546 research outputs found

    Investigating mortuary services in hospital settings

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    Changes to the retention of human tissues and Department of Health guidance on good practice have resulted in the extension of the role of Anatomical Pathology Technologists (APTs). In the twenty-first century the APT role demands a wide variety of abilities, including an adroit blend of clinical knowledge and communication skills. The APT role is framed by a blurred occupational past. The need for clarity and a distinct professional identity is one of the driving forces behind the Association of Anatomical Pathology Technologists calls for standardisation of education, training and regulation. Currently, there are two qualifications for APTs provided through the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH): the Certificate in Anatomical Pathology Technology and the Diploma in Anatomical Pathology Technology. These have been developed and accredited by the RSPH since 1962. APTs in teaching hospitals or with high-risk facilities - although not usually part of the formal education process for any clinical staff beyond pathologists - are in a position to establish best practice as they are involved in ‘lifting the lid’ on what goes on in the mortuary. In this hospital, APTs promoted the work of the mortuary by going ‘out’ into the hospital and participating in different forums, including formal and informal meetings. They also invited colleagues into the mortuary. Identifying the deceased person as a patient rather than a body was a highly symbolic effort to ‘join up’ the work of the mortuary with the rest of the hospital, ensuring that the deceased person remained a patient of the hospital until they left the premises. An association with death was a potential barrier to communicating with colleagues outside of the mortuary, as the APTs found themselves stigmatised by what they perceived to be and what would be called sociologically their literal ‘embodiment’ of medical failure. This could be isolating for the APTs, to the point that when they went to other hospital departments, they were treated with caution. There is a strong case to be made for national regulation as part of the professionalisation of the APT role, in order to align individual’s responsibilities with accountability at the level of the regulating professional body itself

    Evaluación de seis fórmulas usadas para el cálculo de la superficie corporal

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    Antecedentes: La superficie corporal es unavariable antropométrica que se obtiene aplicandofórmulas basadas en el peso y en la talla.Algunas fórmulas se han diseñado para aplicarsementalmente o con calculadoras de bolsillo, perola exactitud de estas fórmulas «fáciles» no seha evaluado sistemáticamente.Objetivos: evaluar la correlación de cincofórmulas «fáciles» con la fórmula de Boyd, yproponer una fórmula nueva basada solo en latalla, desarrollada por uno de los autores(Rincón).Material y métodos: se tomaron 518 datos depeso y talla de las tablas de crecimiento delNational Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).Todos los datos se procesaron con MicrosoftExcel®. Se realizo una regresión lineal con cadauna de las fórmulas para encontrar el coeficientede correlación (r), coeficiente de determinación(r2), pendiente de la recta (m), intersección dela recta (b), y valor p.Resultados. Se consideraron fórmulas adecuadasaquellas con r ³ 0.99, r2³ 0.98, m = 1 ± 0.10,b = 0 ± 0.05 y valor p and lt; 0.05. Cuatro de lasseis fórmulas evaluadas cumplen con loscriterios de selección, entre ellas la nuevafórmula propuesta.Conclusiones. La superficie corporal debeobtenerse en lo posible con fórmulas que utilicenpeso y talla, pero en los casos en los quealguno de estos datos no esté disponible, se puedeacudir a la fórmula correspondiente

    Endothelin receptor antagonists for the treatment of pulmonary artery hypertension

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    AbstractAimsThe demonstration that endothelin production is upregulated in pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) served as the rationale for developing endothelin-receptor antagonists (ERAs) as a treatment for PAH. This article reviews the primary studies demonstrating efficacy of ERAs in PAH.Main methodsMulticenter, placebo-controlled trials and open-label extension studies.Key findingsTwo orally active ERAs are currently approved for the treatment of PAH — the dual receptor antagonist bosentan, and the more selective ETA receptor antagonist ambrisentan-based on multicenter randomized clinical trials demonstrating efficacy and safety. Long-term experience with both agents supports maintenance of therapeutic effects in most patients. Adverse effects, including altered liver function and edema may occur and require careful monitoring.SignificanceDespite failure to demonstrate efficacy of ERAs in other cardiopulmonary conditions, ERAs have a major role in the treatment algorithm for PAH
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