717 research outputs found

    Next Generation Middleware Technology for Mobile Computing

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    Current advances in portable devices, wireless technologies, and distributed systems have created a mobile computing environment that is characterized by a large scale of dynamism. Diversities in network connectivity, platform capability, and resource availability can significantly affect the application performance. Traditional middleware systems are not prepared to offer proper support for addressing the dynamic aspects of mobile systems. Modern distributed applications need a middleware that is capable of adapting to environment changes and that supports the required level of quality of service. This paper represents the experience of several research projects related to next generation middleware systems. We first indicate the major challenges in mobile computing systems and try to identify the main requirements for mobile middleware systems. The different categories of mobile middleware technologies are reviewed and their strength and weakness are analyzed

    Tailoring the carrier mobility of semiconducting nanowires by remote dielectrics

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    The dielectric environment of thin semiconductor nanowires can affect the charge transport properties inside the wire. In this work, it is shown that Coulomb impurity scattering inside thin nanowires can be damped strongly by coating the wire with a high-k dielectric. This will lead to an increase in the mobility of free charges inside the wire.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Invisible charginos and neutralinos from gauge boson fusion: a way to explore anomaly mediation ?

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    We point out that vector boson fusion (VBF) at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) can lead to useful signals for charginos and neutralinos in supersymmetric scenarios where these particles are almost invisible. The proposed signals are just two forward jets with missing transverse energy. It is shown that in this way one can probe a large region of the parameter space of a theory with anomaly mediated supersymmtery breaking (AMSB) at the LHC. In addition, scenarios where the lightest neutralinos and charginos are Higgsino-like can give copious signals of the above type

    Effects of aging on face identification and holistic face processing

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    AbstractSeveral studies have shown that face identification accuracy is lower in older than younger adults. This effect of aging might be due to age differences in holistic processing, which is thought to be an important component of human face processing. Currently, however, there is conflicting evidence as to whether holistic face processing is impaired in older adults. The current study therefore re-examined this issue by measuring response accuracy in a 1-of-4 face identification task and the composite face effect (CFE), a common index of holistic processing, in older adults. Consistent with previous reports, we found that face identification accuracy was lower in older adults than in younger adults tested in the same task. We also found a significant CFE in older adults that was similar in magnitude to the CFE measured in younger subjects with the same task. Finally, we found that there was a significant positive correlation between the CFE and face identification accuracy. This last result differs from the results obtained in a previous study that used the same tasks and which found no evidence of an association between the CFE and face identification accuracy in younger adults. Furthermore, the age difference was found with subtraction-, regression-, and ratio-based estimates of the CFE. The current findings are consistent with previous claims that older adults rely more heavily on holistic processing to identify objects in conditions of limited processing resources

    Constrains on parameters of magnetic field decay for accreting isolated neutron stars

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    The influence of exponential magnetic field decay (MFD) on the spin evolution of isolated neutron stars is studied. The ROSAT observations of several X-ray sources, which can be accreting old isolated neutron stars, are used to constrain the exponential and power-law decay parameters. We show that for the exponential decay the ranges of minimum value of magnetic moment, μb\mu_b, and the characteristic decay time, tdt_d, 1029.5μb1028Gcm3\sim 10^{29.5}\ge \mu_b \ge 10^{28} {\rm G} {\rm cm}^3, 108td107yrs\sim 10^8\ge t_d \ge 10^7 {\rm yrs} are excluded assuming the standard initial magnetic moment, μ0=1030Gcm3\mu_0=10^{30} {\rm G} {\rm cm}^3. For these parameters, neutron stars would never reach the stage of accretion from the interstellar medium even for a low space velocity of the stars and a high density of the ambient plasma. The range of excluded parameters increases for lower values of μ0\mu_0. We also show, that, contrary to exponential MFD, no significant restrictions can be made for the parameters of power-law decay from the statistics of isolated neutron star candidates in ROSAT observations. Isolated neutron stars with constant magnetic fields and initial values of them less than μ01029Gcm3\mu_0 \sim 10^{29} {\rm G} {\rm cm}^3 never come to the stage of accretion. We briefly discuss the fate of old magnetars with and without MFD, and describe parameters of old accreting magnetars.Comment: 18 pages, 6 PostScript figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the XXVIII ITEP Winter Schoo

    Anisotropic charge transport in non-polar GaN QW: polarization induced charge and interface roughness scattering

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    Charge transport in GaN quantum well (QW) devices grown in non-polar direction has been theoretically investigated . Emergence of anisotropic line charge scattering mechanism originating as a result of anisotropic rough surface morphology in conjunction with in-plane built-in polarization has been proposed. It has shown that in-plane growth anisotropy leads to large anisotropic carrier transport at low temperatures. At high temperatures, this anisotropy in charge transport is partially washed out by strong isotropic optical phonon scattering in GaN QW.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Friction force on slow charges moving over supported graphene

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    We provide a theoretical model that describes the dielectric coupling of a 2D layer of graphene, represented by a polarization function in the Random Phase Approximation, and a semi-infinite 3D substrate, represented by a surface response function in a non-local formulation. We concentrate on the role of the dynamic response of the substrate for low-frequency excitations of the combined graphene-substrate system, which give rise to the stopping force on slowly moving charges above graphene. A comparison of the dielectric loss function with experimental HREELS data for graphene on a SiC substrate is used to estimate the damping rate in graphene and to reveal the importance of phonon excitations in an insulating substrate. A signature of the hybridization between graphene's pi plasmon and the substrate's phonon is found in the stopping force. A friction coefficient that is calculated for slow charges moving above graphene on a metallic substrate shows an interplay between the low-energy single-particle excitations in both systems.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Nanotechnology for a special issue related to the NGC 2009 conference (http://asdn.net/ngc2009/index.shtml

    Sqrt{shat}_{min} resurrected

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    We discuss the use of the variable sqrt{shat}_{min}, which has been proposed in order to measure the hard scale of a multi parton final state event using inclusive quantities only, on a SUSY data sample for a 14 TeV LHC. In its original version, where this variable was proposed on calorimeter level, the direct correlation to the hard scattering scale does not survive when effects from soft physics are taken into account. We here show that when using reconstructed objects instead of calorimeter energy and momenta as input, we manage to actually recover this correlation for the parameter point considered here. We furthermore discuss the effect of including W + jets and t tbar+jets background in our analysis and the use of sqrt{shat}_{min} for the suppression of SM induced background in new physics searches.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures; v2: 1 figure, several subsections and references as well as new author affiliation added. Corresponds to published versio

    Radio Spectra of Giant Radio Galaxies from RATAN-600 Data

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    Measurements of the flux densities of the extended components of seven giant radio galaxies obtained using the RATAN-600 radio telescope at wavelengths of 6.25 and 13 cm ar e presented. The spectra of components of these radio galaxies are constructed using these new RA TAN-600 data together with data from the WENSS, NVSS, and GB6 surveys. The spectral indices in the stu died frequency range are calculated, and the need for detailed estimates of the integrated contributi on of such objects to the background emission is demonstrated.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 5 table