39 research outputs found

    Reduce fluctuations in capacity to improve the accessibility of radiotherapy treatment cost-effectively

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    This paper is motivated by a case study to reduce the throughput times for radiotherapy treatment. The goal is to find a cost-effective way to meet future throughput targets. A combination of queuing theory and computer simulation was used. First, computer simulation to detect the bottleneck(s) in a multi-step radiotherapy process. Despite, the investment in an additional linear accelerator, the main bottleneck turned out to be the outpatient department (OPD). Next, based on queuing theory, waiting times were improved by reducing the fluctuations in the OPD capacity. Computer simulation was used again to quantify the effect on the total throughput time of a radiotherapy patient. The results showed a reduction in both access times as well as waiting times prior to the consecutive steps: the preparation phase and actual treatment. The paper concludes with practical suggestions on how to reduce the fluctuations in capacity, and seems of interest for other radiotherapy departments or other multi-step situations in a hospital

    Assessing measurement invariance of a health-related quality-of-life questionnaire in radiotherapy patients

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    Objective: If the assumption of measurement invariance is not tested, we cannot be sure whether differences observed are due to true differences in health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL), or are measurement artifacts. We aim to investigate this assumption in a sample of heterogeneous cancer patients, focusing on whether age, sex, previous treatment for cancer, and information regarding treatment preferences result in biased HRQoL scores. Methods: 155 cancer patients who were about to begin their first session of radiotherapy were included. HRQoL was measured using the EORTC QLQ-C30. Structural equation modeling was applied to assess whether there was a violation of the assumption of invariance. Results: A satisfactory single construct (Functioning HRQoL) measurement model was found and two violations of invariance were identified. Irrespective of patients’ Functioning HRQoL, older patients reported worse physical functioning and patients who had received treatment prior to radiotherapy reported worse emotional functioning than we would otherwise expect. Conclusions: In the present study, accounting for measurement bias lead to a substantial improvement in the overall fit of the model. By ignoring the bias, we would have concluded that the model fit was unsatisfactory. The findings underline the importance of investigating measurement invariance in scales designed for heterogeneous samples

    First World Consensus Conference on pancreas transplantation: part II - recommendations

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    The First World Consensus Conference on Pancreas Transplantation provided 49 jury deliberations regarding the impact of pancreas transplantation on the treatment of diabetic patients, and 110 experts' recommendations for the practice of pancreas transplantation. The main message from this consensus conference is that both simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK) and pancreas transplantation alone can improve long-term patient survival, and all types of pancreas transplantation dramatically improve the quality of life of recipients. Pancreas transplantation may also improve the course of chronic complications of diabetes, depending on their severity. Therefore, the advantages of pancreas transplantation appear to clearly surpass potential disadvantages. Pancreas after kidney transplantation increases the risk of mortality only in the early period after transplantation, but is associated with improved life expectancy thereafter. Additionally, preemptive SPK, when compared to SPK performed in patients undergoing dialysis, appears to be associated with improved outcomes. Time on dialysis has negative prognostic implications in SPK recipients. Increased long-term survival, improvement in the course of diabetic complications, and amelioration of quality of life justify preferential allocation of kidney grafts to SPK recipients. Audience discussions and live voting are available online at the following URL address:

    Relaties in de radiotherapie

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