3 research outputs found

    Higher education integration in ASEAN: ASEAN university network case

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    Higher education has an important role in the region's economic growth, with talents and ideas developing in the process. ASEAN University Network (AUN) is the institution that facilitates cooperation among ASEAN universities and beyond. This research attempts to describe the role of AUN in enhancing regional integration in the higher education sector in ASEAN. This research uses qualitative method to get depth information and the bigger picture in the governance of AUN’s role and mechanism in regional integration of higher education system. The results of this research showed that AUN helped enhancing regional cooperation

    Evaluasi Kegiatan Sosialisasi Produk Impor Halal dan Nonhalal bagi Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Persis 24 Rancaekek Bandung

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    The existence of Indonesia as a country with the largest number of Muslim societies in the world is an allure for foreign producers, coupled with the preference of people who are relatively more interested in imported products resulting in Indonesia's domestic market being flooded with imported products. This condition is a bit dangerous for Muslim consumers when it is associated with the lack of halal awareness in Indonesian society, so that the activities of community awareness are needed, one of which is in the form of socialization activities. This article aims to evaluate the socialization activities carried out among Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic Senior High School) students in Rancaekek Bandung. The socialization activities are carried out using the seminar method in the form of lectures with questions and answers and simulation methods in the form of simulation exercises. Meanwhile, the evaluation of the socialization activities was carried out by conducting pre-test and post-test with the help of IBM SPSS version 21 to measure the effect of socialization on the knowledge of the students of Madrasah Aliyah Persis 24 Rancaekek related to the halal of imported products. From the test results obtained, it can be concluded that the socialization activities carried out succeeded in increasing the knowledge of the students of Madrasah Aliyah Persis Rancaekek regarding the importance of the halal status of imported products circulating in the community

    Dampak Fandom Key-Pop Indonesia Sebagai Imagined Community Terhadap Keamanan Budaya Nasional

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    Tujuan pembuatan artikel adalah untuk mengetahui dampak Fandom K-Pop Indonesia sebagai Imagine Community berpotensi mengancam keamanan budaya nasional. Budaya K-Pop saat ini bukan hanya sebagai music namun telah berkembang menjadi life style dikalangan anak muda di Bandung dan di kota besar lainnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualilatif dengan menggunakan etnografi yang membahas tentang perilaku manusia dalam konteks social budaya. Hasil pembahasan dan diskusi ditemukan bahwa ratusan ribu penggemar K-Pop di Indonesia pada social media sangat mempengaruhi gaya hidup anak muda di Indonesia yang mampu mengikis identitas budaya nasional. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh penulis membuktikan bahwa penggemar K-Pop pada komunitas Fandom memiliki kapabilitas untuk mengancam keamanan budaya suatu negara. Penulis menyarankan agar budaya asing yang diserap oleh generasi muda Indonesia tetap memiliki batasan tertentu agar budaya nasional tidak hilang dan generasi muda Indonesia harus tetap mengembangkan budaya nasional serta menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan zaman tanpa menghilangkan ciri khas Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Fandom K-Pop, Imagine Community, Korea Selatan dan Keamanan Buday