410 research outputs found

    A Case Study of Bootstrap Masker Quality Assessment for Speech-Privacy Protection

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    In this paper, we discuss the quality assessment of a new method for thegeneration of a masker for speech privacy protection. This masker includes speech characteristicsthat prevent eavesdroppers from overhearing conversations in public spaces.Previous research shows that maskers generated from the target speech perform betterin interfering with the listening, than the other maskers. Therefore, we propose a bootstrap(BS) masker method that efficiently generates a masker from a small sample of therecorded speech. We evaluate the subjective speech intelligibility and establish that the BSmasker can achieve the same level of intelligibility as that of the conventional additionalmasker at an approximately 4 dB lower target-to-masker ratio

    Motor Protein KIF1A Is Essential for Hippocampal Synaptogenesis and Learning Enhancement in an Enriched Environment

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    SummaryEnvironmental enrichment causes a variety of effects on brain structure and function. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays an important role in enrichment-induced neuronal changes; however, the precise mechanism underlying these effects remains uncertain. In this study, a specific upregulation of kinesin superfamily motor protein 1A (KIF1A) was observed in the hippocampi of mice kept in an enriched environment and, in hippocampal neurons in vitro, BDNF increased the levels of KIF1A and of KIF1A-mediated cargo transport. Analysis of Bdnf+/− and Kif1a+/− mice revealed that a lack of KIF1A upregulation resulted in a loss of enrichment-induced hippocampal synaptogenesis and learning enhancement. Meanwhile, KIF1A overexpression promoted synaptogenesis via the formation of presynaptic boutons. These findings demonstrate that KIF1A is indispensable for BDNF-mediated hippocampal synaptogenesis and learning enhancement induced by enrichment. This is a new molecular motor-mediated presynaptic mechanism underlying experience-dependent neuroplasticity

    Japanese speech intelligibility estimation and prediction using objective intelligibility indices under noisy and reverberant conditions

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    Objective measures of intelligibility are preferable to subjective ones in the evaluation of speech systems used in real environments. In this study, subjective evaluations of eight types of indoor noise environments were used to compare four intelligibility indices to objectively evaluate Japanese speech intelligibility. These indices were as follows: short-time objective intelligibility (STOI), which has been widely used in recent years; speech intelligibility prediction based on mutual information (SIMI), which is derived from STOI; extended STOI (ESTOI), which is an improved version of STOI; and frequency weighted segmental signal to noise ratio (fwSNRseg), which incorporates both time and frequency components. These indices were subjectively evaluated in the eight noisy environments included in the corpus and environments for noisy speech recognition 4 (CENSREC-4) dataset using the familiarity-controlled word lists 2007 (FW07) as the speech data for the intelligibility evaluations. The results of the subjective evaluation of the four indices were then used to train predictive intelligibility estimation models. We evaluated the model performance using cross validation, which involved repeated training of seven of the eight environments and predicting the speech intelligibility under the remaining one environment. In the simulation results, the prediction accuracy of the SIMI index was significantly higher than that of the other indices, with a root mean squared error of 0.160 and a correlation coefficient of 0.934

    Oral administration of the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus strain L-55 modulates the immunological parameters of the laying hen inoculated with a Newcastle disease virus-based live attenuated vaccine

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    Probiotic supplements containing living bacteria have attracted interest as a potential source of health benefits for humans and livestock. The aim of this study was to determine whether administration of Lactobacillus acidophilus strain L-55 (LaL-55) enhances the immune response among chicks exposed to a Newcastle disease virus (NDV)-based live attenuated vaccine. Oral administration of LaL-55 augmented the elevation in the total numbers of leukocytes and lymphocytes following inoculation with the NDV-based live attenuated vaccine. Monocyte counts increased after LaL-55 administration independent of inoculation with the NDV vaccine. Among chicks that were administered LaL-55, there was a dose-dependent increase in the NK cell activity measured by a 51Cr release assay at 2 weeks after the secondary NDV vaccine inoculation. Two weeks after the secondary inoculation with the NDV vaccine, interferon (IFN)-γ-mRNA expression was significantly elevated in mononuclear splenocytes from chicks that were administered LaL-55. Meanwhile, LaL-55 administration did not change the mRNA levels of IFN-α, IFN-β, and interleukin-1β. These results may suggest that coadministration of LaL-55 with an NDV vaccine augments the immune response against the virus. Therefore, LaL-55 may help protect against viral diseases in poultry

    Esophageal tracheobronchoplasty for diseases of the central airway

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    AbstractThree infants with congenital tracheal stenosis and three adults with various diseases of the central airway underwent esophageal tracheobronchoplasty to repair long-segment stenoses and defects. The primary operative goal was enlargement of the stenosis ( n = 4), repair of the defect ( n = 1), or both ( n = 1). Cardiopulmonary support was required in two cases. All three infants were operated on for generalized congenital tracheal stenoses. There was one postoperative death on the fifth day. Another infant died of pneumonia 3 months after operation. Tracheal patency was excellent in two infants. One infant is well without symptoms 6 years after the operation, although balloon dilation was required three times during the first postoperative year. In the three adult patients, the primary diseases were congenital tracheal stenosis, iatrogenic injury associated with relapsing polychondritis, and malignant mediastinal tumor involving the trachea. All lesions involved both the trachea and main stem bronchi. Postoperative airway patency was excellent in all three adults, although expandable metallic stents had to be inserted in one patient. Postoperative pulmonary function was improved, particularly forced expiratory volume in 1 second and peak expiratory flow rate. Although the postoperative mortality rate was still high, especially among the infants, and prolonged postoperative ventilatory support was required for five of the six patients, long-term patency and postoperative pulmonary functional improvement are encouraging. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1996;112:124-9

    Worry about crime and loneliness in nine countries of the former Soviet Union

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    Worry about crime has been linked to several detrimental outcomes including worse mental health. However, there has been little research on the association between worry about crime and loneliness, even though loneliness is increasingly being recognised as a serious public health issue. To address this deficit, this study examined the association between worry about crime and loneliness in nine countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine), using data from 18, 000 respondents aged 18 and above that were collected during the Health in Times of Transition (HITT) survey in 2010/11. Results from a pooled logistic regression analysis showed that compared to those who reported no worry about crime, individuals with a high level of worry had significantly higher odds of loneliness (odds ratio [OR]: 1.43, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.17–1.75). Sex- and age-stratified analyses further showed that the association was observed in women with a mid (OR: 1.37, 95%CI: 1.10–1.71) and a high level (OR: 1.70, 95%CI: 1.33–2.17) of worry about crime but not in men, and that a high level of worry about crime was linked to loneliness in adults aged 35–59 (OR: 1.39, 95%CI: 1.02–1.91) and 60 and above (OR: 1.64, 95%CI: 1.12–2.40) but not in those aged 18–34. High levels of worry about crime are associated with loneliness in the FSU countries. Reducing crime and its associated worries may have important public health benefits in these countries

    HBO1-MLL interaction promotes AF4/ENL/P-TEFb-mediated leukemogenesis

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    白血病を引き起こすタンパク質間相互作用の発見. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-08-31.Leukemic oncoproteins cause uncontrolled self-renewal of hematopoietic progenitors by aberrant gene activation, eventually causing leukemia. However, the molecular mechanism underlying aberrant gene activation remains elusive. Here, we showed that leukemic MLL fusion proteins associate with the HBO1 histone acetyltransferase (HAT) complex through their trithorax homology domain 2 (THD2) in various human cell lines. MLL proteins associated with the HBO1 complex through multiple contacts mediated mainly by the ING4/5 and PHF16 subunits in a chromatin-bound context where histone H3 lysine 4 tri-methylation marks were present. Of the many MLL fusions, MLL-ELL particularly depended on the THD2-mediated association with the HBO1 complex for leukemic transformation. The C-terminal portion of ELL provided a binding platform for multiple factors including AF4, EAF1, and p53. MLL-ELL activated gene expression in murine hematopoietic progenitors by loading an AF4/ENL/P-TEFb (AEP) complex onto the target promoters wherein the HBO1 complex promoted the association with AEP complex over EAF1 and p53. Moreover, the NUP98-HBO1 fusion protein exerted its oncogenic properties via interaction with MLL but not its intrinsic HAT activity. Thus, the interaction between the HBO1 complex and MLL is an important nexus in leukemic transformation, which may serve as a therapeutic target for drug development

    Cardiosphere-derived exosomal microRNAs for myocardial repair in pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Although cardiosphere-derived cells (CDCs) improve cardiac function and outcomes in patients with single ventricle physiology, little is known about their safety and therapeutic benefit in children with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). We aimed to determine the safety and efficacy of CDCs in a porcine model of DCM and translate the preclinical results into this patient population. A swine model of DCM using intracoronary injection of microspheres created cardiac dysfunction. Forty pigs were randomized as preclinical validation of the delivery method and CDC doses, and CDC-secreted exosome (CDCex)–mediated cardiac repair was analyzed. A phase 1 safety cohort enrolled five pediatric patients with DCM and reduced ejection fraction to receive CDC infusion. The primary endpoint was to assess safety, and the secondary outcome measure was change in cardiac function. Improved cardiac function and reduced myocardial fibrosis were noted in animals treated with CDCs compared with placebo. These functional benefits were mediated via CDCex that were highly enriched with proangiogenic and cardioprotective microRNAs (miRNAs), whereas isolated CDCex did not recapitulate these reparative effects. One-year follow-up of safety lead-in stage was completed with favorable profile and preliminary efficacy outcomes. Increased CDCex-derived miR-146a-5p expression was associated with the reduction in myocardial fibrosis via suppression of proinflammatory cytokines and transcripts. Collectively, intracoronary CDC administration is safe and improves cardiac function through CDCex in a porcine model of DCM. The safety lead-in results in patients provide a translational framework for further studies of randomized trials and CDCex-derived miRNAs as potential paracrine mediators underlying this therapeutic strategy

    Social problems in daily life of patients with dementia

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    AIM: Most patients with dementia frequently encounter various problems in their daily lives. Those troubles embarrass both the patients and their families, and cause problems for society. However, there have been few scientific reports on the difficulties in the daily life of patients with dementia. Therefore, we tried to clarify the frequency and characteristics of troubles experienced by patients with dementia. METHODS: Seven medical centers treating dementia patients in Okayama Prefecture, Japan, participated in this survey. A total of 737 patients were placed in one of the three groups: a dementia group (n = 478), a mild cognitive impairment group (n = 199) and a control group (n = 60). The frequency of 13 difficulties was scored for each patient. RESULTS: Among normal participants, no person caused these problems once a year or more frequently. "Massive, recurrent buying" and "acts that risk causing a fire" were reported once a year or more for >10% of mild cognitive impairment patients. "Troubles with wealth management" and "troubles with money management" were the most frequent problems of dementia patients. CONCLUSIONS: Several problems are already sometimes encountered in patients with mild cognitive impairment. It would be useful to know which social difficulties are often seen in dementia patients in order to protect the safety of the patients. It is always difficult to balance respecting the autonomy of dementia patients and ensuring their safely

    Reactions of solvated electrons with imidazolium cations in ionic liquids

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    金沢大学理工研究域自然システム学系We examined formation of solvated electrons in several ionic liquids composed of ammonium, pyrrolidinium and piperidinium cations by observing absorption spectra in the visible and near-infrared regions using pulse radiolysi. We also examined reactions of the solvated electrons with imidazolium cations in the ionic liquids. The reaction rate constants were an order of magnitude faster than the diffusion-limited rate calculated from the viscosity. The electrons before full solvation (dry electrons) reacted efficiently with the imidazolium cations. These observations suggest that the electrons in the ionic liquids can move easily before solvation. The scavenging of the dry electron by the imidazolium cation was also examined using C2-alkylated-imidazolium cations. It is found that the alkylation of imidazolium suppresses the reactivity with the dry electron. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved