208 research outputs found

    Main directions digitalization in the higher education in the world and Russia (based on the example of physical culture and sports)

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    On the basis of the analysis of scientific research, we have made an attempt to determine the main directions of the development of digitalization in the system of higher education in the field of physical culture and sports in Russia for the next decade. In our opinion, four main areas of use of modern digitalization in physical culture and sports can be distinguished: in the educational process; in the process of sports training; in the process of competition; in health improving physical cultur

    The importance of secondary school students' physical activity in modern environment

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    The research was aimed at evaluating physical activity of students, who live in the city and rural areas, identifying the relationship between physical activity and school performance, as well as studying the dependence of the number of diseases on the volume of locomotion. To this end, in the Belgorod Oblast, 1,488 schoolchildren of 5-11 grades were surveyed from 2014 to 201

    Correction of the state of cardiovascular system of undergraduates by means of dosed constitutional walking and jogging

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    The study is dedicated to the issue of educational process improving of physical education of undergraduates who has abnormalities in the state of cardiovascular system. Influence of researchers technique of dosed constitutional walking and jogging for functional state of cardiovascular system of undergraduates of special medical groups has been justified and experimentally verified in the studyyesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Combination of aerobic and anaerobic means in physical culture classes

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    The aim of research is to support the usefulness of using combination of aerobic and anaerobic means in educational-training classes on physical culture. The study involved 186 students of Belgorod National Research University and Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and La

    Elementary school students’ distance learning period: motor activity survey

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    Objective of the study was to analyze the elementary school students’ motor activity in the distance learning period using an online questionnaire surve

    Problems of creation of social experience in motor games of children aged 5-7 years

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    The objective of the study is to identify the level of recreation of social experience by children of 5-7 years old in motor game


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    During April-July, 2003 39 specimens of clinical material from six patients and three dead men with suspected «atypical pneumonia» who were detected on the territory of Khabarovsk, Primorski and Sakhalin regions were investigated. The inoculation of clinical material to cell culture Vero E6 did not show the cytopathogenic effect for coronavirus SARS. The amplificate with sought for molecular weight was obtained in RT-PCR assay with primers SAR1 and BNI in sputum and blood specimens of one of the patients, but it was not cDNA of coronavirus SARS. As a result of additional studies there were established the following diagnosis: HFRS, bronchopneumonia with Clebsiella etiology (postmortem) and leptospirosis (postmortem). The terminal diagnosis for the rest patients were: bronchopneumonia of inferior lobes (3), maxillary sinusitis, ARVI and toxocariasis

    Adjustable Electric Drive Based on Radiation-Resistant Induction Motors

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    The object under consideration is an adjustable electric drive based on radiation-resistant DAR induction motors with a power of 0.75 kW and 2.2 kW, with a nominal stator field rotation speed of 1000 rpm and 1500 rpm and an environmental protection method IP 68, designed to use in the equipment for hydrometallurgical processing of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) of the processing module of the pilot demonstration energy complex (PM PDEC). Bench tests of DAR prototypes confirmed that the developed motors in accordance with electromagnetic parameters, energy and starting characteristics fully comply with serial asynchronous motors of similar power and speed and satisfy the requirements of the technical specifications. The control system with the Altivar ATV212/ATV320 frequency converter ensures stable operation of the DAR in the range of 1:50 speed control in the "sensorless"version, the functions and interface of the control system meet the specified requirements. Recommendations are given on expanding the tasks of automation of the technological process, which can be provided by means of the developed control system based on software implementation. An assessment of the thermal state during liquid cooling of engines during operation from the control system. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Full orbital calculation scheme for materials with strongly correlated electrons

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    We propose a computational scheme for the ab initio calculation of Wannier functions (WFs) for correlated electronic materials. The full-orbital Hamiltonian H is projected into the WF subspace defined by the physically most relevant partially filled bands. The Hamiltonian H^{WF} obtained in this way, with interaction parameters calculated by constrained LDA for the Wannier orbitals, is used as an ab initio setup of the correlation problem, which can then be solved by many-body techniques, e.g., dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). In such calculations the self-energy operator \Sigma(e) is defined in WF basis which then can be converted back into the full-orbital Hilbert space to compute the full-orbital interacting Green function G(r,r',e). Using G(r,r',e) one can evaluate the charge density, modified by correlations, together with a new set of WFs, thus defining a fully self-consistent scheme. The Green function can also be used for the calculation of spectral, magnetic and electronic properties of the system. Here we report the results obtained with this method for SrVO3 and V2O3. Comparisons are made with previous results obtained by the LDA+DMFT approach where the LDA DOS was used as input, and with new bulk-sensitive experimental spectra.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figure

    Foreign language as an opportunity for raising the cultural level and professional growth of Ural state medical university students

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    The article highlights the results of a survey of students of the medical university about the possibility of learning English in a free and non-standard format. The study revealed a low level of language proficiency. At the same time, most of the respondents would like to study a foreign language at additional courses to improve their language proficiency skills. The most interesting forms of education for students are classes with native speakers and participation in scientific conferences.В статье освещены результаты опроса студентов медицинского университета об уровне владения иностранным языком, а также о желании и возможности изучения английского языка в свободном и нестандартном формате. Проведенное исследование выявило низкий уровень знания языка. При этом, большая часть опрошенных изъявили желание изучать иностранный язык на дополнительных курсах. Наиболее интересные формы обучения для студентов – это занятия с носителями и участие в научных конференциях