12 research outputs found

    The Influence of Internal Communication Against the Effectiveness of the Service in the Office of the Head of Mandolang Regency of Minahasa in North Sulawesi Province

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    The purpose of this research is to know the extent of the influence of communication internalagainst the effectiveness of the sevices in the Office of the head of Mandolang District Minahasa in NorthSulawesi Province. This research using quantitative research methods. With the samples used is SaturatedSampling are 35 people. Based on a simple linier regression analysis showed that there is influence ofinternal communication between (X) and (Y) work efficiency. It is evident simple linier regression equationof Y=14,613 + 0,538 X + e. for calculation of the correlation relationship is category of being, This evidencedby the r value 0,565 interpretation advanced by Sugiono are in the interval (0,00-0,199). And the value ofthe coefficient of determination is 31,9% indicating that the influence of internal commucation against theeffectiveness of the service namely 31,9% and the rest is 68,1% influenced by variables that are not includedin this research.From the results of the comparism of the value of a sig (0,03) a (0,05) these authors conclude thatinternal influential communication significantly to the effectiveness of the sevices Head Office Mandolangin the Regency of Minahasa in North Sulawesi province. Then the hypothesis in this study was acceptedH1and H0 denied

    Peranan Camat dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Kecamatan Rainis Kabupaten Kepulaun Talaud

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    The purpose of this study was to determime how camat rolein empowering communities in the districtRainis Talaud islands district. The method used is descriptive gualitative method. The focus of research includes: The subdistrict govermments to encourage public participation in delelopment planning in the district; role toguide the work units implementing the orogram/community developmend activities in the district; successfulresearch informants interviewd as many as 10 persons namely : 2 sub-district government officials, 2 villageheads 2, 2 Orang LMP members, two community leaders, and two villagers data collection technigues usedwere interviews. Data was analysed using qualitative descriptive analysis technigues-interactive model of Milesand Huberann. Based on the results of the study conclude : (1) role toencourage public participation indevelopment planning in the discussion forum of development planning in the district has done fairiy weill; (2)role to provide guidance to the working units of government and community organization in the district havebeen done fairily well ; (3) role in empowering communities through the role to supervise theprogram/community development activities whether perpetrated by units of government work and civil societyorganizations have also done fairly well. Based on these conciusions suggested : (1) let more active inmobilizing the community to engage in development planning at the vollage and sub-district; (2) let moreeffective coordination meeting forum/consultation on guidance to the work units that acted uponprogram/activities of people in the district pemerdayaan; (3) let improve the implementation ofmonitoring/pemantauan and reporting systems on a regular basis about the implementation ofprogram/community development activities in the district

    Kualitas Sumberdaya Manusia Pesisir Pantai (Studi di Desa Kahakitang Kecamatan Tatoareng Kabupaten Sangihe)

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    Summary: Human resources is divided into two, namely, human resource macro is a resident of a countrythat has already entered the age of the work force, either not working or who are already working. Whileunderstanding the micro is the individual work and became a member of a company or institution and iscommonly referred to as employees, workers, employees, workers, labor and others Nawawi (2003:37).Coastal communities need real activities that can build their economies without eliminating the culture andcharacteristics of coastal communities, the required form of community-based activities.This research uses descriptive qualitative approach method. This study describes the data obtainedfrom the results of research on the quality of human resources the coast (study in the village of Kahakitangsub-district of Tatoareng Regency Sangihe). In qualitative research, data collection is done by observation,in-depth interviews and documentation.Based on research results drawn the conclusion that the quality of human resources viewed fromthree indicators categorized quite well. The quality of human resources in particular physical health fishingcommunities quite well seen from the community who care about their own health and are already providinghealth support facilities and infrastructure for the community. For the quality of intellectual (education andtraining) itself is also quite good because there's been an effort of the Government in the fulfillment of theeducational infrastructure and facilities for the community as well as the already existing cooperation withthe Fisheries Agency in empowering human resources especially fishing communities. The quality ofhuman resources in terms of the spiritual quality of its own quite well seen from the daily life of fishingcommunities in the society and harmony between religious communities in compliance, and comply withthe rules made by the Government, as well as the morale of the fishing communities in doing his job. So theGovernment in directing the village empowerment on fishing communities the quality should be on theincrease, the application of the improved quality of HUMAN RESOURCES through three indicators,namely physical quality and health, the quality of intellectual (education and training) and spiritualqualities.This issue became important note for the Government because of the presence of obstacles wherethe quality of HUMAN RESOURCES more precisely to improve the quality of HUMAN RESOURCES wasgoing to be difficult, therefore, needs to be awareness of the Government and the community. The qualityof human resources in realizing better or boost community empowerment which is better then theGovernment should be in driving, giving information, and facilitate Community fishermen

    Implementasi Kebijakan Retribusi Pasar Bersehati Kecamatan Wenang Kota Manado.

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    This research aims to know the implementation of the policyof retributionMarket Bersehati Subdistrict Detention Manado city. Thisstudy uses qualitative methods with selected informants consisted of Director of PD. The market townof Manado, head of Retribution PD. Manado City Market, Bersehati Market,Officer Coordinator/Billers Levy Bersehati Market, and Traders in the market Bersehati. Datacollection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. Qualitative datawereanalyzed with descriptive narrative supported by primary and secondary data.The results showed thatthe implementation of policies related Market levy Bersehati sub-district of Manado City Detention hasshown a fairly good results, in terms ofattitude, and the compliance officer in carrying out the policy. Thiscan be seen on the Apparatus involved in the implementation of the Bersehati sub-districtof Markets ballot levy arbitrary arrest city that transparency in carrying out the tasks and always refers tothe existing regulations. In addition the adequacy of manpower is already implementing a policy that is goodwith officers and employees of the PD marketManado city that exists in the market Bersehati. Similarly, thedecisions taken in case of problems or constraints in implementation is always good for the commongoodparty PD. Manado City Market or user community market. However for the benefit of employees andresponse against complaint merchants still showed a less good results. Similarly, the strategies used are alljust communication and sosialisai without any action even though the degree of change that's been good tobe achieved, namely repair and upgrading of infrastructure and quality of service. So consequently thetraders became feel aggrieved

    Kriteria Manajemen Pelayanan pada Penyusunan Program Kerja di Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    In carrying out the service management criteria there are also various complicated matters,such as in government agencies, especially the unity of the nation and politics are also inseparable fromthe various problems that convolve I. Judging from the reality of some problems such is not beingconsidered the criteria of service management to the planning in the preparation of work programs,such us professionalism and skill, attitudes and behavior, accessibility and flexibility, reability andtrustworthiness, recovery, reputation credibilityRresearch by as much as 10 (ten) informant: 1 person head of department, 1 secretary, 1 head of sub.Planning, 1 head of sub. General, 6 civil state apparatus. Data collection techniques used are interview,observation, and documentation. As well as data analysis techniques used are data reduction,presentation, and conclusion

    Implementasi Program Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan di Kota Manado

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    The Social Security National is a system of the implementation of the country andthe government to provide social protection, so that each of the population meet the basicneeds of the life, to the realization of social welfare for the entire population of Indonesia.The type of the social security encompasses health insurance, guarantee the accident, death,the old days, retirement. Implementation of the 5 (five) programs of social security in thesocial security system of national is expected to reach membership of the labor force arewidely an ongoing basis, so that the people can meet basic needs as well as a guarantee ofliving either working in the formal and informal. The program guarantees social employmentbe seen from 4 of the implementation according to Edward III that is communication,resources, disposisi, and the structure of bureaucracy.The research is using the method of approach to a qualitative descriptive through indepthinterviews to the 10 people was an informer. Observation and the additionaldocuments in the form of a list of guidelines for the interview, tape recorder, and the paper.The result showed that in general the implementation of the guarantee of employmentis not good