58 research outputs found

    A Note from Guest Editors

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    A Note from Guest Editors

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    Milk Powder as an Ingredient for the Production of Milk Chocolate

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    Čokolada je visokovrijedna namirnica koja osim osnovnih hranjivih sastojaka sadrži i niz bioaktivnih sastojaka, za koje je dokazan pozitivan učinak na ljudsko zdravlje. Zbog velikog izbora različitih čokoladnih proizvoda na tržiÅ”tu te sve većih zahtjeva potroÅ”ača za kvalitetom proizvoda koje konzumiraju, sve se viÅ”e pažnje posvećuje unaprjeđenju postupka proizvodnje prehrambenih proizvoda, pa tako i čokolade. Pritom je izrazito važno poznavati svojstva svake sirovine u tehnoloÅ”kom procesu proizvodnje nekog proizvoda kako bi se moglo očuvati ili zaÅ”titi njegove, potencijalno djelotvorne sastojke. Mlijeko u prahu je osnovni sastojak mliječne čokolade (oko 20% ukupne mase) koji određuje senzorski profi l čokolade (okus, tekstura) i utječe na njezina fizikalno-kemijska i reoloÅ”ka svojstva, posebice svojstva tečenja, koja su vrlo bitna prilikom lijevanja čokoladne mase u kalupe, kao i dražiranja čokoladom. Ranije se za proizvodnju čokolade tradicionalno koristilo punomasno mlijeko u prahu suÅ”eno na valjcima, zbog velikog udjela slobodne mliječne masti, no budući da je danas suÅ”enje na valjcima zastarjeli postupak, sve viÅ”e se pažnje usmjerava na suÅ”enje mlijeka u prahu rasprÅ”ivanjem. Međutim, za razliku od suÅ”enja na valjcima, suÅ”enjem rasprÅ”ivanjem nastaje prah malog udjela slobodne mliječne masti, Å”to je poželjno za proizvodnju gotovo svih vrsta prehrambenih proizvoda, osim čokolade. Ovaj rad pruža pregled uporabe različitih vrsta mlijeka u prahu u proizvodnji mliječne čokolade te njihov utjecaj na reoloÅ”ka, fizikalno-kemijska i senzorska svojstva čokolade.Chocolate is a high nutritive value food product, that beside dietary nutrients, provides a wide array of bioactive constituents, which exhibit positive effects on human health. Due to a great number of various chocolate products available on the market and growing consumer demands regarding their quality, there is an increasing interest in improvement of production processes of food products, hence as well chocolate. At the same time, it is crucial knowing the properties of every ingredient in the production of a product, so that the potentially benefi cal compounds could remain preserved. One of the main ingredients of milk chocolate (constituting about 20% of total weight of chocolate) is milk powder, which determines the sensory profi le of milk chocolate (fl avor, texture) and infl uences their physico-chemical and rheological properties, especially flow poperties, that are important for chocolate molding as well as chocolate coating. Traditionally, for the production of milk chocolate, roller dryed whole milk powder was used, due to its high free milk fat content, but since the use of roller drying for the production of milk powder is decreasing, the attention is directed to spray drying for that purpose. However, in comparison to roller drying, spray dryed milk powder contains a low content of milk fat in the resulting product, which is desirable in the production of almost all food products, except chocolate. This paper provides an overview of the application of various types of milk powders in the production of milk chocolate, as well as their impact on the rheological, physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of chocolate

    Changes of the content of biogenic amines during winemaking of Sauvignon wines

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    The aim of the present work was to study the changes of the content of biogenic amines during winemaking and maturation processes of wines made from Vitis vinifera cv Sauvignon grapes from Slavonia region (vintage 2008). Biogenic amines were quantified using a reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection after pre-column derivatization with o-phthalaldehyde (OPA). Samples used in this study were obtained during production of Sauvignon wines in three different ways in order to produce quality wine (QW), quality press wine (QPW) and macerated wines (MW). The QPW corresponds to the first fraction obtained by direct pressing pomace, while the QW is the free run wine. The MW was obtained by grape mash cryomaceration. Putrescine and tryptamine were the most prevalent amines, followed by histamine, cadaverine and tyramine. The macerated wine posses higher content of biogenic amines than press and free run wines. In all analysed wines the content of biogenic amines tends to increase during winemaking and maturation and the main increase was detected during the malolactic fermentation. The detected content of histamine and tyramine were below the content considered to have an adverse effect on human health

    Onion Solid Waste as a Potential Source of Functional Food Ingredients

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    Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the most basic and most consumed vegetables in human diet with a long tradition of use in food and medicine. It is grown and traded worldwide for culinary purpose because of its distinctive aroma and high nutritive value. Nowadays, onion production is increasing as well as the demand for processed onion, leading to the generation of a substantial amount of industrial waste. The waste biomass is mainly composed of outer scales, skin, roots, tops of the bulbs, and deteriorated bulbs. The use of onion waste as a potential source of functional food ingredients is one way of its valorization, highly in line with the current trends in the food industry to improve by waste reuse while responding to the increasing demand for functional food. Onion waste components exhibiting functional potential are: (i) flavonols ā€“ quercetin and quercetin glucosides, known for antioxidant activity; (ii) fructooligosaccharides, well-established prebiotics; (iii) cell-wall polysaccharides, as a part of dietary fibre, or specifically pectin as a known food additive and/or a potential source of prebiotic oligomers; and (iv) organosulfuric compounds. The use of onion waste in food production is still in the research stage, but shows promising results in the incorporation of powdered onion waste concentrates and extracts into various food matrices to obtain innovative products with improved antioxidant and prebiotic quality

    Onion Solid Waste as a Potential Source of Functional Food Ingredients

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    Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the most basic and most consumed vegetables in human diet with a long tradition of use in food and medicine. It is grown and traded worldwide for culinary purpose because of its distinctive aroma and high nutritive value. Nowadays, onion production is increasing as well as the demand for processed onion, leading to the generation of a substantial amount of industrial waste. The waste biomass is mainly composed of outer scales, skin, roots, tops of the bulbs, and deteriorated bulbs. The use of onion waste as a potential source of functional food ingredients is one way of its valorization, highly in line with the current trends in the food industry to improve by waste reuse while responding to the increasing demand for functional food. Onion waste components exhibiting functional potential are: (i) flavonols ā€“ quercetin and quercetin glucosides, known for antioxidant activity; (ii) fructooligosaccharides, well-established prebiotics; (iii) cell-wall polysaccharides, as a part of dietary fibre, or specifically pectin as a known food additive and/or a potential source of prebiotic oligomers; and (iv) organosulfuric compounds. The use of onion waste in food production is still in the research stage, but shows promising results in the incorporation of powdered onion waste concentrates and extracts into various food matrices to obtain innovative products with improved antioxidant and prebiotic quality

    Influence of Blending on the Aroma of Malvasia istriana Wine

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    Malvasia istriana (Vitis vinifera) is a domestic and widespread grape cultivar in the Istrian wine region that gives the characteristic white wine. Istrian region is situated in the western part of Croatia (Adriatic coast). In the ageing process, Malvasia istriana loses its aroma (freshness and fruitiness) and hence it is usually consumed as a young wine. Therefore, blending is used to improve the quality of Malvasia istriana wine, to enrich its aroma and to maintain its varietal recognizability during the consumption period. Malvasia istriana base wine (85 %) was blended with Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc, Pinot blanc, Prosecco and Muscat, from grape varieties grown in the Istrian region. The change in volatile compounds of the blends was observed throughout the year by using headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME). Based on the analysis of the volatile compounds and sensory evaluation of the wine quality, the best result was obtained by blending Malvasia istriana with Sauvignon blanc and Pinot blanc. Chardonnay, Pinot blanc, Sauvignon blanc and Prosecco proved to be suitable for blending with Malvasia istriana, giving blends of high quality of the desired aroma profile. Muscat wine blended independently with Malvasia istriana or in combination with other wines proved to be unsuitable for blending due to its specific muscat aroma which dominates over the base wine aroma in the blend. Blending Malvasia istriana with other selected wines produced wines of better sensory quality, richer in volatile compounds, which can justify the blending

    Genotoksični učinak ekstrakta zelenog čaja na ljudske stanice raka grkljana u kulturi

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    Green tea (Camellia sinensis) contains several bioactive compounds which protect the cell and prevent tumour development. Phytochemicals in green tea extract (mostly flavonoids) scavenge free radicals, but also induce pro-oxidative reactions in the cell. In this study, we evaluated the potential cytotoxic and prooxidative effects of green tea extract and its two main flavonoid constituents epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and epicatechin gallate (ECG) on human laryngeal carcinoma cell line (HEp2) and its crossresistant cell line CK2. The aim was to see if the extract and its two flavonoids could increase the sensitivity of the cisplatin-resistant cell line CK2 in comparison to the parental cell line. The results show that EGCG and green tea extract increased the DNA damage in the CK2 cell line during short exposure. The cytotoxicity of EGCG and ECG increased with the time of incubation. Green tea extract induced lipid peroxidation in the CK2 cell line. The pro-oxidant effect of green tea was determined at concentrations higher than those found in traditionally prepared green tea infusions.Zeleni čaj, koji je vrlo popularno piće, proizvodi se iz biljke Camellia sinensis i bogat je fl avonoidima za koje se smatra da imaju važnu ulogu u sprečavanju nastanka raka. Kao najvažniji mehanizmi djelovanja fl avonoida najčeŔće se spominju vezanje slobodnih radikala te sprečavanje nastanka reaktivnih kisikovih skupina. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti potencijalni genotoksični učinak ekstrakta zelenog čaja te epigalokatehin galata (EGCG) i epikatehin galata (ECG), fl avonoida koji se u zelenom čaju nalaze u najviÅ”oj koncentraciji. Dobiveni su rezultati pokazali da EGCG i ekstrakt zelenog čaja izazivaju povećanu citotoksičnost otporne stanične linije raka grkljana CK2 nakon kraće inkubacije. Produljenjem vremena inkubacije povećava se citotoksičnost istraživanih spojeva. Također, ekstrakt zelenog čaja izaziva lipidnu peroksidaciju u CK2-stanicama. Prooksidativni učinak ekstrakta zelenog čaja u koncentracijama viÅ”im od onih prisutnih u infuzijskoj otopini dobivenoj tradicionalnim načinom, imaju prooksidativno djelovanje

    Study of Trehalose Addition on Aroma Retention in Dehydrated Strawberry Puree

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    In order to improve the quality of dehydrated fruit products, the influence of the addition of two sugars (sucrose and trehalose) on the retention of aroma components during dehydration of strawberry puree was investigated. Manual headspace solid-phase microextraction (SPME), containing polydimethylsiloxane coated fibre (100 Ī¼m) coupled with gas chromatography (GC-FID and GC-MS) was used for the analysis of the aroma of strawberry puree dehydrated by using freeze drying and foam-mat drying. The analytes identified included esters, carbonyl compounds, terpenoids, several alcohols and acids. The results obtained in this study give further insight into the mechanisms concerning the application of trehalose as flavouring additive, due to its ability to retain and preserve the fruit volatiles responsible for the characteristic flavour of fresh fruits during dehydration processes. The best retention of aroma components in dehydrated strawberry puree was obtained by trehalose addition when combined with freeze drying
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