70 research outputs found

    Direct versus measurement assisted bipartite entanglement in multi-qubit systems and their dynamical generation in spin systems

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    We consider multi-qubit systems and relate quantitatively the problems of generating cluster states with high value of concurrence of assistance, and that of generating states with maximal bipartite entanglement. We prove an upper bound for the concurrence of assistance. We consider dynamics of spin-1/2 systems that model qubits, with different couplings and possible presence of magnetic field to investigate the appearance of the discussed entanglement properties. We find that states with maximal bipartite entanglement can be generated by an XY Hamiltonian, and their generation can be controlled by the initial state of one of the spins. The same Hamiltonian is capable of creating states with high concurrence of assistance with suitably chosen initial state. We show that the production of graph states using the Ising Hamiltonian is controllable via a single-qubit rotation of one spin-1/2 subsystem in the initial multi-qubit state. We shown that the property of Ising dynamics to convert a product state basis into a special maximally entangled basis is temporally enhanced by the application of a suitable magnetic field. Similar basis transformations are found to be feasible in the case of isotropic XY couplings with magnetic field.Comment: (14 pages, 7 figures, RevTeX4

    Choi representation of completely positive maps: a technical introduction

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    This is a very brief operational introduction to the Choi representation of completely positive maps, i.e. quantum channels. It focuses on certain useful calculational techniques which are presented in full detail

    Quantum scissors: teleportation of single-mode optical states by means of a nonlocal single photon

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    We employ the quantum state of a single photon entangled with the vacuum (|1,0>-|0,1>), generated by a photon incident upon a symmetric beam splitter, to teleport single-mode quantum states of light by means of the Bennett protocol. Teleportation of coherent states results in truncation of their Fock expansion to the first two terms. We analyze the teleported ensembles by means of homodyne tomography and obtain fidelities of up to 99 per cent for low source state amplitudes. This work is an experimental realization of the quantum scissors device proposed by Pegg, Phillips and Barnett (Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1604 (1998)

    Teleportation: from probability distributions to quantum states

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    The role of the off-diagonal density matrix elements of the entangled pair is investigated in quantum teleportation of a qbit. The dependence between them and the off-diagonal elements of the teleported density matrix is shown to be linear. In this way the ideal quantum teleportation is related to an entirely classical communication protocol: the one-time pad cypher. The latter can be regarded as the classical counterpart of Bennett's quantum teleportation scheme. The quantum-to-classical transition is demonstrated on the statistics of a gedankenexperiment.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in J. Phys. A (Math. Gen.

    Quantum homogenization and state randomization in semi-quantal spin systems

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    We investigate dynamics of semi-quantal spin systems in which quantum bits are attached to classically and possibly stochastically moving classical particles. The interaction between the quantum bits takes place when the respective classical particles get close to each other in space. We find that with Heisenberg XX couplings quantum homogenization takes place after a time long enough, regardless of the details of the underlying classical dynamics. This is accompanied by the development of a stationary bipartite entanglement. If the information on the details of the motion of a stochastic classical system is disregarded, the stationary state of the whole quantum subsystem is found to be a complete mixture in the studied cases, though the transients depend on the properties of the classical motion.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures (included

    Wigner-function description of quantum teleportation in arbitrary dimensions and continuous limit

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    We present a unified approach to quantum teleportation in arbitrary dimensions based on the Wigner-function formalism. This approach provides us with a clear picture of all manipulations performed in the teleportation protocol. In addition within the framework of the Wigner-function formalism all the imperfections of the manipulations can be easily taken into account.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure (included). Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. A A minor correction added on May 2

    Pulse-mode quantum projection synthesis: Effects of mode mismatch on optical state truncation and preparation

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    Quantum projection synthesis can be used for phase-probability-distribution measurement, optical-state truncation and preparation. The method relies on interfering optical lights, which is a major challenge in experiments performed by pulsed light sources. In the pulsed regime, the time frequency overlap of the interfering lights plays a crucial role on the efficiency of the method when they have different mode structures. In this paper, the pulsed mode projection synthesis is developed, the mode structure of interfering lights are characterized and the effect of this overlap (or mode match) on the fidelity of optical-state truncation and preparation is investigated. By introducing the positive-operator-valued measure (POVM) for the detection events in the scheme, the effect of mode mismatch between the photon-counting detectors and the incident lights are also presented.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Discrete Wigner functions and the phase space representation of quantum teleportation

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    We present a phase space description of the process of quantum teleportation for a system with an NN dimensional space of states. For this purpose we define a discrete Wigner function which is a minor variation of previously existing ones. This function is useful to represent composite quantum system in phase space and to analyze situations where entanglement between subsystems is relevant (dimensionality of the space of states of each subsystem is arbitrary). We also describe how a direct tomographic measurement of this Wigner function can be performed.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys Rev