27 research outputs found

    Recyclierbare Leichtbauverbundstrukturen aus natürlichen und mechanisch wiederverwerteten Faserstoffen

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    Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die Arbeiten im SFB 532 in den Teilprojekten B1-B3 Textil und im Teilprojekt E1 Produktionstechnik. Es werden Garnherstellungsverfahren erklärt und produzierte Garnvarianten gezeigt. Es erfolgt die Beschreibung der Maschinenentwicklungen im Bereich der 2D- und 3D Textilien. Durch die Ermittlung der mechanischen Kennwerte können Vergleiche zwischen Rovings, Garnen und Textilien durchgeführt werden. Für den Bereich der Produktionstechnik wird ein Konzept für eine kontinuierlich arbeitende Anlage zur Herstellung textilbewehrter Betonelemente

    Serum-free media for the growth of primary bovine myoblasts

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    The demand for meat is expected to exceed production capacity by livestock in the coming decennia. Therefore, cultured beef might be a viable alternative to traditional livestock-derived beef. One of the problems however is the sustainability of cultured beef through the use of fetal bovine serum. We aimed to identify a serum-free medium or a serum-replacement that is as effective as the current method used for culturing bovine myoblasts. Cells were harvested from a female Blanc Bleu Belge cow and myoblasts were subsequently isolated. Cells were cultured in either Advanced DMEM containing 20% FBS and 10% HS or one of the chemically-defined, serum-free media for 6 days. MTS was used as a measure of cell proliferation at day 1, 4 or 6 and microscopic pictures were taken to assess cell morphology. FBM (TM), TesR (TM) and Essential 8 (TM) are commercially available xeno-free media developed for human PSCs and fibroblasts, with the highest potential to sustain bovine myoblast proliferation. Of the supplements tested, XenoFree (TM) and a custom-prepared growth factor mix failed to stimulate cell proliferation. LipoGro (TM) stimulated cell proliferation in some cases but also changed the phenotype of myoblasts to an adipocyte-like phenotype. We conclude that serum-free media stimulate exponential cell expansion, albeit not to the extent of the current growth medium containing up to 30% serum. Further research is needed to investigate whether prolonged cell culture or an adaptation period could further increase cell proliferation

    Integrierter Umweltschutz in der Textilindustrie. Teilvorhaben 1: Recyclierbare textile Leichtbauverbundstrukturen aus natuerlichen und mechanisch wiederverwerteten Faserstoffen fuer Automobil-Innenverkleidungen (ReLAI) Abschlussbericht

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    Studies have been carried on the recyclability of post-user automobile parts. Focusion on the environment protection legislation for end-life cars, use of recycled polypropylene fibers obtained from carpet scrap for the production of PP/flax fiber hybrid non-wovens for interior linings has been investigated, and appropriate recycling and reprocessing methods and processing lines have been developed. Whole-life costs were calculated for the recycled materials and compared with common disposal processes.SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F02B1293 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman