78 research outputs found

    Just Culture Maturity Assessment Tool and Its Application in Medium-Sized Food Company in Poland

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    Theoretical background: Ensuring food safety requires the development of an appropriate food safety culture, including its important subculture – just culture (JC). JC is a fair, proportional, and transparent way in which individuals are held accountable for errors. JC in the food sector is an element of food safety culture and is one in which all employees within a food company are encouraged to provide and feel comfortable providing food safety-related information. It is an atmosphere of trust in which food handlers are convinced they will be treated fairly based on their actions rather than the outcome of those actions, in the case of positive, as well as negative food safety. No approach for the food sector for measuring this phenomenon is seen in the literature. Purpose of the article: The article aims to present a proposal for a tool for assessing just culture in a food company and to discuss the results of empirical validation of this tool in a selected organization. Research methods: A literature review was conducted to identify tools for measuring JC in different industries. The primary research method was a case study, including a documentation analysis, based on the READ approach. The just culture maturity assessment tool (JCMAT) used by the company was statistically verified. To interpret the results, the so-called Enlighten 4C Food Safety Culture model was applied. Main findings: The JCMAT has proven to be a reliable tool for exploring JC maturity. A set of dimensions were proposed to constitute JC. The surveyed organization has reached the “awakening” maturity level. Socio-demographic characteristics did not have a major impact on respondents’ opinions about the JCMAT statements

    Reverses of egotic subjectivity : transformations of Jalu Kurek's involvement in the context of the political nature of his poetry

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    The subject of the article is the interpretation of the poetry of Jalu Kurek, one of the members of the Kraków Avant-garde, in the context of politics. The aim of the analyzes is to present the changes that took place during the evolution of his poetic idiom. In its first volumes, Kurek directly called for commitment to the renewal of reality, demanded the use of poetry to improve the nation's sensitivity, and showed the benefits of including poetry in the process of strengthening society in the new world model. Over time, Kurek turns to affirmation of the natural environment. At that time, his poetry still has political potential, as it deals with the topic of integration with nature as a complex of sovereign beings. The interpretation shows that Kurek's poetry is a platform for describing modern methods of arranging the world, which aims to present the problem of the crisis of communication between an individual and society

    The love-philosophical origin of poetry : on platonic and autothematic motifs in the poem "Plato" by Jan Lechoń

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie filozoficznej interpretacji "Plato", wiersza Jana Lechonia z tomu "Marmur i róża". Autor wskazuje na ważność paraleli między Lechoniem i Platonem w interpretowaniu idiomu pierwszego z nich oraz na różnych płaszczyznach analizuje przejście od miłości do poezji, które jest fundamentalnym zdarzeniem w wybranym wierszu. Symbolizuje ono transgresję podmiotu i podkreśla obecne w świecie poetyckim Lechonia podobieństwo uczuć, które dla "ja" lirycznego są niewysłowioną tajemnicą, do poezji, dążącej do cząstkowego poznania empirycznie niedostępnych, wiecznych idei lub ich wyobraźniowych ekwiwalentów. Autor wykazuje, że kluczową w "Plato" metaforą jest obrotowa scena. Zarówno akcentuje ona konstytutywną dla rzeczywistości zmienność, jak i wprowadza do poetyckiego świata greckie muzy, które dają podmiotowi szansę na twórcze i wspierane przez transcendentną instancję życie. Symboliczny obraz świata zdegenerowanego po odejściu ukochanej osoby oraz pozytywne zakończenie wiersza odczytane zostają jako odpowiedź poety na pytanie o możliwość tworzenia poezji po Auschwitz, a ewidentny związek utworu z "Ucztą" Platona okazuje się znakiem tego, że Lechoń wierzył w idealistyczny rodowód poezji i koncepcję anamnezy

    Between subject and space : cosmos in the poetry of Wislawa Szymborska

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    The primary purpose of this article is to show the necessity to analyze the poetry of Wislawa Szymborska in a manner derived from the concept of archaic ontology. Such an approach implies to show the parallel between subject, space and the cosmos, in the work of the author of Colon where it is understood doubly: an abstract structure and an actually existing point of reference for the whole world of her poetry. Consequent conclusion is that the universality of Szymborska’s works has a source in her predisposition to create such lyrical confessions, that allow the speaker to retain his individuality and simultaneously merge with the object of his cognition. The author analyzes the most characteristic poems that use space themes in order to reconstruct the cosmology of Szymborska and propose a new approach to few problems, such as the negative dialectics, the principle "mono no aware", the philosophy of space, aesthetics’ contact with the strangeness, anti-modernism and primitiveness

    Time density characteristic as a simple load cycle for research agricultural tractors

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    W artykule opisano metodę tworzenia charakterystyki gęstości czasowej pracy silnika, m.in. dla potrzeb oceny emisji spalin z ciągników rolniczych. Opracowano i przedstawiono wyniki badań ciągnika U 912 zebrane i uśrednione w dwumiesięcznym okresie eksploatacji, w jednym z gospodarstw Pomorza Zachodniego. Przedstawiono zakresy najczęściej występujących obciążeń badanego silnika ciągnikowego wykazując, że nie był on optymalnie eksploatowany. Stwierdzono, że na podstawie charakterystyki gęstości czasowej można tworzyć uproszczone cykle obciążeń do oceny właściwości użytkowych badanej grupy pojazdów.The article describes a method of creating time density characteristic of an engine for example of evaluation of average emission of exhausts from agricultural tractors. The data being the effect of two month exploitation research of agricultural tractor U 912 on an agricultural farm in Pomorze Zachodnie, were collected, handled, averaged and presented. Range of the most frequent loads occurring in the agricultural tractor's engine under research shows, that it was not optimally exploited. It was ascertained that on the grounds of time density characteristics simplified cycles of loads can be made for the purpose of evaluation of exploitation properties of the group of vehicles under research

    Water metabolism : the topos of water in the poetry of Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński

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    The main purpose of this article is to identify the reasons which caused the dominance of water as a literary topos in poetry of Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński. For the poet, the images related to water serve to amplify the impression of dynamism of existence, dualistic organization of matter and the mutual contradictions of the principles that influence the world. The author’s interpretation of the liquidity tropes shows the importance of progressivism, mythicization and the principle a recentori for this poetry. Additionally, some emphasis is put on the integration of destruction and rebirth, the issue of uncertainty about acquired knowledge, the idea of reality as a structure full of mirrors and the creation of the literary persona as an ontologically irresolvable one. Crucial for this analysis are the connections between the use of said motifs of water and the notions of variabilism by Heraclitus of Ephesus, the hierophany of Mircea Eliade, apocatastasis and the idea of the unity of opposites


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