70 research outputs found


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    The article studies the problem of creating a neural network of modular computing structures for highperformance expressions in the field of information security. The main attention is paid to the reduction technology of position-modular transformation of scalable integers, which serves as the basis for constructing the so-called neural networks of the finite ring (NNFR). To increase the speed of convergence of the reduction scheme used to reduce the number of elements of the generated sequence of residues, an effective tabular method is proposed. The developed approach makes it possible to reduce the number of iterations of the reduction process to a theoretical minimum. This is achieved through flexible adaptive mechanism check botheration deductions to a special range, allowing a tabular decomposition of its elements into pairs of residues in modules of the modular number system. On the basis of a modified reduction method there was synthesized a fast algorithm and a parallel structure of the NNFR with feedback, which ensures the implementation of the reduction scheme in a time order (S(⌈log2b⌉+1) +2)tsum, were S – the number of iterations, b – the bit width of the input number, – the duration of the addition operation of two deductions. Рассматривается проблема создания нейросетевых модулярных вычислительных структур для высокопроизводительных выражений в области защиты информации. Главное внимание уделяется редукционной технологии позиционно-модулярного преобразования масштабируемых целых чисел, которая служит основой для построения так называемых нейронных сетей конечного кольца (НСКК). Для повышения скорости сходимости используемой редукционной схемы понижения разрядности элементов формируемой последовательности вычетов предложен эффективный табличный метод. Разработанный подход позволяет свести к теоретическому минимуму количество итераций редукционного процесса. Это достигается за счет применения гибкого адаптивного механизма проверки принадлежности поитерационных вычетов к специальному диапазону, допускающему табличную декомпозицию его элементов на пары остатков по модулям модулярной системы счисления. На базе модифицированного редукционного метода синтезированы быстрый алгоритм и параллельная структура НСКК с обратной связью, обеспечивающая реализацию редукционной схемы за время (S(⌈log2b⌉+1) +2)tсл , где S – число итераций, b – разрядность входного числа, – длительность операции сложения двух вычетов

    A Novel Dimeric Inhibitor Targeting Beta2GPI in Beta2GPI/Antibody Complexes Implicated in Antiphospholipid Syndrome

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    Background: b2GPI is a major antigen for autoantibodies associated with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), an autoimmune disease characterized by thrombosis and recurrent pregnancy loss. Only the dimeric form of b2GPI generated by anti-b2GPI antibodies is pathologically important, in contrast to monomeric b2GPI which is abundant in plasma. Principal Findings: We created a dimeric inhibitor, A1-A1, to selectively target b2GPI in b2GPI/antibody complexes. To make this inhibitor, we isolated the first ligand-binding module from ApoER2 (A1) and connected two A1 modules with a flexible linker. A1-A1 interferes with two pathologically important interactions in APS, the binding of b2GPI/antibody complexes with anionic phospholipids and ApoER2. We compared the efficiency of A1-A1 to monomeric A1 for inhibition of the binding of b2GPI/antibody complexes to anionic phospholipids. We tested the inhibition of b2GPI present in human serum, b2GPI purified from human plasma and the individual domain V of b2GPI. We demonstrated that when b2GPI/antibody complexes are formed, A1-A1 is much more effective than A1 in inhibition of the binding of b2GPI to cardiolipin, regardless of the source of b2GPI. Similarly, A1-A1 strongly inhibits the binding of dimerized domain V of b2GPI to cardiolipin compared to the monomeric A1 inhibitor. In the absence of anti-b2GPI antibodies, both A1-A1 and A1 only weakly inhibit the binding of pathologically inactive monomeric b2GPI to cardiolipin. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the approach of using a dimeric inhibitor to block b2GPI in the pathologica

    Особенности морфологии листовых рубцов аборигенных и интродуцированных древесных растений Дальнего Востока России

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    Изучена морфология листовых рубцов, а также число и расположение листовых следов у 90 видов древесных растений Дальнего Востока из 28 семейств. Для большинства из изученных видов характерны листовые рубцы средних размеров, полукруглой формы, имеющие 3 листовых следа. Выделенные морфологические признаки варьируют достаточно широко, в т.ч. и у представителей одного вида

    Clarification of secondary area boundaries of North American potentially invasive plant species in the south of the Russian Far East

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    Currently, one of the urgent problems of preserving regional flora is the task of identifying invasive species. For this, it is necessary to monitor the distribution of these species and clarify their cultural areas. Landscaping in the South of the Russian Far East makes extensive use of North American woody plants – ash-leaved maple Acer negundo L., desert false indigo Amorpha fruticosa L., false Virginia creeper Parthenocissus inserta (A. Kern.) Fritsch, staghorn sumac Rhus typhina L. Some of them (desert false indigo, black locust Robinia pseudoacacia L.) actively reproduce vegetatively, sometimes creating continuous thickets. This makes it possible to consider them potentially invasive species for the territory of the south of the Far East, although at present they do not intrude into natural coenoses. At the same time, ash-leaved maple, populating disturbed territories, can subsequently grow together with emerging native species (Siberian elm Ulmus pumila L., Manchurian ash Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr., willows Salix spp.), it may be considered as the first stage of its introduction into natural communities. Rarely, it forms monodominant forest stands. Black locust is often intensively vegetatively distributed and, in some cases, is involved in the formation of secondary plant communities. False Virginia creeper and staghorn sumac are found only at the landing sites, but false Virginia creeper can run wild. Ash-leaved maple has the most extensive secondary range (PrimorskyKrai, Khabarovsk Krai), it is somewhat inferior to false Virginia creeper. The remaining species are distributed in Primorsky Krai only. It is important that, together with North American woody plants, in some cases their pests penetrate. Climate change and anthropogenic factors can lead to expansion of the cultural ranges of both North American woody plant species and their pests


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    The article studies the problem of creating a neural network of modular computing structures for highperformance expressions in the field of information security. The main attention is paid to the reduction technology of position-modular transformation of scalable integers, which serves as the basis for constructing the so-called neural networks of the finite ring (NNFR). To increase the speed of convergence of the reduction scheme used to reduce the number of elements of the generated sequence of residues, an effective tabular method is proposed. The developed approach makes it possible to reduce the number of iterations of the reduction process to a theoretical minimum. This is achieved through flexible adaptive mechanism check botheration deductions to a special range, allowing a tabular decomposition of its elements into pairs of residues in modules of the modular number system. On the basis of a modified reduction method there was synthesized a fast algorithm and a parallel structure of the NNFR with feedback, which ensures the implementation of the reduction scheme in a time order (S(⌈log2b⌉+1) +2)tsum, were S – the number of iterations, b – the bit width of the input number, – the duration of the addition operation of two deductions


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    Clinical, anamnestic and immunological features, type of interrelation between organic and neurophysiologic brain disorders as well as peculiarities of pharmacotherapy were investigated in 166 patients suffering from epilepsy (E) combined with organic encephalopathy (OE). The morbid state in E and OE patients was found to be manifested by syndrome complexes, with each of them dominating at a certain stage. E intencity was noticed to depend on the type of cerebral structural-morphological disorders. The evaluation criteria of the severity degree (diagnostic algorithm to assessment of condition) of E progressing in interconnection with OE were developed. Specificity of topographic interrelations of morphological and neurophysiological brain defects were found to influence epileptogenesis level. The conclusion is that maladaptive influence of OE on mechanisms of cerebral homeostasis compensation in E results in lowering of OE responsiveness to pharmacologic treatment and requires more intensive therapy