4 research outputs found

    Impaired Insulin sensitivity and Insulin secretion in Haemodialysis patients with and without Secondary Hyperparathyroidism

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    The aim of our study was to investigate insulin sensitivity and beta cell function in hemodialysis (HD) patients without diabetes. We hypothesized that parathyroid gland function was a determinant of insulin sensitivity and/or beta cell function. The study was a randomized, cross-sectional one and patients were divided into two groups (total 27 patients), Gp.1 being those with relative hypoparathyroidism (iPTH<200 pg/ml) ­ 9 (33.3%), Gp.2 those with hyperparathyroidism (iPTH200 pg/ml) ­ 18 (66.6%) with Gp.3 (consisting of 43 healthy subjects acting as controls). Insulin resistance and insulin secretion were calculated from fasting serum insulin and glucose concentrations by the Homeostatic Model Assessment score (HOMA IR and HOMA BETA). The value of HOMA IR (3.28±1.3 for Gp.1, 4.80±2.4 for Gp.2, 1.70±0.8 for Gp.3) as well as the glucose level (5.0±1.0mmol/l in Gp.1, 5.2±0.8mmol/ l in Gp.2, 4.6±0.4mmol/l in Gp.3) was significantly higher in HD patients than in control subjects. Excessive insulin secretion was present in HD patients (as assessed by HOMA BETA) significantly higher only in Gp.1 (p=0.02).peer-reviewe


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    Timski rad je u današnjem kulturno pluralističkom društvu postao predmetom uspješnoga poslovanja koji se počeo primjenjivati i u odgojno-obrazovnim institucija- ma. Jedan od načina prikazivanja imidža škole je na mrežnim stranica pa se njiho- vom analizom sadržaja može stvoriti slika o pridavanju važnosti provođenja timsko- ga rada u školama. Cilj je ovog rada na temelju mrežnih stranica svih srednjih škola u Istarskoj i Brodsko-posavskoj županiji utvrditi koliko se često objavljuju tekstovi s ključnom riječi „timski rad“, u kojem kontekstu i komu su namijenjeni. Svrha istraži- vanja je prikupiti podatke o zastupljenosti ključnoga pojma „timski rad“ na mrežnim stranicama spomenutih srednjih škola. Rezultati analize dali su odgovor na pitanje je li timski rad postao dio obrazovne politike u srednjim školama. Nažalost, pokazalo se da se timskom radu ne pridaje veći značaj u objavama koje se mogu naći na mrežnim stranicama navedenih škola


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    Sažetak. Cilj rada. Retrospektivna studija nakon primjene kombiniranog ultrazvučno-biokemijskog testa probira trisomija u prvom tromjesečju trudnoće. Metode. Od veljače 2006. do srpnja 2008. godine probir je učinjen u 1112 trudnica između 10. i 14. tjedna trudnoće. Individualni rizik trisomije 21, 18 i 13 izračunavali smo kombinacijom dobnog rizika trudnice, ultrazvučnih biljega u ploda (debljina nuhalnog nabora – NT, udaljenosti tjeme-trtica – CRL) te biokemijskih biljega u serumu trudnice (slobodni -hCG i PAPP-A), pomoću licenciranog računalnog programa (Typolog). Koncentracije biokemijskih biljega smo određivali imunometrijskom kemiluminiscentnom metodom (IMMULITE). Biokemijske biljege, kao i NT u odnosu na CRL, izrazili smo u obliku višekratnika MoM, u odnosu na dnevne regresijske medijane za odgovarajuću gestaciju u neugroženim trudnoćama. Rezultate smo obradili nakon dovršenih svih ispitanih trudnoća. Ukupno su 62 testirane trudnice imale povećani kombinirani rizik trisomije 21, od kojih je 10 trudnica imalo i povećani rizik trisomije 18/13. Četiri trisomije 21 i jedna trisomija 18 otkrivene su prenatalnom dijagnozom; stopa detekcije bila je 100% (5/5). U trudnica s povećanim rizikom u probiru učinjeno je 7 biopsija koriona i 38 ranih amniocenteza. Udio lažno-pozitivnih rezultata bio je 5.1%. Zaključak. Prvi rezultati provođenja kombiniranog probirnog testa u Hrvatskoj potvrdili su visoku osjetljivost i veću specifičnost, u poredbi s biokemijskim probirnim testom u drugom tromjesečju trudnoće.Objective. Retrospective study of the results of the first-trimester combined screening for fetal trisomies with ultrasound and biochemical markers. Methods. In the period from February 2006 to July 2008, a total of 1112 pregnant-women underwent screening between the 10th and 14th gestational week. Individual risk for trisomies 21, 18 and 13, combining maternal age, ultrasonography (nuchal translucency, crown-rump length) and serum biochemical analytes (free -hCG, PAPP-A) was computed by means of licensed Typolog software. Concentrations of biochemical markers were determined by chemiluminiscent immunometric assay (IMMULITE). Both biochemical markers, as well as NT, were expressed as Multiples of the Median (MoM), based on the regressed medians of the corresponding gestational age in unaffected pregnancies. Results. All studied pregnancies were followed up to term. A total of 62 pregnant women were categorized as high-risk for trisomy 21, and 10 of them had also an elevated risk for trisomies 18/13, respectively. Four trisomies 21 and one trisomy 18 were detected through combined test and confirmed with prenatal diagnostic procedure. Detection rate was 100%. In those with high risk, 7 chorionic villi sampling and 38 amniocenteses were performed. False-positive rate was 5.1%. Conclusion. The results of the first-trimester screening in Croatia confirmed high sensitivity and better specificity of the combined ultrasonic and biochemical markers, in relation with the second-trimester biochemical screening test


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    Sažetak. Cilj rada. Retrospektivna studija nakon primjene kombiniranog ultrazvučno-biokemijskog testa probira trisomija u prvom tromjesečju trudnoće. Metode. Od veljače 2006. do srpnja 2008. godine probir je učinjen u 1112 trudnica između 10. i 14. tjedna trudnoće. Individualni rizik trisomije 21, 18 i 13 izračunavali smo kombinacijom dobnog rizika trudnice, ultrazvučnih biljega u ploda (debljina nuhalnog nabora – NT, udaljenosti tjeme-trtica – CRL) te biokemijskih biljega u serumu trudnice (slobodni -hCG i PAPP-A), pomoću licenciranog računalnog programa (Typolog). Koncentracije biokemijskih biljega smo određivali imunometrijskom kemiluminiscentnom metodom (IMMULITE). Biokemijske biljege, kao i NT u odnosu na CRL, izrazili smo u obliku višekratnika MoM, u odnosu na dnevne regresijske medijane za odgovarajuću gestaciju u neugroženim trudnoćama. Rezultate smo obradili nakon dovršenih svih ispitanih trudnoća. Ukupno su 62 testirane trudnice imale povećani kombinirani rizik trisomije 21, od kojih je 10 trudnica imalo i povećani rizik trisomije 18/13. Četiri trisomije 21 i jedna trisomija 18 otkrivene su prenatalnom dijagnozom; stopa detekcije bila je 100% (5/5). U trudnica s povećanim rizikom u probiru učinjeno je 7 biopsija koriona i 38 ranih amniocenteza. Udio lažno-pozitivnih rezultata bio je 5.1%. Zaključak. Prvi rezultati provođenja kombiniranog probirnog testa u Hrvatskoj potvrdili su visoku osjetljivost i veću specifičnost, u poredbi s biokemijskim probirnim testom u drugom tromjesečju trudnoće.Objective. Retrospective study of the results of the first-trimester combined screening for fetal trisomies with ultrasound and biochemical markers. Methods. In the period from February 2006 to July 2008, a total of 1112 pregnant-women underwent screening between the 10th and 14th gestational week. Individual risk for trisomies 21, 18 and 13, combining maternal age, ultrasonography (nuchal translucency, crown-rump length) and serum biochemical analytes (free -hCG, PAPP-A) was computed by means of licensed Typolog software. Concentrations of biochemical markers were determined by chemiluminiscent immunometric assay (IMMULITE). Both biochemical markers, as well as NT, were expressed as Multiples of the Median (MoM), based on the regressed medians of the corresponding gestational age in unaffected pregnancies. Results. All studied pregnancies were followed up to term. A total of 62 pregnant women were categorized as high-risk for trisomy 21, and 10 of them had also an elevated risk for trisomies 18/13, respectively. Four trisomies 21 and one trisomy 18 were detected through combined test and confirmed with prenatal diagnostic procedure. Detection rate was 100%. In those with high risk, 7 chorionic villi sampling and 38 amniocenteses were performed. False-positive rate was 5.1%. Conclusion. The results of the first-trimester screening in Croatia confirmed high sensitivity and better specificity of the combined ultrasonic and biochemical markers, in relation with the second-trimester biochemical screening test