385 research outputs found

    Outcomes of Surgically Treated Pneumothorax in Patients with Interstitial Pneumonia

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    Article信州医学雑誌 65(3): 163-170(2017)journal articl

    “Avian-type” renal medullary tubule organization causes immaturity of urine-concentrating ability in neonates

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    “Avian-type” renal medullary tubule organization causes immaturity of urine-concentrating ability in neonates.BackgroundWhile neonatal kidneys are not powerful in concentrating urine, they already dilute urine as efficiently as adult kidneys. To elucidate the basis for this paradoxical immaturity in urine-concentrating ability, we investigated the function of Henle's loop and collecting ducts (IMCDs) in the inner medulla of neonatal rat kidneys.MethodsAnalyses of individual renal tubules in the inner medulla of neonatal and adult rat kidneys were performed by measuring mRNA expression of membrane transporters, transepithelial voltages, and isotopic water and ion fluxes. Immunofluorescent identification of the rCCC2 and rCLC-K1 using polyclonal antibodies was also performed in neonatal and adult kidney slices.ResultsOn day 1, the transepithelial voltages (VTs) in the thin ascending limbs (tALs) and IMCDs were 14.6 ± 1.1mV (N = 27) and -42.7 ± 6.1mV (N = 14), respectively. The VTs in the thin descending limbs (tDLs) were zero on day 1. The VTs in the tALs were strongly inhibited by luminal bumetanide or basolateral ouabain, suggesting the presence of a NaCl reabsorption mechanism similar to that in the thick ascending limb (TAL). The diffusional voltage (VD) of the tAL due to transepithelial NaCl gradient was almost insensitive to a chloride channel blocker 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoate (NPPB). The VTs in the IMCDs were strongly inhibited by luminal amiloride.On day 1, both the tDL and tAL were impermeable to water, indicating the water impermeability of the entire loop. Diffusional water permeability (Pdw) and urea permeabilities (Purea) in the IMCDs indicated virtual impermeability to water and urea on day 1. Stimulation by vasopressin (1nmol/L) revealed that only Pdw was sensitive to vasopressin by day 14. A partial isoosmolar replacement of luminal urea by NaCl evoked negligible water flux across the neonatal IMCDs, indicating the absence of urea-dependent volume flux in the neonatal IMCD. These transport characteristics in each neonatal tubule are similar to those in quail kidneys. Identification of mRNAs and immunofluorescent studies for specific transporters, including rAQP-1, rCCC2, rCLC-K1, rENaC β subunit, rAQP-2, and rUT-A1, supported these findings.ConclusionWe hypothesize that the renal medullary tubule organization of neonatal rats shares a tremendous similarity with avian renal medulla. The qualitative changes in the organization of medullary tubules may be primarily responsible for the immature urine-concentrating ability in mammalian neonates

    Tyrosine kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, and protein kinase C regulate insulin-stimulated NaCl absorption in the thick ascending limb

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    Tyrosine kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, and protein kinase C regulate insulin-stimulated NaCl absorption in the thick ascending limb. We have previously shown a direct stimulatory effect of insulin on NaCl absorption in the medullary thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (mTAL). To further investigate the signal transduction involved, we determined whether tyrosine kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase), and/or protein kinase C (PKC) regulate insulin-stimulated NaCl absorption in the mTAL by in vitro microperfusion methods. In control experiments, insulin increased transepithelial voltage (Vte) and net lumen-to-bath Cl− flux (JCl). Genistein and methyl 2,5-dihydroxycinnamate, two specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors, abolished the effects of insulin. Wort-mannin, a specific PI3-kinase inhibitor, inhibited the action of insulin. The effects of insulin also were inhibited by staurosporin and calphostin C, which are dissimilar inhibitors of PKC. These results indicate that insulin stimulates NaCl absorption in the mTAL through tyrosine kinase, PI3-kinase, and PKC-mediated mechanisms. Moreover, because we have reported previously that insulin causes no detectable change in cytosolic free Ca2+ in the mTAL cells, the present results also suggest that insulin-induced PKC activation is not related to inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) production

    Dual-comb spectroscopy for rapid characterization of complex optical properties of solids

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    We demonstrate rapid characterization of complex optical properties of solids via dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS) in the near-infrared region. The fine spectral structures in the complex refractive index of an Er:YAG are successfully deduced using the developed system and Fourier analysis. Moreover, simultaneous determination of the refractive index and the thickness is demonstrated for a silicon semiconductor wafer through the use of multireflected echo signals. The results indicate the potential of DCS as a powerful measurement tool for the rapid and full characterization of solid materials

    The impact of uncertainty in society on the use of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine: a comparative study on visits to alternative/traditional/folk health care practitioners

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    Background: While traditional, complementary and alternative medicine (TCAM) is gaining increased interest worldwide, the structural factors associated with the usage of TCAM at the social level have not been sufficiently explored. We aim to understand the social structure of uncertainty in society that affects the TCAM usage for men and women. Methods: We studied 32 countries using data from the International Social Survey Programme and the World Bank. In this study, we defined TCAM usage as visits to an alternative/traditional/folk health care practitioner during the past 12 months. We performed a correlation analysis and used a generalized linear model . Results: The prevalence of TCAM usage in terms of visits to practitioners was 26.1% globally, while usage varied across the 32 countries. Generalized linear models showed that unemployment rate was associated with the prevalence of TCAM usage in terms of visits to practitioners. Conclusions: At the social-structural level TCAM usage involving visits to practitioners was related to job insecurity. Job insecurity led to a decrease in TCAM usage regarding visits to practitioners. These findings suggest that it is necessary to consider the social-structural factors of uncertainty in society when designing health policies related to TCAM

    Pharmacokinetics of Beclomethasone Dipropionate in an Hydrofluoroalkane-134a Propellant System in Japanese Children with Bronchial Asthma

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    ABSTRACTBackgroundHydrofluoroalkane-134a (HFA) has been shown to be a safe replacement for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as a pharmaceutical propellant, with the advantage that it has no ozone-depleting potential. This is the first report of the pharmacokinetics of beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) delivered from a pressurized solution formulation using an HFA propellant system (HFA-BDP) in Japanese children with bronchial asthma.MethodsPlasma concentrations of beclomethasone 17-monopropionate (17-BMP), a major metabolite of BDP, following an inhaled dose of HFA-BDP (200 μg as four inhalations from 50 μg/actuation) in five Japanese children with bronchial asthma were quantified and analyzed by a non-compartmental analysis to obtain pharmacokinetic parameters.ResultsThe area under the concentration-time curve from time zero to the last quantifiable time (AUC0-t) was 1659 ± 850 pg • h/mL (arithmetic mean ± standard deviation (SD)), the maximum concentration observed (Cmax) was 825 ± 453 pg/mL and the apparent elimination half-life (t1/2) was 2.1 ± 0.7 hours. The time to reach Cmax (Tmax) was 0.5 hours in all patients. No special relationship was observed between these parameters and age or body weight. These parameters were compared with the previously reported parameters of American children with bronchial asthma. The Japanese/American ratio of the geometric means of each parameter was 1.36 for AUC0-t, 1.04 for Cmax and 1.4 for t1/2. The median of Tmax was 0.5 hours in American patients as well as Japanese patients.ConclusionsThe pharmacokinetics of HFA-BDP in Japanese children with bronchial asthma are reported for the first time and a similarity to those in American children is suggested

    Studies on the Prevention of Leucitytozoon Infection of the Chicken : VIII. Preventive Effects of Sulfamonomethoxine and Halofuginone

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    SMならびにHFについて,これらを飼料中に添加運続投与した場合本病の自然感染予防効果について試験を行なった. 1.SMは12.5ppm添加ではparasitemiaならびに抗体産生はそれぞれ26.7%,76.7%の個体に認められ感染予防効果はないものと考えられた. しかし50ppm添加区ではparasitemiaの認められたもの0%,抗体陽性となったもの31.0%であり,感染は予防し,かつ免疫も付与するという現象が認められた. 2.HFの3ppmおよび6ppm添加の場合はともにほぼ完全にparasitemiaならびに抗体産生を阻止し,予防効果のあることを示した. 3.HFの6ppm添加の場合は雄の群において,飼料摂取量の低下に原因する増体量の低下が認められた

    cytokine profile of PFAPA

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    Objective : An attempt was made to identify characteristic cytokine profiles to distinguish periodic fever with aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and cervical adenitis syndrome (PFAPAS) from recurrent tonsillitis, of which clinical manifestations are similar to those of PFAPAS in children. Methods : Serum concentrations of IL-6, IL-4 and IFN-γ were measured during febrile episodes in pediatric patients. Results : The levels of IL-6 during febrile episodes were markedly increased above the upper limit of normal ranges in patients with both PFAPAS and recurrent tonsillitis, but there were no significant differences between groups. The levels of IL-4 during febrile episodes in PFAPAS patients were significantly lower than those in recurrent tonsillitis patients. The levels of IFN-γ during febrile episodes in PFAPAS patients were significantly higher than those in recurrent tonsillitis patients. Conclusion : In pediatric patients with PFAPAS, despite an increase of IL-6, IL-4 was suppressed with a marked increase of IFN-γ during febrile episodes. On the contrary, in febrile pediatric patients with recurrent tonsillitis, both IL-6 and IL-4, but not IFN-γ were increased. The characteristic cytokine profiles of IL-6, IL-4 and IFN-γ can be used for differential diagnosis of PFAPAS from recurrent tonsillitis in children in clinical ear, nose and throat (ENT) settings

    INCS suppresses H1R gene expression

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of intranasal corticosteroid (INCS) administration on histamine H1 receptor (H1R) gene expression in the nasal mucosa of healthy participants and the effects of dexamethasone on basal and histamine-induced H1R mRNA expression, and histamine-induced phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in HeLa cells. Sixteen healthy participants were given INCS once daily for a week. After pretreatment of dexamethasone, HeLa cells were treated with histamine. Levels of H1R mRNA and phosphorylation of ERK were measured using real time PCR and immunoblot analysis, respectively. Levels of H1R mRNA in the nasal mucosa of healthy participants receiving INCS was significantly decreased. Dexamethasone suppressed basal levels of H1R mRNA, and histamine-induced up-regulation of H1R mRNA and ERK phosphorylation in HeLa cells. These data suggested that corticosteroid inhibited both basal transcription and histamine-induced transcriptional activation of H1R through its suppression of ERK phosphorylation in the signaling pathway involved in H1R gene transcription. It is further suggested that pre-seasonal prophylactic administration of INCS suppresses both basal and pollen-induced upregulation of H1R gene expression in the nasal mucosa of patients with pollinosis, leading to prevention of the exacerbation of nasal symptoms during peak pollen season

    Risk factors of first bite syndrome

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    Objective : First bite syndrome is a complication of surgical resection of parapharyngeal space tumors and the development of cramping pain in the parotid region with the first bite of a meal. The present study aimed to identify the potential risk factors for the development of first bite syndrome. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed 30 consecutive patients with parapharyngeal space tumors who had been surgically treated between August 2003 and December 2015 at our department. Results : The tumor site (prestyloid or retrostyloid) and surgical approach (transcervical-parotid, transparotid, or transcervical) were not correlated with the development of first bite syndrome. Ligation and mobilization of the external carotid artery was significantly correlated with the development of first bite syndrome. Moreover, patients with complete resection of the parotid gland did not experience first bite syndrome. Discussion : The present findings suggest that concomitant surgical settings of 1) sympathetic denervation of the parotid gland with ligation of the external carotid artery or injury of the sympathetic nerve plexus around the external carotid artery during its mobilization, and 2) residual parotid gland tissue are risk factors for the development of first bite syndrome after surgical resection of parapharyngeal space tumors