7 research outputs found

    A több évtizeden át tartó testedzés hatása az irizin hormon szintjére

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    Kutatásunk során célul tűztük ki, hogy felderítsük az élethosszon át tartó edzés hatását a vér irizin szintjére. Vizsgálatunkban edzett és nem edzett közép/időskorú személyek vettek részt. Az irizin hormon, ami egy myokin és adipokin, a fizikai aktivitás során termelődik a peroxiszóma proliferátor aktivált receptor gamma koaktivátor 1 alfa (PGC1A) fehérje jelenlétében. Az irizin számos fontos élettani hatással bír, melyek főként fizikai aktivitás hatására aktiválódnak. Elsősorban a szervezet anyagcsere folyamatait szabályozza, de kapcsolatba hozták már az agyműködéssel és a telomer hosszal is. Legjobb tudomásunk szerint korábban nem vizsgálták még a több évtizedes edzés hatását az irizinre. Eredményeink alapján azt találtuk, hogy az irizin hormon szintje nem mutat korrelációt a VO2max értékkel. Többváltozós regressziós analízis alkalmazása során az irizin és a HDL koncentrációja a vérben korrelációt mutatott egymással a különböző funkcionális paraméterek figyelembe vétele mellett. Maximális erő mérés eredményei alapján az edzett és az edzetlen férfi csoport nagyobb maximális erővel rendelkezik, mint az edzett és edzetlen női csoport, azonban a két férfi csoport között nem mutatható ki különbség. Az edzett férfiak robbanékony ereje nagyobb a két női csoporthoz képest. A becsült VO2max értékek szignifikánsan magasabbak az edzett férfi csoportban az edzetlen csoportokhoz képest. Az edzett nők magasabb HDL szinttel rendelkeznek, mint az edzetlen férfiak és az edzetlen nők. A HDL, mint előnyös funkciókkal rendelkező lipoprotein, elképzelhető, hogy hasonló élettani adaptációs folyamatok mentén fejti ki a hatásait, mint az irizin. A VO2max és az irizin szint között nem találtunk korrelációt, amiből arra következtethetünk, hogy az edzésre adott élettani válaszok komplexebbek annál, minthogy egyetlen mutatóval próbáljuk meg jellemezni azt

    Exercise combined with postbiotics treatment results in synergistic improvement of mitochondrial function in the brain of male transgenic mice for Alzheimer’s disease

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    Abstract Background It has been suggested that exercise training and postbiotic supplement could decelerate the progress of functional and biochemical deterioration in double transgenic mice overexpresses mutated forms of the genes for human amyloid precursor protein (APPsw) and presenilin 1 (m146L) (APP/PS1TG). Our earlier published data indicated that the mice performed better than controls on the Morris Maze Test parallel with decreased occurrence of amyloid-β plaques in the hippocampus. We investigated the neuroprotective and therapeutic effects of high-intensity training and postbiotic supplementation. Methods Thirty-two adult APP/PS1TG mice were randomly divided into four groups: (1) control, (2) high-intensity training (3) postbiotic, (4) combined (training and postbiotic) treatment for 20 weeks. In this study, the whole hemibrain without hippocampus was used to find molecular traits explaining improved brain function. We applied qualitative RT-PCR for gene expression, Western blot for protein level, and Zymography for LONP1 activity. Disaggregation analysis of Aβ-40 was performed in the presence of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum lysate. Results We found that exercise training decreased Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)-related gene expression (NF-kB) that was not affected by postbiotic treatment. The preparation used for postbiotic treatment is composed of tyndallized Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus acidophilus. Both of the postbiotics effectively disaggregated amyloid-β/Aβ-40 aggregates by chelating Zn2+ and Cu2+ ions. The postbiotic treatment decreased endogenous human APPTG protein expression and mouse APP gene expression in the hemibrains. In addition, the postbiotic treatment elevated mitochondrial LONP1 activity as well. Conclusion Our findings revealed distinct mechanisms behind improved memory performance in the whole brain: while exercise training modulates NF-kB signaling pathway regulating immune response until postbiotic diminishes APP gene expression, disaggregates pre-existing amyloid-β plaques and activates mitochondrial protein quality control in the region of brain out of hippocampus. Using the above treatments complements and efficiently slows down the development of AD

    The Functional Heterogeneity of Neutrophil-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Reflects the Status of the Parent Cell

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    Similar to other cell types, neutrophilic granulocytes also release extracellular vesicles (EVs), mainly medium-sized microvesicles/microparticles. According to published data, authors have reached a consensus on the physical parameters (size, density) and chemical composition (surface proteins, proteomics) of neutrophil-derived EVs. In contrast, there is large diversity and even controversy in the reported functional properties. Part of the discrepancy may be ascribed to differences in the viability of the starting cells, in eliciting factors, in separation techniques and in storage conditions. However, the most recent data from our laboratory prove that the same population of neutrophils is able to generate EVs with different functional properties, transmitting pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory effects on neighboring cells. Previously we have shown that Mac-1 integrin is a key factor that switches anti-inflammatory EV generation into pro-inflammatory and antibacterial EV production. This paper reviews current knowledge on the functional alterations initiated by neutrophil-derived EVs, listing their effects according to the triggering agents and target cells. We summarize the presence of neutrophil-derived EVs in pathological processes and their perspectives in diagnostics and therapy. Finally, the functional heterogeneity of differently triggered EVs indicates that neutrophils are capable of producing a broad spectrum of EVs, depending on the environmental conditions prevailing at the time of EV genesis

    Neutrophils produce proinflammatory or anti-inflammatory extracellular vesicles depending on the environmental conditions

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are important elements of intercellular communication. A plethora of different, occasionally even opposite, physiologic and pathologic effects have been attributed to these vesicles in the last decade. A direct comparison of individual observations is however hampered by the significant differences in the way of elicitation, collection, handling, and storage of the investigated vesicles. In the current work, we carried out a careful comparative study on 3, previously characterized types of EVs produced by neutrophilic granulocytes. We investigated in parallel the modulation of multiple blood-related cells and functions by medium-sized vesicles. We show that EVs released from resting neutrophils exert anti-inflammatory action by reducing production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cytokine release from neutrophils. In contrast, vesicles generated upon encounter of neutrophils with opsonized particles rather promote proinflammatory processes as they increase production of ROS and cytokine secretion from neutrophils and activate endothelial cells. EVs released from apoptosing cells were mainly active in promoting coagulation. We thus propose that EVs are "custom made," acquiring selective capacities depending on environmental factors prevailing at the time of their biogenesis