28 research outputs found

    Photodetachment of H^{-} near a partial reflecting surface

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    Theoretical and interpretative study on the subject of photodetachment of H^{-} near a partial reflecting surface is presented, and the absorption effect of the surface is investigated on the total and differential cross sections using a theoretical imaging method. To understand the absorption effect, a reflection parameter KK is introduced as a multiplicative factor to the outgoing detached-electron wave of H^- propagating toward the wall. The reflection parameter measures, how much electron wave would reflect from the surface; K=0 corresponds to no reflection and K=1 corresponds to the total reflection.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Peculiarities of personnel motivation system and its role in the management of the company «Mouzenidis Travel»

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    The relevance of consideration issues of motivation aspects in modern management is becoming increasingly important. Creating well-developed systems of management of labor motivation of employees of the organization helps make optimum use of available human resources. The article considers the theoretical foundations of motivation, the results of research activities on the motivation of firm personnel, and assessment of motivation as a key to the success of the company «Mouzenidis Travel», developed proposals on improvement of activity of tourist firms, connected with the issues of personnel motivation as a major factor of effective activity of enterprise personnel.Актуальность рассмотрения проблем мотивационных аспектов в современном менеджменте приобретает все большее значение. Создание четко разработанных систем управления трудовой мотивацией сотрудников организации способствует оптимальному использованию имеющегося кадрового потенциала. В статье рассмотрены теоретические основы мотивации, представлены результаты исследований направлений деятельности по мотивации персонала фирмы и оценки состояния мотивации как залога успешной деятельности компании «Mouzenidis Travel», разработаны предложения по совершенствованию деятельности туристской фирмы, связанными с вопросами мотивации персонала как главного фактора эффективной деятельности персонала предприятия на основе собственного практического опыта работы в данной компании

    The hydrogen atom in an electric field: Closed-orbit theory with bifurcating orbits

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    Closed-orbit theory provides a general approach to the semiclassical description of photo-absorption spectra of arbitrary atoms in external fields, the simplest of which is the hydrogen atom in an electric field. Yet, despite its apparent simplicity, a semiclassical quantization of this system by means of closed-orbit theory has not been achieved so far. It is the aim of this paper to close that gap. We first present a detailed analytic study of the closed classical orbits and their bifurcations. We then derive a simple form of the uniform semiclassical approximation for the bifurcations that is suitable for an inclusion into a closed-orbit summation. By means of a generalized version of the semiclassical quantization by harmonic inversion, we succeed in calculating high-quality semiclassical spectra for the hydrogen atom in an electric field

    Ballistic matter waves with angular momentum: Exact solutions and applications

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    An alternative description of quantum scattering processes rests on inhomogeneous terms amended to the Schroedinger equation. We detail the structure of sources that give rise to multipole scattering waves of definite angular momentum, and introduce pointlike multipole sources as their limiting case. Partial wave theory is recovered for freely propagating particles. We obtain novel results for ballistic scattering in an external uniform force field, where we provide analytical solutions for both the scattering waves and the integrated particle flux. Our theory directly applies to p-wave photodetachment in an electric field. Furthermore, illustrating the effects of extended sources, we predict some properties of vortex-bearing atom laser beams outcoupled from a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate under the influence of gravity.Comment: 42 pages, 8 figures, extended version including photodetachment and semiclassical theor

    Classically-Forbidden Processes in Photoabsorption Spectra

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    THEMIS observations of compressional pulsations in the dawn-side magnetosphere: a case study

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    We present THEMIS-A low- and high-energy plasma, magnetic field, and energetic particle observations of long period (11–36 min) irregular compressional pulsations in the dawnside magnetosphere from 08:00 to 12:24 UT on 7 November 2007. We demonstrate that the pulsations maintain thermal and magnetic pressure balance, then employ finite gyroradius techniques to determine wave properties from the gyrophase distributions of 5–10 keV ions. The waves generally move sunward at velocities ~10 km s−1 with the background plasma convection flow. Wavelengths range from 6700 to 23 300 km, corresponding to azimuthal wavenumbers m from 18 to 76. Wave periods decrease with increasing radial distance. Having determined the parameters describing the waves, we consider three previously proposed explanations: generation by substorm injection, generation by bounce or drift-bounce instabilities, and generation by the drift-mirror instability. The interval was quiet geomagnetically, arguing against any relationship to substorm injections. We found that ions with low energies of 69–628 eV or high energies of 28–615 keV would have been required to account for drift-bounce resonance during this interval, but inspection reveals ion fluxes at these energies near background levels during the time period considered. On the other hand, the criteria for the drift mirror instability are marginally satisfied. As predicted for the drift mirror instability, particle distributions peak more sharply near 90° pitch angles during magnetic field strength enhancements than during strength depressions. At this point we therefore interpret the compressional pulsations observed by THEMIS A in terms of the drift mirror instability