20,457 research outputs found

    Time-Periodic Solutions of the Einstein's Field Equations II

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    In this paper, we construct several kinds of new time-periodic solutions of the vacuum Einstein's field equations whose Riemann curvature tensors vanish, keep finite or take the infinity at some points in these space-times, respectively. The singularities of these new time-periodic solutions are investigated and some new physical phenomena are found. The applications of these solutions in modern cosmology and general relativity can be expected.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    XMM-Newton observations of the spiral galaxy M74 (NGC 628)

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    The face-on spiral galaxy M74 (NGC 628) was observed by XMM on 2002 February 2. In total, 21 sources are found in the inner 5' from the nucleus (after rejection of a few sources associated to foreground stars). Hardness ratios suggest that about half of them belong to the galaxy. The higher-luminosity end of the luminosity function is fitted by a power-law of slope -0.8. This can be interpreted as evidence of ongoing star formation, in analogy with the distributions found in disks of other late-type galaxies. A comparison with previous Chandra observations reveals a new ultraluminous X-ray transient (L_x \~ 1.5 x 10^39 erg/s in the 0.3--8 keV band) about 4' North of the nucleus. We find another transient black-hole candidate (L_x ~ 5 x 10^38 erg/s) about 5' North-West of the nucleus. The UV and X-ray counterparts of SN 2002ap are also found in this XMM observation.Comment: submitted to ApJL. Based on publicly available data, see http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/external/xmm_news/items/sn_2002_ap/index.shtm

    Electronic structure and magnetism of equiatomic FeN

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    In order to investigate the phase stability of equiatomic FeN compounds and the structure-dependent magnetic properties, the electronic structure and total energy of FeN with NaCl, ZnS and CsCl structures and various magnetic configurations are calculated using the first-principles TB-LMTO-ASA method. Among all the FeN phases considered, the antiferromagnetic NaCl structure with q=(00pi) is found to have the lowest energy at the theoretical equilibrium volume. However, the FM NaCl phase lies only 1mRyd higher. The estimated equilibrium lattice constant for nonmagnetic ZnS-type FeN agrees quite well with the experimental value, but for the AFM NaCl phase the estimated value is 6.7% smaller than that observed experimentally. For ZnS-type FeN, metastable magnetic states are found for volumes larger than the equilibrium value. On the basis of an analysis of the atom- and orbital-projected density of states and orbital-projected Crystal Orbital Hamilton Population, the iron-nitrogen interactions in NM ZnS, AFM NaCl and FM CsCl structures are discussed. The leading Fe-N interactions is due to the d-p iron-nitrogen hybridization, while considerable s-p and p-p hybridizations are also observed in all three phases. The iron magnetic moment in FeN is found to be highly sensitive to the nearest-neighboring Fe-N distance. In particular, the magnetic moment shows an abrupt drop from a value of about 2 muB to zero with the reduction of the Fe-N distance for the ZnS and CsCl structures.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Radiative corrections to the Casimir force and effective field theories

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    Radiative corrections to the Casimir force between two parallel plates are considered in both scalar field theory of one massless and one massive field and in QED. Full calculations are contrasted with calculations based on employing ``boundary-free'' effective field theories. The difference between two previous results on QED radiative corrections to the Casimir force between two parallel plates is clarified and the low-energy effective field theory for the Casimir effect in QED is constructed.Comment: 17 pages, revte

    New Results for Diffusion in Lorentz Lattice Gas Cellular Automata

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    New calculations to over ten million time steps have revealed a more complex diffusive behavior than previously reported, of a point particle on a square and triangular lattice randomly occupied by mirror or rotator scatterers. For the square lattice fully occupied by mirrors where extended closed particle orbits occur, anomalous diffusion was still found. However, for a not fully occupied lattice the super diffusion, first noticed by Owczarek and Prellberg for a particular concentration, obtains for all concentrations. For the square lattice occupied by rotators and the triangular lattice occupied by mirrors or rotators, an absence of diffusion (trapping) was found for all concentrations, except on critical lines, where anomalous diffusion (extended closed orbits) occurs and hyperscaling holds for all closed orbits with {\em universal} exponents df=74{\displaystyle{d_f = \frac{7}{4}}} and τ=157{\displaystyle{\tau = \frac{15}{7}}}. Only one point on these critical lines can be related to a corresponding percolation problem. The questions arise therefore whether the other critical points can be mapped onto a new percolation-like problem, and of the dynamical significance of hyperscaling.Comment: 52 pages, including 18 figures on the last 22 pages, email: [email protected]

    Exploring universality in nuclear clusters with Halo EFT

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    I present results and highlight aspects of halo EFT to loosely bound systems composed of nucleons and alpha particles, with emphasis on Coulomb interactions.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, talk given at the 21th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Salamanca, Aug. 29th - Sep. 3rd, 201