17,293 research outputs found

    Transverse Ward-Takahashi Identity, Anomaly and Schwinger-Dyson Equation

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    Based on the path integral formalism, we rederive and extend the transverse Ward-Takahashi identities (which were first derived by Yasushi Takahashi) for the vector and the axial vector currents and simultaneously discuss the possible anomaly for them. Subsequently, we propose a new scheme for writing down and solving the Schwinger-Dyson equation in which the the transverse Ward-Takahashi identity together with the usual (longitudinal) Ward-Takahashi identity are applied to specify the fermion-boson vertex function. Especially, in two dimensional Abelian gauge theory, we show that this scheme leads to the exact and closed Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion propagator in the chiral limit (when the bare fermion mass is zero) and that the Schwinger-Dyson equation can be exactly solved.Comment: 22 pages, latex, no figure

    Realization of Strong Coupling Fixed Point in Multilevel Kondo Models

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    Impurity four- and six-level Kondo model, in which an ion is tunneling among four- and six-stable points and interacting with surrounding conduction electrons, are investigated by using the perturbative and numerical renormalization group methods. It is shown that purely orbital Kondo effects occur at low temperatures in these systems which are direct generalizations of the Kondo effect in the so-called two-level system. This result offers a good explanation for the enhanced and magnetically robust Sommerfeld coefficient observed in SmOs_4Sb_12 and some other filled-skutterudites.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, for proceedings of ASR-WYP-2005. To be published in Journal of Physical Society Japan supplemen

    Self-interaction effects on screening in three-dimensional QED

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    We have shown that self interaction effects in massive quantum electrodynamics can lead to the formation of bound states of quark antiquark pairs. A current-current fermion coupling term is introduced, which induces a well in the potential energy profile. Explicit expressions of the effective potential and renormalized parameters are provided

    Theory of Orbital Kondo Effect with Assisted Hopping in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems: Parquet Equations, Superconductivity and Mass Enhancement

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    Orbital Kondo effect is treated in a model, where additional to the conduction band there are localized orbitals close to the Fermi energy. If the hopping between the conduction band and the localized heavy orbitals depends on the occupation of the atomic orbitals in the conduction band then orbital Kondo correlation occurs. The noncommutative nature of the coupling required for the Kondo effect is formally due to the form factors associated with the assisted hopping which in the momentum representation depends on the momenta of the conduction electrons involved. The leading logarithmic vertex corrections are due to the local Coulomb interaction between the electrons on the heavy orbital and in the conduction band. The renormalized vertex functions are obtained as a solution of a closed set of differential equations and they show power behavior. The amplitude of large renormalization is determined by an infrared cutoff due to finite energy and dispersion of the heavy particles. The enhanced assisted hopping rate results in mass enhancement and attractive interaction in the conduction band. The superconductivity transition temperature calculated is largest for intermediate mass enhancement, m∗/m≈2−3m^*/m \approx 2-3. For larger mass enhancement the small one particle weight (ZZ) in the Green's function reduces the transition temperature which may be characteristic for otherComment: 32 pages, RevTeX 3.0, figures on reques

    Relativistic jet models for the BL Lacertae object Mrk 421 during three epochs of observation

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    Coordinated observation of the nearby BL Lacertae object Mrk 421 obtained during May 1980, January 1984, and March 1984 are described. These observations give a time-frozen picture of the continuous spectrum of Mrk 421 at X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, and radio wavelengths. The observed spectra have been fitted to an inhomogeneous relativistic jet model. In general, the models reproduce the data well. Many of the observed differences during the three epochs can be attributed to variations in the opening angle of the jet and in the angle that the jet makes to the line of sight. The jet models obtained here are compared with the homogeneous, spherically symmetric, synchrotron self-Compton models for this source. The models are also compared with the relativistic jet models obtained for other active galactic nuclei

    Dynamics of Magnetic Defects in Heavy Fermion LiV2O4 from Stretched Exponential 7Li NMR Relaxation

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    7Li NMR measurements on LiV2O4 from 0.5 to 4.2 K are reported. A small concentration of magnetic defects within the structure drastically changes the 7Li nuclear magnetization relaxation versus time from a pure exponential as in pure LiV2O4 to a stretched exponential, indicating glassy behavior of the magnetic defects. The stretched exponential function is described as arising from a distribution of 7Li nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rates and we present a model for the distribution in terms of the dynamics of the magnetic defects. Our results explain the origin of recent puzzling 7Li NMR literature data on LiV2O4 and our model is likely applicable to other glassy systems.Comment: Four typeset pages including four figure

    Berry's phase contribution to the anomalous Hall effect of gadolinium

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    When conduction electrons are forced to follow the local spin texture, the resulting Berry phase can induce an anomalous Hall effect (AHE). In gadolinium, as in double-exchange magnets, the exchange interaction is mediated by the conduction electrons and the AHE may therefore resemble that of chromium dioxide and other metallic double-exchange ferromagnets. The Hall resistivity, magnetoresistance, and magnetization of single crystal gadolinium were measured in fields up to 30 T. Measurements between 2 K and 400 K are consistent with previously reported data. A scaling analysis for the Hall resistivity as a function of the magnetization suggests the presence of a Berry's-phase contribution to the anomalous Hall effect.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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