modeliranja funkcionalnih regij in primerjavo med njimi. Funkcionalne regije so lahko podlaga za številne organizacijske naloge in razvojne politike. Tako določene funkcionalno regije so lahko izhodišče za administrativno regionalizacijo Slovenije.In this article, the three approaches for the delimitation of functional regions are presented based on daily commuting data: the labour market method, the commuting zone method and the commuting aggregation approach. The first two methods demand predefined centres while the functional regions are formed without predefined centres by the third method. These three approaches have been used for the case of the delimitation of functional regions of Slovenia considering only one spatial phenomenon, which is the daily commuting between the municipalities. The use of different methods is precondition for comparison and understanding of different approaches for modelling of functional regions. Functional regions might be the basis for numerous organizational tasks as well as development policies. They might be used as the starting-point for the administrative regionalization of Slovenia

    Land use and its changes in Slovenia compared to the European countries

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    Prostor razumemo kot končno in omejeno dobrino z razvojnimi potenciali in omejitvami, ki izhajajo iz naravno geografskih, gospodarskih, družbenih in okoljskih dejavnikov. Zaradi številnih konfliktov interesov v prostoru in vse večjega pritiska kapitala na odločitve o umeščanju dejavnosti v prostor se v stroki vse bolj kaže potreba po stalnem spremljanju stanja v prostoru, bolj učinkovitem nadzoru spreminjanja rabe prostora in usmerjanju prostorskega razvoja, ki temelji na kakovostnih raziskavah in podatkih. Glavni namen doktorske disertacije je bil zato raziskati razvoj rabe prostora skozi čas ter procese, ki vplivajo na ugotovljene spremembe, ter pokazati, da je trajnostni prostorski razvoj v Sloveniji v veliki meri odvisen od stanja in trendov spreminjanja rabe prostora. V ta namen smo v metodološkem delu razvili model raziskovanja rabe prostora, ki združuje sicer že znane metodološke pristope k raziskovanju stanja, sprememb in trendov spreminjanja rabe prostora, vendar z možnostjo uporabe različnih baz prostorskih podatkov na različnih prostorskih ravneh prispevka k celovitejšemu vpogledu v razvoj rabe prostora. Model smo nato preizkusili na mednarodni, nacionalni in lokalni ravni z uporabo podatkov o pokrovnosti, dejanski in namenski rabi prostora. Rezultati so pokazali na podobnosti sprememb in razvoja rabe prostora na evropski ravni, med izbranimi evropskimi državami. S poglobljeno analizo na nacionalni in lokalni ravni smo pokazali na nekatere procese razvoja rabe prostora (npr. razvoj pozidanih zemljišč ob avtocestnem križu, zaraščanje območij s slabšo dostopnostjo in demografskim praznjenjem), katere lahko pripišemo družbenim, gospodarskim in okoljskim dejavnikom, ki so značilni za Slovenijo. Tako smo lahko dodatno potrdili delovno hipotezo, da je trajnostni prostorski razvoj v Sloveniji v veliki meri odvisen od stanja ter trendov spreminjanja rabe prostora, na kar dejansko vplivajo različni družbeni, gospodarski in okoljski dejavniki.Space is increasingly understood as a finite, subtractable good with its own development potentials and restrictions stemming from natural geographic, economic, social, and environmental factors. Due to the growing number of conflicts of interest in space and the increasing pressures of the capital on decisions about introduction and siting of activities, the profession has seen the increasing need to continuously monitor spatial conditions, more effectively control land use changes, and guide spatial development based on quality studies and data. The main purpose of the doctoral dissertation was to study land use development across time, the processes influencing these changes, and to show that sustainable spatial development in Slovenian largely depends on the situation and trends of land use changes. To this end, in the methodological part we developed a model that combines the known methodological approaches to studying land use development changes and trends of changes in land use, but with the possibility of using various spatial databases at different spatial levels, thus providing a more comprehensive insight into land use development. The model was then tested at the international, national, and local level using the data on land cover, actual land use, and zoned land use. The results pointed to the similarities between changes and land use development at the European level, among selected European countries. In-depth analysis at the national and local level pointed out to some of the processes of land use development (e.g. development of built-up land along the motorway cross, overgrown areas with poor accessibility, and depopulation), which is attributable to characteristic social, economic, and environmental factors in Slovenia. Thus we additionally confirmed the working hypothesis that “sustainable spatial development in Slovenia largely depends on the situation and trends related to land use changes, which is influenced by various social, economic, and environmental factors”

    Razmejitev funkcionalnih regij Slovenije na podlagi analize trga dela : Delimitation of functional regions of Slovenia based on labour market analysis

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    V prispevku so predstavljeni trije pristopi k razmejitvi funkcionalnih regij na podlagi podatkov o dnevnih vozačih na delo: metoda trga dela, metoda območij delovne mobilnosti in metoda večstopenjskega združevanja. Prvi dve metodi zahtevata predhodnoopredeljena središča, medtem ko pri tretji razmejimo funkcionalne regije brez njih. Navedene tri pristope smo preizkusili na primeru členitve Slovenije na funkcionalne regije na podlagi le enega pojava vprostoru, to je dnevne mobilnosti delovno aktivnega prebivalstva med občinami. Uporaba različnih metod omogoča vpogled v različne pristope modeliranja funkcionalnih regij in primerjavo med njimi. Funkcionalne regije so lahko podlaga za številne organizacijske naloge in razvojne politike. Tako določene funkcionalno regije so lahko izhodišče zaadministrativno regionalizacijo Slovenije. ; In this article, the three approaches for the delimitation of functional regions are presented based on daily commuting data: the labour market method, thecommuting zone method and the commuting aggregation approach. The first two methods demand predefined centres while the functional regions are formed without predefined centres by the third method.These three approaches have been used for the case of the delimitation of functional regions of Slovenia considering only one spatial phenomenon, which is the daily commuting between the municipalities. The use of different methods is precondition for comparison and understanding of different approaches for modellingof functional regions. Functional regions might be the basis for numerous organizational tasks as well as development policies. They might be used as the starting-point for the administrative regionalization of Slovenia