3 research outputs found

    Cultural Landscape Design in Nigeria during the Pre-Colonial, Colonial and Twenty-First Century.

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    Landscape is an integral part of man’s environment and the term in relation to a place may invoke the creation and experience of multiple meanings. This research investigates the relationship between landscapes in Nigeria during the precolonial, colonial and the twenty-first century. It looks at the influences of colonialism on landscape design, which seeks to find out how Nigeria has fared in its land use planning. The research highlighted the continued importance of historically constituted landscape upon which present-day activities in Nigeria are performed, and also considered the existing relationships of the present to the past. This paper through intensive review of relevant literature - books, journals and seminar papers amongst other documents, critically examined the factors that best answer the objectives of the study. The paper also outlines outdoor spaces that connect individuals to their social, economic and religious or cultural activities. It reviewed reasons that necessitate the proper organisation or arrangement that landscape design is concerned with. The paper recommended adequate implementation of town planning laws such as the active participation of the masses. Keywords: architecture, cultural landscape, design, environment DOI: 10.7176/CER/11-2-08 Publication date:March 31st 201

    Traditional domestic interiors in the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial periods: the Nigerian case

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    The culture of a people is defined by their social environment, which leads to different needs and wants, and the interpretation of these requirements. This paper discusses the domestic interior scene in Nigeria during the pre-colonial, colonial and postcolonial eras, taking Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba cultures as cases, which reflect the country’s diversity. There are several studies carried out by researchers in the field of interior design. However, the study of the Nigerian interior is an area not widely covered; thus, this paper examines the traditional interior design practices in order to establish the influences of the domestic interior and highlight important aspects of the country’s culture in a bid to preserve its rich heritage which is gradually fading away. The study reveals that traditional architecture is a product of the physical environment and cultural needs in creating a fusion between the traditional interiors and the contemporary


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    Men and women both experience space in different ways. Women are considered to occupy a high position in society due to their socio-cultural roles played. They are custodians of the domestic space; as such, they are positioned with how traditional spaces are constituted. Furthermore, spaces configured in vernacular architecture embody cultural meaning and values. One of the most important spaces within the home is the bedroom, often considered a space for copulation and rest. However, for the women, the cultural values of the bedroom go beyond its function as a resting place in most cultures. As such this study embarked on understanding the meaning and values of the bedroom of the Nupe woman and how it is spatially configured to meet her cultural identity and values. The research employed a qualitative approach toward a deep understanding of how the bedroom space of the Nupe woman is constituted spatially. The elicitation of data was carried out in 5 different Nupe communities and the content analysis of the transcribed interviews showcases a convergence in the character and meaning of the Nupe woman’s bedroom to be a space with distinctive cultural values, beyond it being a space for rest, but which is also filled with the history of the past and preserved for the future.I muškarci i žene doživljavaju prostor na različite načine. Za žene se smatra da zauzimaju visok položaj u društvu zbog svog socio-kulturnog aspekta. Oni su čuvari domaćeg prostora, i kao takvi su pozicionirani sa načinom na koji su tradicionalni prostori konstituisani. Štaviše, prostori konfigurisani u narodnoj arhitekturi otelotvoruju kulturno značenje i vrednosti. Jedan od najvažnijih prostora u kući je spavaća soba koja se često smatra prostorom za kopulaciju i odmor. Međutim, kulturne vrednosti spavaće sobe prevazilaze njenu funkciju odmorišta u većini kultura, posebno one za žene. Kao takva, ova studija je krenula u razumevanje značenja i vrednosti spavaće sobe žene Nupe i kako je ona prostorno konfigurisana da zadovolji njen kulturni identitet i vrednosti. Istraživanje je koristilo kvalitativni pristup ka dubokom razumevanju kako je prostor spavaće sobe žene Nupe konstituisan prostorno. Prikupljanje podataka obavljeno je u 5 različitih zajednica Nupe, a analiza sadržaja transkribovanih intervjua pokazuje približavanje karaktera i značenja ženske spavaće sobe Nupe kao prostora sa karakterističnim kulturnim vrednostima, osim što je prostor za odmor, ali koji je takođe ispunjen istorijom prošlosti i sačuvan za budućnos