305 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic mean field solutions of 1D exclusion processes with spatially varying hopping rates

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    We analyze the open boundary partially asymmetric exclusion process with smoothly varying internal hopping rates in the infinite-size, mean field limit. The mean field equations for particle densities are written in terms of Ricatti equations with the steady-state current JJ as a parameter. These equations are solved both analytically and numerically. Upon imposing the boundary conditions set by the injection and extraction rates, the currents JJ are found self-consistently. We find a number of cases where analytic solutions can be found exactly or approximated. Results for JJ from asymptotic analyses for slowly varying hopping rates agree extremely well with those from extensive Monte Carlo simulations, suggesting that mean field currents asymptotically approach the exact currents in the hydrodynamic limit, as the hopping rates vary slowly over the lattice. If the forward hopping rate is greater than or less than the backward hopping rate throughout the entire chain, the three standard steady-state phases are preserved. Our analysis reveals the sensitivity of the current to the relative phase between the forward and backward hopping rate functions.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Theoretical Investigation of Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Processes on Lattices with Junctions

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    Totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes on lattices with junctions, where particles interact with hard-core exclusion and move on parallel lattice branches that at the junction combine into a single lattice segment, are investigated. A simple approximate theory, that treats the correlations around the junction position in a mean-field fashion, is developed in order to calculate stationary particle currents, density profiles and a phase diagram. It is shown that there are three possible stationary phases depending on the state of each of the lattice branch. At first-order phase boundaries, where the density correlations are important, a modified phenomenological domain-wall theory, that accounts for correlations, is introduced. Extensive Monte Carlo computer simulations are performed to investigate the system, and it is found that they are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Understanding Mechanochemical Coupling in Kinesins Using First-Passage Time Processes

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    Kinesins are processive motor proteins that move along microtubules in a stepwise manner, and their motion is powered by the hydrolysis of ATP. Recent experiments have investigated the coupling between the individual steps of single kinesin molecules and ATP hydrolysis, taking explicitly into account forward steps, backward steps and detachments. A theoretical study of mechanochemical coupling in kinesins, which extends the approach used successfully to describe the dynamics of conventional motor proteins, is presented. The possibility of irreversible detachments of kinesins from the microtubules is also explicitly taken into account. Using the method of first- passage times, experimental data on the mechanochemical coupling in kinesins are fully described using the simplest two-state model. It is shown that the dwell times for the kinesin to move one step forward or backward, or to dissociate irreversibly are the same, although the probabilities of these events are different. It is concluded that the current theoretical view, that only the forward motion of the motor protein molecule is coupled to ATP hydrolysis, is consistent with all available experimental observations for kinesins.Comment: Submitted to Biophysical Journa

    Local Inhomogeneity in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes with Extended Objects

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    Totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes (TASEP) with particles which occupy more than one lattice site and with a local inhomogeneity far away from the boundaries are investigated. These non-equilibrium processes are relevant for the understanding of many biological and chemical phenomena. The steady-state phase diagrams, currents, and bulk densities are calculated using a simple approximate theory and extensive Monte Carlo computer simulations. It is found that the phase diagram for TASEP with a local inhomogeneity is qualitatively similar to homogeneous models, although the phase boundaries are significantly shifted. The complex dynamics is discussed in terms of domain-wall theory for driven lattice systems.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Current reversal and exclusion processes with history-dependent random walks

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    A class of exclusion processes in which particles perform history-dependent random walks is introduced, stimulated by dynamic phenomena in some biological and artificial systems. The particles locally interact with the underlying substrate by breaking and reforming lattice bonds. We determine the steady-state current on a ring, and find current-reversal as a function of particle density. This phenomenon is attributed to the non-local interaction between the walkers through their trails, which originates from strong correlations between the dynamics of the particles and the lattice. We rationalize our findings within an effective description in terms of quasi-particles which we call front barriers. Our analytical results are complemented by stochastic simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Inhomogeneous Coupling in Two-Channel Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes

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    Asymmetric exclusion processes for particles moving on parallel channels with inhomogeneous coupling are investigated theoretically. Particles interact with hard-core exclusion and move in the same direction on both lattices, while transitions between the channels is allowed at one specific location in the bulk of the system. An approximate theoretical approach that describes the dynamics in the vertical link and horizontal lattice segments exactly but neglects the correlation between the horizontal and vertical transport is developed. It allows us to calculate stationary phase diagrams, particle currents and densities for symmetric and asymmetric transitions between the channels. It is shown that in the case of the symmetric coupling there are three stationary phases, similarly to the case of single-channel totally asymmetric exclusion processes with local inhomogeneity. However, the asymmetric coupling between the lattices lead to a very complex phase diagram with ten stationary-state regimes. Extensive Monte Carlo computer simulations generally support theoretical predictions, although simulated stationary-state properties slightly deviate from calculated in the mean-field approximation, suggesting the importance of correlations in the system. Dynamic properties and phase diagrams are discussed by analyzing constraints on the particle currents across the channels

    Sequence Heterogeneity Accelerates Protein Search for Targets on DNA

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    The process of protein search for specific binding sites on DNA is fundamentally important since it marks the beginning of all major biological processes. We present a theoretical investigation that probes the role of DNA sequence symmetry, heterogeneity and chemical composition in the protein search dynamics. Using a discrete-state stochastic approach with a first-passage events analysis, which takes into account the most relevant physical-chemical processes, a full analytical description of the search dynamics is obtained. It is found that, contrary to existing views, the protein search is generally faster on DNA with more heterogeneous sequences. In addition, the search dynamics might be affected by the chemical composition near the target site. The physical origins of these phenomena are discussed. Our results suggest that biological processes might be effectively regulated by modifying chemical composition, symmetry and heterogeneity of a genome.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Duality and phase diagram of one dimensional transport

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    The observation of duality by Mukherji and Mishra in one dimensional transport problems has been used to develop a general approach to classify and characterize the steady state phase diagrams. The phase diagrams are determined by the zeros of a set of coarse-grained functions without the need of detailed knowledge of microscopic dynamics. In the process, a new class of nonequilibrium multicritical points has been identified.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures (4 eps files