44 research outputs found

    好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離に関する研究. 5.臨床的評価

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    過去3年間にわたり,気管支喘息患者末梢血好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離について,ヒスタミン自動分析装置を用いて全血法により検討を加えてきた. 1. 抗ヒトIgE によるヒスタミン遊離は,症例間で著しい差がみられた. この際血清IgE値が高値を示す症例では全般的に高度なヒスタシソ遊離がみられたが,血清IgE値が正常かまたはむしろ低値を示す症例のヒスタミン遊離は,かなり高度なものから全くみられないものまでさまざまであった. 2.ハウスダストやカンジダなどの抗原物質によるヒスタミン遊離は,特異的IgE抗体依存性であり,抗体価が上昇するにつれヒスタミン遊離は高度となる傾向がみられた. しかし,ハウスダストとカンジダによるヒスタミン遊離には若干の差がみられた. すなわち,ハウスダストと抗ヒトIgE によるヒスタミン遊離の間には密接な関連がみられたが,カンジダと抗ヒトIgEの間には全く関連がみられなかった. またカンジダによるヒスタミン遊離においては,IgE系反応以外の反応が関与する可能性が一部示唆された

    Effect of Hot-Air Room Treatment on Peripheral Leucocytes in Guinea Pigs 1. Effect of Single 30 Min. Hot-Air Room Treatment on Leucocytes Count

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    Effect of hot-air room treatment on peripheral leucocytes was examined in guinea pigs by observing the numerical changes after the treatment. The results were as follows. 1. Number of totalleucocytes was decreased immediately after hot-air room treatment with a room temperature of 43℃, humidity of 75-87% and rapidly increased from 30 to 120 min after the treatment. Numerical changes of neutrophils showed a same tendency as that of total leucocytes. 2. Lymphocyte count was not changed or slightly decreased after the hot-air room treatment. 3. Number of basophils was decreased 30 min after the treatment and then increased, differing from that of eosinophils which showed a decreased tendency 120 min after the treatment. 4. Numbers of monocytes and Kurloff cells were slightly increased after the treatment

    Comparison of basophil histamine release induced by the cross-linking of IgE receptors.

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    Basophil histamine release induced by allergens (house dust and Candida albicans) and anti-IgE was examined in 31 patients with bronchial asthma in relation to patient age, age at onset of the disease and serum IgE levels. Basophils from patients under 40 years of age generally released a significantly large amount of histamine by stimulation with house dust and anti-IgE. On the other hand, histamine release from patients over 41 years of age was generally not marked when the cells were incubated with house dust and anti-IgE, although, in some cases, the release induced by C. albicans was fairly marked. Basophils from patients under 30 years of age at onset were reactive to house dust and anti-IgE, while the cells from patients over 41 years of age at onset tended to be reactive only to C. albicans. Basophils from patients with low serum IgE levels were less reactive than the cells from patients with high levels of IgE to house dust and anti-IgE. C. albicans-induced release of histamine did not correlate with serum IgE levels.</p

    Spa therapy for patients with chronic obstructive lung disease

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    During last three years, 41 patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (39 cases with bronchial asthma and 2 cases with chronic bronchiolitis) received spa therapy at Department of Medicine, Okayama University Medical School, Misasa Medical Branch. 1. Twenty three (56%) out of 41 cases came from Okayama prefecture and 10 cases (24.4%) from Tottori prefecture for spa therapy. In twenty five (61.0%) out of 41 cases, their ages were over 50 years. 2. Thirty nine patients with bronchial asthma were divided into three asthma types classified by clinical symptoms : Ia ; 16 cases (41.0%), Ib; 13 cases (33.3%) and II ; 10 cases (25.7%). Pulmonary function tests for these patients showed that small airways obstruction was most remarkable in type II asthma. 3. The mean serum IgE level of all asthmatic patients (39 cases) was 653.9U/ml. In skin test by allergens, positive immediate skin reaction was shown in 18 cases (46.2%) by Candida and 12 cases (30.8%) by house dust. Specific IgE anti-bodies were found in 9 cases (23.1%) for house dust and 3 cases (7.7%) for Candida

    Spa therapy for bronchial asthma. Annual changes of characteristics of asthmatics admitted during the past four years.

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    1982年1月から1985年12月までの4年間に三朝分院内科へ入院し,温泉療法を受けた気管支喘息45例を対象にその年次推移を検討した。1.性別:初期2年間は男性の入院症例が多い状況であったが,後期2年間では男女比はほぼ等しかった。2.年令:年次推移はみられず,その平均年令は50±2才の間にあった。3.地域分布:初期2年間は岡山県からの入院症例が多数をしめたが,後期2年間ではむしろ鳥取県からの入院症例が増加する傾向がみられた。4.入院期間:初期2年間の平均入院期間は6.7カ月,6.5カ月とかなり長くなる傾向がみられたが,後期2年間ではそれぞれ3.0カ月,1.5カ月と明らかな短縮傾向がみられた。5.臨床病型:いずれの年度においても重症化傾向の強いⅠb型,Ⅱ型が多くみられたが,各年度間には差はみられなかった。6.ステロイド剤使用状況:年度の経過とともにその使用量は減少して いく傾向が示された。Annual changes of characteristics, sex, area (Prefecture) of patients' coming from, term of admission, clinical classification of asthma and use of glucocorticoids, were examined in 45 patients with bronchial asthma who were admitted at Misasa Hospital, Okayama University Medical School and received spa therapy during the past four years from 1982 to 1985. In the first two years from 1982 to 1983, more patients with bronchial asthma were admitted from Okayama Prefecture, and the majority of them had severe asthma attacks and were more dependent on steroid-therapy. On the other hand, in the past two years from 1984 to 1985, number of patients with bronchial asthma from Tottori Prefecture increases, and their attacks were less severe and less dependent on steroid-therapy compared to the patients admitted during the first two years. Term of admission became shorter in the past two years than in the first two years. Any differences between the first and the past two years were not shown in sex, patient age and asthma types classified by clinical symptoms

    Study on anti-allergic action of Terfenadine

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    選択的H(1)受容体拮抗薬であるTerfenadineの抗アレルギー作用,特にIgE系反応によるヒスタミン,およびCa ionophore A23187による好中球からのleukotrienes遊離に対する抑制作用を,ヒト末梢血白血球を用いて検討した。1.Terfenadineは,抗ヒトIgE刺激による健康人好塩基球および特異抗原刺激による気管支喘息患者好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離に対して,全血法でのin vitro添加実験では有意の抑制作用を示さなかった。 2.洗浄白血球法によるin vitro添加実験では,Terfenadineは特異抗原および抗ヒトIgE刺激時の気管支喘息患者好塩基球からのヒスタミン,Ca ionophore A23187刺激時のleukotriene B(4)遊離に対して有意の抑制効果を示した。3.Terfenadineの内服によるin vivoの抑制実験では,IgE系反応による健康人および気管支喘息患者好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離に対して有意の抑制効果は見られなかったが,特異抗原による皮膚反応に対しては明らかな抑制作用が観察された。以上より,Terfenadineは,組織肥満細胞および組織へと遊走してきた好塩基球に対してはある程度の抑制作用を有しているものと考えられた。Anti-allergic action of terfenadine, one of the H(1) receptor inhibitors, was examined by human basophil histamine release induced by anti-IgE or a specific allergen (house dust), and the release of leukotriens from leucocytes stimulated by Ca ionophore A23187. 1. Terfenadine did not inhibit the release of histamine from basophils of healthy subjects induced by anti-IgE, and also of patients with bronchial asthma induced by house dust when the in vitro examination was performed by a whole blood method. 2. Histamine release from basophils of patients with bronchial asthma was significantly inhibited when washed leucocytes was preincubated with terfenadine in vitro. The release of LT B(4) from leucocytes was also inhibited. 3. In vivo examination of inhibitory action of terfenadine showed no effect on basophil histamine release of healthy subjects by anti-IgE and of asthmatic subjects by house dust, although skin test by house dust in these subjects was inhibited 60 min after administration in vivo. These results show that terfenadine inhibits the release of chemical mediators from tissue mast cells, and basophils migrating into local allergic sites

    好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離に関する研究. 1 自動分析装置による全血からのヒスタミン遊離の測定

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    Histamine released from whole blood was determined by an automated fiuorometric histamine analysis system. The increased release of histamine from basophils by anti-IgE was observed in ten healthy subjects and 12 extrinsic asthma patients, while the release in 11 intrinsic asthma patients was significantly less as compared to that in healthy and extrinsic asthma subjects. House dust extract caused a significant increase in the histamine release from basophils of the extrinsic asthma patients who are sensitive to house dust. It was concluded from this study that histamine released from basophils could be easily determined by an automated analysis system and that the method is useful for the diagnosis and study of allergy.ヒスタミン自動分析装置により,健康人10名,気管支喘息23例の全血からのヒスタミン遊離を測定した. 抗ヒトIgEを添加した際のヒスタミン遊離は,健康人および外因性気管支喘息症例では有意の増加傾向を示したが,一方内因性喘息症例では遊離増加はほとんどみられなかった. ハウスダスト抗原添加では,ハウスダストが抗原である気管支喘息症例においてのみ全血からの有意のヒスタミン遊離の増加が観察された. 以上の結果より,ヒスタミン自動分析装置による全血からの遊離ヒスタミンの測定は,気管支喘息の病態解明の1手段として極めて有用であると考えられる

    Spa therapy for patients with chronic obstructive lung disease

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    Thirty-six patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (34 cases with bronchial asthma, one case with chronic bronchiolitis and one case with pulmonary emphysema) have received spa therapy. Clinical effects of sa therapy on patients with bronchial asthma depended on patient age and asthma types classified by allergic reactions and clinical symptoms. Spa therapy was effective in the cases with ages more than 31 years and the cases with non-atopic type of bronchial asthma. Regarding asthma type classified by clinical symptoms, spa therapy was more effective in the cases with bronchiolar obstructive type and the cases with bronchospasm + hypersecretion type than in the cases with bronchospasm type of bronchial asthma

    Spa therapy for patients with chronic obstructive lung disease

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    Histamine releasse from basophils induced by house dust and C. albicans was examined in 30 patients with bronchial asthma. House dust and C. albicans caused a significant amount of histamine release in subjects with a RAST score to corresponding allergen. A close correlation was found between house dust- and anti-IgE-induced histamine release. However, histamine release induced by C. albicans was considerably different from the release induced by anti-IgE.ハウスダストあるいはカンジダが特異抗原である気管支喘息30例を対象に,それぞれの抗原刺激時の好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離を,抗ヒトIgEによる遊離と比較検討した. 1. ハウスダストが原因抗原である症例の好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離は,抗原刺激時41.8%,抗ヒトIgE刺激時40.8%であった. 2. カンジダが原因抗原である症例の好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離は,抗原刺激時27.1%,抗ヒトIgE刺激時32.2%であった. 3. ハウスダストと抗ヒトIgEによる好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離は,ほぼ同様の値を示した. 一方カンジダと抗ヒトIgEによるヒスタミン遊離の間には有意の 相関関係はみられなかった

    Inhibitory effect of the CA2+ antagonist nifedipine on histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells.

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    45Ca uptake and histamine release was examined in mast cells from rats sensitized with ovalbumin and Bordetella Bertussis as an adjuvant. The uptake of 45Ca by the mast cells was significantly increased by stimulation with ovalbumin as was the release of histamine from the mast cells. Nifedipine, a calcium antagonist, inhibited the increase in both 45Ca uptake and histamine release stimulated by ovalbumin, though the effect on 45Ca uptake was stronger than that on histamine release.</p