25 research outputs found

    日本語版「専門家による心理的援助を求める態度尺度 (ATSPPH-S)」の信頼性・妥当性の検討

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    本研究では,大学の学生相談室活動をどのように広げていくべきかを検討するために,アメリカの大学生を対象に作成された「専門家による心理的援助を求める態度尺度(Attitude toward seeking professional psychological help: ATSPPH-S)(Fisher &Farina, 1995)」の翻訳版について,信頼性・妥当性を検討した。調査対象者は日本の大学生699 名である。はじめに尺度の構造的な妥当性を検討し,翻訳版は2 因子構造であることが明らかになったが,先行研究とは異なり両因子には負の相関が見られた。因子構造における解釈上の妥当性を検討し,それぞれ「専門的援助の求め」と「自己解決志向」と名付けた。さらに,精神的健康,心理的援助への偏見,学生相談室への関心との相関から構成概念妥当性を検討したところ,一定の妥当性が確認できた。We examined the reliability and validity of a Japanese version of the Seeking ProfessionalPsychological Help Scale-Short (ATSPPH-S) scale, a widely cited scale used to explore adolescents\u27attitudes towards mental health services. Participants were 699 Japanese university students. Factoranalysis showed that the two factors of the Japanese version were negatively correlated, indicating adifferent relationship between these factors than was found in the original version. This result maysuggest that Japanese adolescents would seek professional psychological help as part of a self-directedproblem-solving process—in other words, an extension of self-help. Adequate model fit was indicatedafter we converted five items that were originally reverse scored to straight items. This model also hadtwo factors ("seeking professional psychological help" and "self-direction"). Both factors were significantlycorrelated to a mental health scale and an index of concern about the mental health service center attheir university. The second factor was also correlated positively with the Stigma Scale for ReceivingPsychological Help. It indicated that Japanese adolescents might have some ambivalence regarding theuse of mental health services. Thus, the ATSPPH-S showed adequate internal reliability and validity forJapanese adolescents, and differed slightly for this group